However, as believers and nuns, Aaron and Sasha had a relatively good life, at least they didn't have to run around for three meals.

Long Cheng, like most people, works part-time in the town, and it's all about experiencing life. Occasionally, when he gets bored, he goes to practice in the nearby mountains and forests.

Hearing Tenma's words, Sasha suddenly grabbed his hand with a snap, but because of too much strength, Tenma couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

"Then... let's think it looks good from now on! Because from now on, Brother Aaron, Brother Long Cheng and I will be here!

It doesn't matter if you're's unlikely it's okay...but it's okay! let's go back together. "

After Sasha finished talking in a roundabout way, she looked at the three of them with a blushing face.

"I remember your name is Sasha... I really can't do anything about you."

The sunset-colored eyes couldn't help showing a smile.


"Gulu Gulu...the stage is about to start turning...I really want to see...the ending of the four of you."

The frivolous middle-aged man wearing a top hat and stubble on his face murmured softly.


In the days that followed, everyone became lively because of Tianma's joining.

However, the impulsive and hot-blooded Tianma will always have conflicts with other people. Whenever this happens, Longcheng and Tianma will rush to the front, and Sasha will protect the weak Aaron.

Tianma, who was born able to perceive the small universe, and Longcheng, who could use the energy of nature, were certainly not beaten by ordinary children in the village. As time passed, few people dared to provoke them, at most they only dared to speak ill of them behind their backs.


"Article [-], I must win this time... Woohoo!"

Tenma stands on a rock by the river and pulls a simple wooden fishing rod.However, because the prey struggled too suddenly, Tianma slipped and fell into the clear river.

When Tianma lifted the fishing rod, there was only a sharp hook left at the end of the fishing line.

"Hahaha, Tianma is so stupid."

The girl squatted by the river and laughed happily.

"What's so funny, Sasha."

"I said... just give up, Tianma, you can't beat Brother Long Cheng at all."

"Damn it... why does Brother Long Cheng not need a fishing rod to catch the fish, and the fish is directly in your hands?"

Tianma said frantically, while Sasha and Longcheng laughed, causing Aaron who was at the side to draw the three of them with charcoal on the sketch in front of him.

"However, that's really amazing. How did you do it, Brother Long Cheng?"

"This... I'm just talking to them."

Long Cheng stood by the river with his upper body bare, holding two river fish in his hands, and said with a slight smile.

This is something that he can do naturally after he completes the integration of [Tianshu] and [Holy Canon].

Although due to the black hole in his body, his cultivation base has not increased much, but his soul and body have been improved.

And Long Cheng also understood the benefits he got - the eighth sense, but this is not the eighth sense o Alaya consciousness of the small universe.

In the original book, only Leo Regulus and his father Ilias have successfully reached this realm.

After entering this realm, Long Cheng only felt that everything in this world was like his own family, and endless natural energy poured into his body continuously and was absorbed by the black hole.

"What, I don't understand at all..."

"I see!"

"What do you know? Brother Long Cheng."

"That must be because you are too stupid, Tenma."

"Hahaha, Tenma is an idiot."

"Damn!!! You two show me the trick!"

Being called stupid by the two of them, Tenma went crazy in an instant and poured water on the two of them directly.

"Ah! Brother Longcheng, let's make him look good!"

Sasha directly dragged Long Cheng into the river, and started playing with Tianma, not caring about being soiled by sand.

Aaron, on the other hand, was writing furiously until...he was also tricked.

"Ah, it's so cold~" After playing for a while, Sasha put her arms around her chest tremblingly.

"Really, this is for you, Sasha, you go and change your wet clothes first.

Tenma, Aaron, please start a fire. "

Long Cheng handed over the dry clothes on the shore to Sasha, and then began to deal with the river fish caught by everyone.

"Thank you, Brother Longcheng." Sasha ran to the side grass in a blushing cloth that turned out to be baggy.

"Leave it to us, I'm so hungry, I really want to eat brother Longcheng's grilled fish soon."

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