Tenma then took Aaron to find dry wood and kindling.

Not long after, a small bonfire was slowly rising by the river, and the orange-red flame brought comfortable warmth to everyone.

In the [-]th century, materials were still relatively scarce, and even salt was considered a relatively extravagant thing.

After simply handling the caught river fish, Longcheng stuffed a few wild fruits into the belly of the fish and grilled it by the campfire.

There were nine river fish in total, Tianma caught four and Long Cheng caught five.

It didn't take long before a faint scent came. The three boys, Long Cheng, Tianma, and Ya Lun, grilled two fish each, while Sasha got three.

Naturally, Tianma and Aaron have no objection to Longcheng's distribution, who made Sasha everyone's little sister.

Naturally, the portion of two grilled fish is not big, but since they are only children, it is enough to fill them up.

"It's delicious. Brother Longcheng's grilled fish is delicious. Tianma only burns the fish."

Sasha was wearing a slightly baggy cloth, sitting beside Long Cheng shaking her bare feet, talking while eating grilled fish.

"What a long-winded, eat your fish.

Next time, next time I must win! "Tianma curled his lips dissatisfied...

Aaron smiled gently, and then showed his work to everyone.

In the picture, three children are splashing water, their faces are filled with indescribable happiness.

411. Sisyphus

In 1742, Europe, a small town in Italy.

No matter who you are, a beautiful, innocent childhood is limited.

'Time, please stay. '

If you can know that moment is coming, I believe most people will feel this way.Because at that moment, it will always seem unexpected and unacceptable.

"a ha ha ha……"

Four teenagers and girls ran in the alleys of the slums, and their brisk laughter brought some vitality to this dilapidated neighborhood.

A tall and handsome young man with dark brown short hair was walking through the slums step by step with a golden box on his back, as if he was looking for something.

"Ah! It hurts!"

"Here you are, Aaron, this is something very important."

Long Cheng and Sasha helped Aaron who had fallen, and Tianma picked up the picture book that fell on the ground and handed it to Aaron.

"Thank you, Pegasus."

Looking at Sasha, who had purple mid-length hair and was wearing a nun's costume among the four, the young man came heavily in front of the four and knelt down on one knee.

"We have been looking for you...Master Athena..."

"Athena...? Me...?"

"Yes... You shouldn't have been born here. For the sake of the coming holy war, please return to the place where you should be to guide us."

"Holy war... where it should be...?"

Perhaps frightened by the young man's heavy face, Sasha retreated behind Long Cheng and whispered.

Long Cheng held Sasha's trembling little hand, "Don't worry, I will protect Sasha well."

"What are you talking about, you bastard...where do you want to take Sasha!" Tianma said angrily.

Aaron also glared at the young man very rarely.

"I can understand your feelings...but we don't have enough time.

Now the signs of Hades' resurrection have appeared, and the earth is under threat.

If you stay here, you will be in danger yourself!

Please, whatever, whatever..."

'This is the mission of a saint.Even if it is as predicted by the book of Delphi... I will become a great sinner in the sanctuary...

That's good, that's the way to save the earth. '

After negotiating with people from the church, the young man decided to take Sasha away in three days.


On a sunny afternoon, the four enjoyed their last time by the river.

"Brother Long Cheng, Brother Aaron, and Tianma... It's ready, a four-person wreath."

"Well done, Sasha."

"Ah, which man wears this stuff, it hurts so much!" Tianma stroked his head and looked beside him.

"You can wear it if I give it to you." Long Cheng put the wreath in Sasha's hand on his left wrist.

"Tenma, you idiot! Because I'm going to be taken far away. So in order not to forget the time we are together now, I made this wreath with countless prayers.

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