Even if the darkness takes over his body, I believe he is still our partner. "

Rias looked at Patriarch Vladi sincerely and said to him.

"...Xiaojia is my important friend. It is the first friend of the same age I made."

Kitten also said that among her peers, Kitten and Gaspar had the best relationship.

"The important thing has always been the present moment. I don't care how the past Gasper existed abnormally. I only know that the current Gasper is my lovely junior and worrying disciple. He... is our partner. !"

"That's right, if Xiaojia is neither human nor vampire, then Gasper is a demon. Anyway, I personally made him reincarnated as a demon, no matter what his true face is, there is no doubt, Those children are the demons of the Gremory family."

Hearing the three people's answers, Gaspar's father smiled slightly, "...We can't understand this kind of emotion, but...that's how it is. Since I have seen that kind of power and can say such words, at least I can think that thing has been redeemed on your side."

Later, Rias talked to Gaspar's father about Gaspar in detail.

Everyone could clearly understand that they—the Vlady family did not welcome the existence of Gasper...their talks with Rias were also in the direction of Gasper, who was officially accepted by the Gremory family.

The meeting went unexpectedly smoothly, but just as several people were about to end the conversation, the door of the living room was suddenly pushed open roughly.

At the same time, dozens of people wearing European medieval armor and holding silver spears surrounded the four of them.

"Patriarch Vladi, as well as Rias Gremory and her family, King Tepesh invites you!"

The leader who looked like the captain signaled everyone to put away their weapons, and said to the four of them.

Patriarch Vladi's pale face became even uglier. He looked around the intruding enemies angrily, and asked:

"Sure enough, did something really happen in the upper echelons of Tepesh? They actually created something that completely negates the self-esteem of our vampires."

Gaspar's father said so, although he is also a Tepesh nobleman, but he is not a high-level person, so he doesn't know much about what happened to the upper-level Tepesh.

"Hmph, pedantic and stubborn guy. As vampires, we are no longer afraid of sunlight, silverware, crosses and holy water are useless, even if we are nailed through the heart by a stake, we will not die!

We have surpassed vampires and become perfect ultimate creatures! "

The captain in armor shouted loudly, his tone full of contempt for pure blood vampires.

Long Cheng and the others did not resist, and were taken to Tepesh Castle by the Tepesh faction.

Long Cheng knew when he saw Lilith that there must be Rizevim's tricks behind all of this. He didn't want to startle the snake before he led out Rizevim, so he didn't resist.

Rias and Kitty can't take action at will for diplomatic reasons. Of course, it's another matter if the other party wants to die.

The carriage carried the crowd into the city of Tepes, and the huge wall-shaped main gate rose upwards to allow the carriage to enter the city.The scale of the castle is not inferior to Gremory City.

The building is made of stone in a simple and simple style, exuding a demonic arrogance inhabited by non-human beings.The people who got out of the car were taken directly to the city.

Entering the Tepeshpai castle, everyone was not imprisoned, but was taken to the guest room by the maid.

The interior of the room is even more luxurious than Longcheng imagined.There is an expensive-looking crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and the furniture in the room is all full of high-end feeling.In short, it doesn't look like a room used to imprison people at all.

Everyone was not under house arrest. The maid told everyone that except for some important places, everyone could walk around in the castle at will, and in a few days Tepesh sent the new king to plan to meet everyone.

After such a fuss, Longcheng and the others had no intention of talking again, anyway, they had almost said what they had to say, so it was more important to have a good rest and prepare to face what was going to happen next.

Entering his guest room, Long Cheng turned off the light, lay quietly on the big soft bed, closed his eyes and rested his mind, carefully perceiving the origin space in his body.

The energies of various systems that were originally mixed were all fused into the ultimate power, and now there are only two kinds of power in Longcheng's body - the ultimate power and the root power.

There is no doubt that the root power is a more advanced power than the ultimate power, but it is a pity that it is difficult for Long Cheng, who is in the root o origin realm, to mobilize it, and the root power condensed from the hyperspace is basically destroyed. The origin absorbs for its growth.

The rich ultimate power and root power in the origin space nourish the souls of Ddraig and Orpheus, making them sublimate unconsciously.

Now Draig can get rid of Long Cheng long ago, and she can be resurrected from the flesh-shaping body, but in order to become stronger, she plans to wait until the root power is invalid for her before she can really get rid of Long Cheng and become an independent individual.

The god-killing tools and soul rings on the periphery of the origin space gather towards the origin at a slow but firm speed, and Long Cheng reckons that when they are completely integrated with the origin, it is time for him to reach the Qiankun Realm.

Consciousness withdrew from the origin space, and Long Cheng slowly opened his eyes.

The door of the guest room was gently pushed open, and the soft candlelight in the corridor shone in through the crack of the door.

The petite and soft figure crawled onto Long Cheng's bed and lay in Long Cheng's arms.

The girl blinked her feather-colored clear eyes and Long Cheng's black eyes as they looked at each other.


"I... Lilith..." There was a wave in the girl's eyes, confirming Long Cheng's question.

"Why did you come to my place?"

Without asking why Lilith appeared in this Tepesh castle, Long Cheng knew that Rezevim was here, so Lilith would definitely not stay away from him.

"Longcheng's smell... Lilith... likes...".

Without answering Long Cheng's question, Lilith buried her head in Long Cheng's chest, hugged Long Cheng with her slender, white and tender arms, and gently sniffed his scent.

Long Cheng stroked Lilith's smooth long black hair, closed his eyes without thinking too much, and soon fell asleep.

456. Freedom

The next day

In his sleep, Long Cheng felt a small hand stroking his cheek.

Gently grasping the mischievous little hand, Long Cheng slowly opened his eyes.

A petite girl in a feather-colored Gothic dress sat on Long Cheng, her black hair as smooth as silk was casually draped behind her.

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