
Long Cheng hugged the girl excitedly, and kissed her without any explanation.


"I... Lilith..." The girl's words were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing Long Cheng's fiery heart.

"Lilith... sorry..." Long Cheng said apologetically after touching the girl's head.

"Longcheng...why do you apologize...?" Lilith asked with a wave in her calm eyes.

"Sorry, I mistook Lilith for someone else again, no matter how similar she looks, Lilith is Lilith, and Orpheus is Orpheus. I shouldn't confuse you two."

Long Cheng sat up and let Lilith sit on his lap, while he took out a comb and tidied her slightly messy hair due to sleep.

Tie her hair into a refreshing single ponytail, Lilith took a deep look at Long Cheng, and then opened the door and left alone.

Long Cheng also left the guest room and came to Lias' room, where Lias and the kitten were sitting on the sofa and talking about something.

"Ah, Cheng, you are here."

"Well, is there any gain?"

"Just now I was notified by the maid that the new king of the Tepesh sect, Valerie Tepesh, will meet and talk with us tomorrow.

…It’s really hard to believe that the patriarchal Tepesh faction would elect Valerie, who is a woman, to be the leader…and the other party is of mixed race…”

Rias frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

"According to the analysis of the information provided by Elmerhild, an armed coup should have taken place, and Valerie is just a puppet king pushed to power.

Don't worry, I'm here.The black hand behind the scenes can't do anything.

Besides, Azazel should already know what happened to us at this time. I guess he has gathered members of the Supernatural Research Department and is preparing to come to this Tepeshpai castle. "

Sitting next to Lias, gently hugging the girl's shoulders, Long Cheng comforted her.

"Well, it's true... If Ah Cheng is here, then there is nothing to worry about."

Baiyin sat on Longcheng's lap and spoke softly.

"This time... I may not be able to make a move, but according to everyone's strength, there is actually no one who can threaten everyone."

Touching Baiyin's cat ears, Long Cheng replied.If Rizevim asked Lilith to stop Long Cheng at all costs, Long Cheng might not be able to make a move because he was afraid of hurting Lilith.

But without Long Cheng, according to the fighting power of the supernatural research department, it is enough to deal with most situations.

When Rias exploded with her final power, she was already extremely close to the destruction mode of Suzeks. What she lacked was the fine manipulation of power.

In the Baiyin mode, the kitten can freely control the air of nature in a radius of tens of miles, and its comprehensive combat power is second only to Rias.

Hyoudou Issei has been able to freely control the pseudo-dragon deification, and even the dragon deification can maintain half an hour of fighting time, properly washing the surface-level combat power.

Kiba Yuto's [Sword Of Betrayer] (SwordOfKhaos) is a complete fusion of sacredness and evil. Under the influence of Hyoudou Issei's power, it has evolved into a more powerful [SwordOfKhaos Chaos Sword] (SwordOfKhaos) ), considered by Asachel and others to be comparable to the God of Extinction Tool in some respects.Its subspecies Forbidden Hand [Chaos Dragon Knights] (Dragoon of Chaos Blade Army) is enough to wipe out a country in a short time.

Ingewell, God Extinguisher [Song of the Last Emerald Sea] (Nereis Kyrie), has the ability to control the entire sea of ​​the world, and can control the dragon clan through singing, and its effect is enough to affect the dragon god.

Gaspar Viradi, God Exterminator [Evil Eye King of Time and Space Control] (Aion Barroll), day walker and human hybrid, reincarnation of the consciousness fragment of Demon God Barroll, although he is a cowardly vampire in female clothing, but his power can easily Bring a small country to eternal stagnation.

As for the other members of the supernatural research department, apart from Kiryu Lanhua, at least they have the combat power to easily destroy the city level in a short period of time.It is the weakest Kiryu Lanhua. According to Rias, she has also reached the combat power of a skilled advanced demon in a short period of time.

Right now, there was nothing to do, so Long Cheng took Lias and the kitten to the vampire town below the castle for a stroll.

Although the situation was not pleasant when everyone was invited to Tepeshpai Castle, they didn't seem to intend to put everyone under house arrest. They just sent an accompanying servant to monitor everyone's whereabouts.

"Speaking of which, since we confirmed our relationship, we haven't come out to go shopping in a serious way.

First time shopping in a town in vampire territory?It's a different kind of experience. "

Lias said with a smile, holding Longcheng's arms with the kitten on the left and right, walking in the snow-covered town.

"Sorry... Lias..." Long Cheng said shamelessly.

"Really, I didn't mean to blame you. Since we confirmed our relationship, all kinds of incidents have happened, and then... So I don't feel dissatisfied. Besides, aren't we dating now?"

"Ah Cheng can accompany us to go shopping now, we are already very satisfied." Kitten also said.

"Yeah, it would be great if Cang Na and the others were here too. By the way, let's all go somewhere else next time."

Hearing this, Long Cheng smiled and nodded.


At the same time, in a secret room in Tepeshpai Castle.

"What should we do next? The unexpected return of the Red Dragon Sacred Emperor cannot be ignored." Said the handsome young man with silver short-to-medium hair, somewhat similar to Gurefiya.

"Don't be nervous, little brother Euclid~Although the Chilong Sacred Emperor is very powerful, he is relatively easy to deal with~And we happen to have that card in our hand~

We just need to speed up the plan, and don’t show any traces before the plan is implemented~”

Rizevim said with a frivolous smile. While speaking, he looked at the petite girl who was quietly sitting on the sofa and eating snacks.

"Lilith... can't defeat... Long Cheng..."

"Hahaha~ Lilith-chan~ We don't need you to defeat the Red Dragon Sacred Emperor at all, you just need to block him when the time comes~"

"Lilith... can't do it..."

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