"What is this, it's disgusting!"

"very scary……"


"When the trial officially begins, every six hours, the barrier covering the island will shrink. At that time, those who are caught up by the barrier will be divided and eaten by the beasts. But don't worry, you won't really die. It's just that the process will be more painful.

When there is only one person left in your class, He will be the monitor of your class, and the second-to-last one will be the deputy monitor.

Various supplies can be found in buildings throughout the island, including food, medicine, and weapons.You have only one purpose, and that is to do your best to survive!

Next, I will give you fifteen minutes to form a team, so hurry up. "

Hearing this, everyone in the group did not dare to waste time, they communicated and formed teams individually.Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong'er did not participate, they decided to form a team after listening to Long Cheng's words.

Fifteen minutes passed quickly, and Long Cheng nodded to the students who were divided into dozens of groups in front of him.

"The passage of time in this space is different from that of the outside world. You don't have to worry about wasting time. When you get down there, a watch will appear on your wrist, which will show your own position on the island, the number of survivors, and the scope of the safe zone.

Oh, one last reminder, it's best not to sleep in the open at night.If there is no other way, at least get a light source. "

After finishing speaking, before everyone could react, Long Cheng waved his hand and immediately sent everyone down the mountain. Some people landed not far from the mountain peak, and some people were unlucky. They were born on the sea. Swimming ashore hard, and some people...

Holding the canopy of the huge spruce tree, Huo Yuhao shivered as he looked at the ground twenty meters away from him.

"Help! Wang Dong!"

"Alas~" Fanning the gorgeous butterfly wings behind her, Wang Dong'er slowly came to Huo Yuhao's side, silently holding her forehead.

"I said, haven't you learned the lightness kung fu from "Five Hells Sacred Teachings Luo Hao Martial Arts Collection"? Combined with your own nineteenth-level soul power, it's enough for you to go down lightly, isn't it?"

"Uh... I forgot... Didn't it suddenly appear in mid-air without reacting?"

When Huo Yuhao heard Wang Donger's words, he scratched his head in embarrassment, but his body stopped shaking.Exercising lightness kung fu, lightly tap on the branch, three times, five divisions and two came to the ground.

"Sure enough, you are a big fool. What do you think you would do if you were alone?"

Flapping the butterfly wings, Wang Donger landed on the ground and said to Huo Yuhao.

"Hey... isn't there you here?" Huo Yuhao smiled embarrassedly.

"Cut~ If you weren't my roommate, I wouldn't care about you." Casting Huo Yuhao a glance, Wang Donger said with a look of disgust.

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao just smiled and raised his hand to look at the extra watch on his hand.

"Well... According to the map, we are currently in the center of the south of the island. There is no indication of the safety zone yet. There is a small town not far from the south. Let's go to find some supplies and see if we can meet other students by the way. Go." Huo Yuhao suggested. .

"I agree with looking for supplies, but you have to think twice about looking for other students."

Wang Donger looked at her watch, frowned slightly, and said to Huo Yuhao.

513. Blue Light Vector x Blue Light Vector

"Why is that?" Huo Yuhao frowned and asked.

"Look at the number of survivors."

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao raised his watch and found that in the upper right corner of the watch display, the number representing the survivors had changed from ninety-one to eighty-five.

"I don't believe that the number of people will decrease for no reason. Master's position for everyone is a bit of a scam, but the worst is the environment we can barely cope with. Even if someone doesn't react, they will lose their legs at most. It should never be so early Someone is leaving."

"You mean...someone intentionally attacked other classmates?" Huo Yuhao was able to speculate on this, having been bullied in the Duke's mansion since he was a child, and has long understood the cruelty of the world.

"That's right! The possibility you said is very high, and of course it doesn't rule out that they were unlucky enough to encounter Master Gasper's Shuo Beast, but I don't think Master would do such a thing. In short, when we meet other people, we must Be careful."

"But... Didn't Master say that the theme of this class is survival? If someone really attacks a classmate... what's the point?"

"Master only said that the last two became the principal and deputy monitors. As for how the last two remained, he didn't say a word."

"In other words, what we have to face is not only the approach of the new moon beast, the danger at night... but also the prying eyes of other students?" Huo Yuhao frowned. He didn't like the feeling of having to be on guard against everyone.

"Almost, but those who attack other students are a minority after all. Twelve-year-old students rarely have such perverted thoughts. And I'm sure that those guys who hunted and killed their classmates have lost the possibility of becoming winners." Yes, even if you persist until the end." Wang Donger looked at the watch and smiled disdainfully.

"Why? Isn't this, Master didn't prohibit it?"

"Think about it, what is the purpose of this class?"

"Elect the squad leader. Oh, I see. The squad leader of a squad wants to play the role of commander in chief. No matter how bad it is, it will be useless, instead of thinking about how to backstab others. But wouldn't this contradict the final victory condition? ?”

"Stupid! The final victory conditions are not important at all. If you are lucky, anyone can make it to the end. You just have to trust me, I know the master best. We are going to a small town, remember to be careful." Knocked Huo Yuhao It's the forehead, Wang Dong'er said.

"Oh." Huo Yuhao nodded while covering his forehead.

Peeling off the thick branches, a western town that can be seen at a glance appeared in front of the two of them.

Huo Yuhao's eyes flickered with golden light, and the sharing of spiritual detection was instantly activated.A [-]-meter cuboid three-dimensional map was imprinted in the minds of the two of them.

"It's safe for now, let's go to the opposite bar to collect supplies."

"En." Huo Yuhao nodded, maintaining the state of releasing his soul skills, and followed Wang Donger.

Pushing open the door of the bar, there are all the furnishings inside, but there is no popularity at all, and it looks extremely deserted.

The bar is not big, so you can get an overview at a glance. Huo Yuhao walked to the bar and put the drinking water and food in the bar into the storage soul guide.

Wang Donger went into the bar's storage room to search.

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