"Yuhao, come here!" Not long after, Huo Yuhao heard Wang Donger's call.

"What's wrong?" Huo Yuhao asked after walking into the storage room.

"Look what I found!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Dong'er handed over the two longbows in his hands that exuded cyan and blue streamers to Huo Yuhao.

"This is?"

"This is a mortal artificial artifact - Qingguangya, Languangya.

They can condense light elemental energy arrows to attack, and they are very lethal to the Shuo Beast created by Mr. Gaspar, and they can automatically absorb elemental energy to condense arrows, which can also reduce our consumption. "

Huo Yuhao nodded, took the green light arrow from Wang Donger's hand, observed carefully, and found that there was a digital screen on the body of the longbow, with the word 20 written on it, which represented that this artifact currently stored twenty arrows capable of firing energy of.

After checking that the equipment was fine, Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong'er left the bar and searched the entire town carefully.

However, since the town they lived in was relatively small and the supplies were not rich, they searched for three hours and searched the town, but they only got some food, drinking water, and some medical supplies.

drop by drop...

The wristwatches on the two men's hands suddenly rang. When they raised their hands, they found that the scope of the safe zone had been marked.

The first safe zone is relatively large, and it happens to be in the south of the island. Huo Yuhao and Wang Donger are still in the middle of the safe zone.

"It seems that we are lucky. There are still three hours before the Shuo Beast is approaching, and we are in a safe range, so we don't need to take refuge. It seems that we can take a good rest."

As Wang Donger said so, he dismantled the wooden chairs in the bar and used them as firewood.

"However... Master said that people don't want to sleep outdoors at night." Huo Yuhao handled the ingredients and prepared dinner for the two of them.

"It should be to remind us to be careful of Mr. Gaspar's Scibeast, which is an unknown creature condensed by darkness. It will have the ability to be almost immortal in the dark night. The damage they cause is full of curses, but it should be weakened here.

So they will be afraid of light elements, Master also said to find a light source, probably to let everyone beware of Shuo Beast.

However, in this way, it will be easier for everyone to spot other teams at night.What a bad idea, Master. "

Wang Donger said.

"Smells so good, I never thought that you would have such a hand, Yuhao." Smelling the alluring fragrance, Wang Dong'er swallowed.

"Hey... I've lived alone since I was a child, so it's no problem to do laundry and cooking." Huo Yuhao said something, and then his face became a little gloomy.

"Living alone... Yuhao..."

"Wang Dong, I want to become a powerful soul master with only one purpose, and that is revenge! I want to make those who oppressed me and killed my mother pay the price!" Huo Yuhao said, the red and black evil light was There is a slight twinkle in the eyes.

"Yuhao..." Wang Donger said worriedly.

"Wang Dong, you don't have to try to persuade me..."

"I don't have this idea. Killing for life is justified. I'm just worried about your heart, whether the justice in your heart will be distorted by this.

The power of the evil eye king dominated by time and space is somewhat evil. I'm afraid your mentality will be affected. "

"No! I just want to take revenge. Power does not distinguish between good and evil. What really distinguishes justice from evil is the human heart!

...Okay, the grilled fish is ready, let's eat. "Huo Yuhao smiled, and handed the grilled fish to Wang Donger.

"I believe in you...but if you get lost, I will definitely wake you up." Wang Dong'er took the grilled fish, smiled, and happily ate it.

After telling Wang Donger about his affairs, Huo Yuhao felt a lot more relaxed inside, and continued to grill fish with a smile.By the way, I used the iron pot I found to cook a mess. .

dong dong dong...

"It smells so good, is anyone there?" A crisp female voice came from outside, making the two of them stop their movements.

514. Xiao Xiao

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong'er nodded at each other, and at the same time released their martial souls, holding the blue light arrow and the blue light arrow tightly in their hands.

A golden light shone in Huo Yuhao's eyes, and the first white soul ring suddenly shone.

In an instant, a hemispherical three-dimensional map with a radius of fifty meters appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

During Huo Yuhao's mental detection, there was a petite girl standing outside the bar door.The little girl is not particularly beautiful, but she is delicate and delicate, very attractive.But she was really in a bit of a mess right now. She wore a yellow-green dress over her white school uniform. The originally beautiful and refreshing clothes were now covered with dust, and some places were even scratched.

She knocked on the door lightly, then covered her arm.There were three wounds on her arm, and the black haze overflowed with the wounds, and a painful expression appeared on her delicate face.

"It should be the Shuo Beast who met Mr. Gasper, let her in first. But you still have to be careful."

Finding no one else within the detection range, Wang Donger said so.

Huo Yuhao nodded yes, unlocked the door of the bar, and let the girl in.

"Hello, my name is Xiao Xiao. The master of the second-level auxiliary system, Wuhun: Sansheng Soul-Suppressing Cauldron." The girl introduced to the two.

"Wang Dong, the twenty-ninth level attack system battle spirit master. Martial spirit: Butterfly, the goddess of light." Wang Dong said calmly, and then gave Huo Yuhao a look.

Huo Yuhao understood, and then said, "Huo Yuhao, the nineteenth-level control system battle soul master, martial soul: Spirit Eye."

Coincidentally, both parties chose to hide their own strength.

Huo Yuhao scooped up a bowl of chaotic stew and handed it to Xiao Xiao, then made another bowl for himself and Wang Donger, and started to eat.

"Your injury... how did it come about?" Huo Yuhao asked while eating food.

"On the way here, I encountered a monster created by Mr. Gaspar... I managed to escape."

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