"After all, that month was a girl no matter what, so of course I hope to find a reliable partner." Xiandumu Aye covered her mouth and replied with a smile.

"Aren't you going?"

"I'm not interested in participating in this event. At worst, I'll grab that month." Xiandumu Aye looked at Long Cheng with a gentle smile on his face.

Afterwards, Long Cheng scratched his face and stopped talking.Ah Ye smiled beautifully, but for some reason Long Cheng felt that Ah Ye's smile was a little weird today.

Against the pale golden light, the eighteen female students looked like fairies on the lake, creating an extremely dazzling beauty.

Eighteen girls lined up, facing the direction of the shore.They just stood there so quietly, some of the male students on the bank could not wait any longer.

At this moment, two stronger white light beams lit up, and two figures also appeared.

On the left is Beibei in a scarlet robe, and on the right is Tang Ya in a long silver dress. Mu En, Xuan Zi and the others all nodded slightly, smiling and praising them as a pair of golden boy and jade girl, talented and beautiful.

Not seeing each other for six years, Beibei and Tang Ya have both reached the Title Douluo level, not far from Super Douluo.

Beibei's voice came from afar: "Sea God's Fate in Sea God's Lake, Wannian Shrek, once in love. Welcome everyone to come to the shore of Sea God's Lake on this beautiful night. The annual Sea God's Fate Blind Date Conference is about to begin.

As the host of this grand event, here, on behalf of myself and Xiaoya, I wish all the students from the inner courtyard who participated in the Sea God's Blind Date Conference today can find their love.

At the same time, I also welcome all the elders of the Sea God Pavilion who are present today to watch the ceremony, as well as the masters, teachers' wives, and teachers.Here, on behalf of the students, I would also like to express my sincere thanks to all the teachers. Without your patience and help, we would not have achieved what we are today. ".

After finishing speaking, he stroked his chest with his right hand, turned to the direction of the ferry boat and bowed slightly.

Long Cheng and the others smiled slightly, nodded to Beibei, and raised their hands to signal that he could continue.As Beibei's grandfather, Mu En grinned even more.

533. Sympathy

The simple opening remark received a lot of applause, and the male students on the bank couldn't wait to cheer.Especially those who already belonged in their hearts, they can't wait.

"Next, all the male students who participated in today's Sea God's Fated Blind Date Conference, get ready. Thirty-nine beams of light will appear in the lake later.

The students who are closest to us sea god fairies will go through the first session first.Students who are late may not be able to get a suitable ranking in the first session.

So, everyone should pay attention.No matter what method you use, as long as it lands on the water lily leaf where the beam of light is located, it will be considered as occupying the position.But don't fall into the water, or you will be disqualified from continuing to participate in this year's Sea God's Blind Date Conference. "Beibei's explanation was already very clear, and most of the male students on the bank were eager to try.

"Everyone, get ready. Three, two, one." On the other side, Tang Ya had already started the countdown.

"Let's go ☆ Hurry up, everyone!"

Thirty-nine beams of light suddenly shot out from under the lake. These thirty-nine beams of light were divided into three neat rows, each row was about five meters apart, and they were evenly distributed on the lake [-] meters away from the female students.It was about two hundred meters from the shore.

With Tang Ya's "start", everyone on the shore immediately started to move at the same time.

Thirty-nine members of the Inner Academy showed their supernatural powers, and some of them performed peerless lightness kung fu. They crossed the river with one reed, and it was obvious that they had attended Luo Hao's martial arts class.

Some students themselves have flying martial souls. They each released their own martial souls, soared into the sky, and flew towards the lake at full speed.

Others are casting magic circles, traveling through space, and moving forward with flickering.

Compared to other people, Huo Yuhao's actions seemed a little low-key. His eyes turned one red and one black, and five half-black and half-red soul rings of different colors rose from under his feet.

The second soul ring shone, and Huo Yuhao immediately melted into the darkness and disappeared before everyone's eyes.When he appeared again, Huo Yuhao was already standing on the lotus leaf.

In the hands of his friend He Caitou from the Soul Guidance Department, Huo Yuhao appeared a long knife exuding two contradictory auras of darkness and light. Behind him appeared a pair of dragon wings covered with black and white scales. Seven black and white soul rings quietly appeared under his feet. rising.He flapped his wings and came to the position behind Huo Yuhao.

He Caitou (Xu He), Martial Soul: Cigar, Light and Darkness Destroying Tianlong, God-level Artificial Artifact: Shining and Dark Dragon Jue Dao.Originally, the Sun Martial Soul of the Sun Moon Empire's royal family was affected by the artifact and mutated into the Light and Darkness Extinguishing Dragon.Cultivated as a seventy-nine-level soul saint.

Xu Sanshi looked much more leisurely, he directly summoned his Black Tortoise Shield martial soul, without even using a god-level artificial artifact, nine black soul rings with red shimmer rose from his feet.He walked slowly to the last lotus leaf in the first row, the fourth soul ring behind him was shining, and the student who fell in the first row in the distance suddenly froze, and the next moment, the two appeared in their positions Swap.Xu Sanshi landed steadily on the top-ranked water lily leaf.But the student who was originally number one appeared at the end of the first row.

"Xu Sanshi, you bastard! Why do you embarrass me as a Titled Douluo? Am I easy?"

The student from the inner courtyard looked depressed and shouted angrily.He was just a soul master with some talent for cultivation, and he didn't know anything about magic, soul guides, or artifacts, but he worked very hard, no matter how badly he was beaten by the teacher, he never missed a single martial arts class with Luo Hao.It is precisely because of this that he has learned a peerless lightness skill that is not weaker than Lu Yinghua's in the slightest, so that he can be the first to grab the position among many gods.

Xu Sanshi turned around and bowed to the student with a smile on his face: "Senior, I'm offended. Who let you occupy such a good position? Don't worry, I will only take a scoop to drink , everyone knows my goal. Don’t rob me! Otherwise, I’m going to lose my temper.”

"Well, let me call you senior. Everyone knows about you and Jiang Nannan, who would come to you and feel uncomfortable, you two, Xiuen, don't trick me... I'm almost thirty and I haven't dated yet... ..."

Then the students talked and looked at Xu Sanshi with tears in their eyes, causing Xu Sanshi to smile awkwardly.

Although Xu Sanshi can be regarded as a junior in the inner court, he, Beibei and Tang Ya's rising momentum is extremely fierce. In just a few years, he has achieved the title of Douluo. He is very popular, and he is also Longcheng's registered disciple. Knowing this guy, I also know that he and Jiang Nannan are very affectionate.

The originally depressed student couldn't help laughing and cursing: "You boy, just wait for me, even if I can't find my other half this year and get beaten up by you, I will also give you a snatching scene."

"Isn't that right, big brother? Are you serious? Hey, referee, I'm reporting someone maliciously playing match-fixing!" Xu Sanshi shouted to Beibei and Tangya who were not far away with an exaggerated expression.

"Take it, grab it! I support you, senior!" Tang Ya said with a playful smile, not thinking it was a big deal at all.

"True gold is not afraid of fire, and the three stones are the tempering between you and Nannan!" Beibei said in support.

"Damn it, you adulterers!"

"A dog can't spit out ivory, we are called husbands and wives~"

Everyone couldn't help laughing as they watched Xu Sanshi bicker with Beibei Tangya, the host.

Feeling that the time is almost up, Tang Ya said: "Although Xu Sanshi's methods are a bit dirty, he is also striving for happiness. Besides, each of you has the right to do so, but you are not as insidious as him. This is just the beginning, the first This link requires you to be sincere and united. But don’t lose sight of the girls’ faces in the end. In that case, you will suffer a lot later. Beibei, let’s start.”

Beibei agreed, and said loudly: "Sea God's Fate in Sea God Lake, tonight is the time for the annual Sea God's Fate Blind Date Meeting again. I believe everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time. The blind date meeting is divided into five parts. Everyone can All ready. Once again, once overboard, I repeat, both men and women are out."

Tang Ya interjected: "Tonight, we will also select the most beautiful sea god fairies and the happiest male students. However, the first thing you have to do is to unveil the sea god fairies."

"Okay, now let's start the first session - sympathy. Starting from the left side of the first row, every male student can give full play to his abilities. However, don't behave too much. Otherwise, in case The female student couldn't help but make a move on you, and Xiaoya and I could only pretend not to see it." Afterwards, Beibei said with a smile.

On the side of the male students, Xu Sanshi has already started to gear up, and he has occupied the first position.Naturally, he was also the first to appear in this part of sympathy.

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