"Sanshi, are you ready?" Beibei asked Xu Sanshi.

Xu Sanshi made a no problem gesture, and Beibei said: "The night is short, so let's start. Sanshi, come on, let's go!".

Hearing this, Xu Sanshi summoned his martial spirit again, and nine spirit rings appeared behind him.Afterwards, Xu Sanshi didn't see any movement, his nine soul rings were transformed into various brilliant colors under a certain force.

The color of the soul ring is different, namely blue, red, yellow, blue, purple, gold, black, pink and finally white, a total of nine colors.

534. Huo Yuhao's Cultivation

When the gorgeous nine-colored soul ring appeared, the senior Shrek students in the auditorium burst into exclamations.

As we all know, soul rings have five colors of white, yellow, natural, black, and red according to different ages. Only in extremely special circumstances will special color soul rings appear.

As far as everyone knows, there is only one situation, and that is to fuse a god-level artificial artifact that perfectly fits one's own martial spirit.

Undoubtedly, the current Xu Sanshi is in the artifact mode.

Xu Sanshi, Martial Soul: Black Tortoise Shield, God-level Artificial Artifact: Goblin and Glory Shield, a soul master of the ninety-three defense system.

Xu Sanshi did not see any movement, the first and fifth spirit rings were shining under his feet.

With the blue first spirit ring and the purple fifth spirit ring shining, two phantoms appeared behind Xu Sanshi.

The phantom emitting blue light is a King Kong Barbie with a body of flesh and waist-length blue hair, while the one emitting purple light has no specific form at all, and has a jelly-like creature like plasticine .

"Come on, Platinum Blood, Slime Saburo!" Following Xu Sanshi's order, the blue-haired brother tore off a piece from the purple slime's body, and then slapped it into purple pieces. At the end, it got mixed into the lake water under your feet.

"Be careful, the targets are only bamboo hats and veils."

Hearing Xu Sanshi's words, Bai Jinzhi nodded, then stepped on the water and came to a place not far from the girls. She stretched out her palm to one of the eighteen girls with an invincible and tough face.

In the next moment, a purple water ball popped out from the lake under his feet, and the white gold smell was not caused, and he punched out directly. The water ball immediately turned into purple water vapor under the strong impact, and rushed towards the female student.

The student didn't resist either, and let the purple mist cover his head. In the next moment, both the hat and the veil disappeared under the purple mist, revealing that beautiful face. It was Jiang Nannan. people.


"...If my eyes are not blind, then it should be the water elf in the familiar forest and Yicheng's favorite slime." Long Cheng said as he rubbed his eyes.

"That's right. Goblins and Glory Shield can sign contracts with various elves and monsters to obtain various abilities. Sanshi, indeed, signed contracts with water elves and slime Saburo, and can summon them to fight." Asachel replied road.

"...This style of painting is too strange. What do you think, Yicheng?"

Long Cheng turned his head to look at Hyoudou Issei, but he didn't know when tears were streaming down his face.

"Woooooo... Slime Taro, Slime Jiro, how are you doing in heaven..."

Looking at Yicheng who was crying bitterly in Aisha's arms, Longcheng turned his head, expressing that he didn't know him and was ashamed.


"Ren Ruo Shui is three thousand, I just take a scoop to drink. Nan Nan, I love you." Xu Sanshi shouted to Jiang Nannan.

Hearing this, Jiang Nannan just gave the other party a reproachful look and didn't speak.

Seeing that Xu Sanshi won the flag and took off Jiang Nannan's bamboo hat, the male students immediately burst into cheers.

"Good job, Sanshi! Sure enough, I have the demeanor of your senior brother." Beibei smiled and said.

"Cut~ Just brag. Little Donger told me how you chased Xiaoya back then." Xu Sanshi cast a disdainful glance at Beibei, then turned around, cupped his fists at everyone, and said triumphantly.

"Lucky, lucky. Seniors and juniors, everyone should work hard together! We already have a lot of people in the first session, so we must take off the bamboo hats of the girls."

Seeing Xu Sanshi's high-profile performance, Tang Yaqiao had a wicked smile on her face, and then she spoke.

"The next one, senior brother Yeyi, it's your turn. As a senior brother, you must perform better than Sanshi."

"Eh!? I'm not good at this kind of thing."

Ye Yi said with a wry smile at this eccentric little junior sister.

Today, Ye Yi did not wear the red school uniform of the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, but the black western-style school uniform of the Fallen Branch. This set of clothes was made using the technology of divine artifacts, which itself is equivalent to a top-level defense system. Artificial artifact.

The black suit, combined with Shang Yeyi's handsome appearance, immediately attracted the attention of many female students.

"I have only one target. As for who is that? Please try to get my hook." Ye Yi smiled at the female students in the beam of light, and fired with his left hand like a pistol.

It was said that one of the female students had an undetectable fluctuation in the lotus leaf under his feet.

In the next moment, ten blue soul rings rose up under Ye Yi's feet, and then flashed at the same time.

"The world - turns for me!!!"

As soon as the words fell, a strange wave of energy erupted from Ye Yi's body, covering the entire Sea God Lake.

In the next second, before everyone could react, Ye Yi had already put away his soul ring and looked towards the girl with a smile.

"Oh, Senior Brother Ye Yi actually lifted Senior Sister Zhang Lexuan's hat, it seems that Senior Brother Ye Yi already has his own heart." Beibei looked at the two people below and said with a smile.

Zhang Lexuan encountered a catastrophe when she was young, thanks to Mu En's help, she was adopted as a foster daughter, she is Beibei's elder sister, Beibei naturally hopes that she can have a good home, and her senior brother Ye Yi is naturally the best candidate.

"The next one, Xiao Yuhao, it's your turn, you have to work harder."

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao nodded to Beibei and Tang Ya, and was a little curious about where Wang Dong went, but now is not the time to think about it.

Three green, three blue, half green and half blue, seven soul rings of special colors rose under Huo Yuhao's feet, and he didn't see any movement. The clear water surface of Sea God Lake was completely frozen in an instant.

Seven Rings!Soul Saint!

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