Sakura, Sasuke, because they don't know how scary Tsunade's strange power is, they don't have a concept, so the shock they received was not particularly big.

Looking at the scene in front of him, instead of being shocked, he wanted to laugh.

Could it be that these three ninjas were fake, if he failed to beat Naruto, he would be shocked back.

"Mute." Tsunade said, "Let's go."

"Huh?" Shizune was stunned, seeing that Tsunade had already left first, she quickly followed.

"Why do you have to leave? It's not a shame." Sakura whispered.

"If you don't hit the last blow, how can you count as a loss." Jiraiya said: "The situation is already very good."

Anticipating Tsunade's behavior like this, Jirai was not surprised at all, the rules of the game already have loopholes that can be exploited, so it can't be blamed for people not playing the last move and choosing to delay.

Follow Tsunade to their hotel, ready to fight a long battle.

Jiraai also made up his mind to persuade Tsunade to serve as Hokage, and he must go back, and those who are begging for nothing don't believe it can't be done.

"It's good to have two rooms." Naruto said, "Teacher Ziraiya, you have one room, and the three of us have one room."

Sakura cheered up, and Satoshi cheered up.

Jilai also looked at Naruto strangely, before insisting on opening four rooms every time, this time he took the initiative to ask for two rooms, which is strange.

"I'm not used to living with other people, I'll open another one." Sasuke said, he didn't want to be a light bulb.

"No, just two." Naruto insisted.

"How many rooms are there?" Zilai was helpless.

"Two rooms."

"Three rooms."

"Sakura, tell me." Jiraiya said.

I said, what are you talking about, Sakura secretly sighed, open three rooms, although it is possible to get along with Naruto alone, but it is easy to arouse Naruto's suspicion, open two rooms, Sasuke, the light bulb, is better than paralyzing Naruto.

"Two rooms."

Two votes for two, one vote for three, the minority obeys the majority.

Entering the opened room, Naruto put down his luggage, walked to the window as usual, and looked out.

Before that, everyone had a room, and he had more time to be alone, and he could hit himself with spiral pills to increase his tolerance value.

Right now, meeting Tsunade in this short book street, if the plot does not go wrong, Orochimaru is also here, to prevent Sasuke from being stolen by Orochimaru, it is better to be closer.

After thinking a lot, Naruto exhaled, turned around, and saw Sakura was arranging the sheets on the tatami mat, there were three in total, placed side by side.

"Sasuke, which side do you want to sleep on?" Sakura asked, "The left or the right, or, the middle?"

Sasuke, who was doing push-ups, said casually, and Sakura looked at Naruto again, asking Naruto's opinion.

"Why sleep?" Naruto said: "Let's not sleep here, go out, have a sense of crisis, listen to me later, don't be in a hurry now, take advantage of the time before going to bed to exercise more."

After more than three hours, after exercising, he took a bath in the hotel's own bathhouse to wash off his sweat.

Sakura and Sasuke, according to Naruto's arrangement, were turned into puppet toys with the transformation technique and put in the closet.

Then Naruto divided into three shadow clones, two of them became Sakura, Sasuke, and his original shadow clones, lying on the sheets to sleep, and Naruto himself turned into a puppet toy and got into the closet.

"Be careful sailing for thousands of years, it's better than being at home, be more careful." Naruto said earnestly.

"..." Sakura.

Li Ying grabbed the ground with her head.

Chapter 84 Not an Animal but a Sage

the next day.

Naruto is looking for an opportunity to get Tsunade's Chakra, so that he can use a crystal ball to monitor Tsunade's every move, so as to prevent Tsunade from facing Orochimaru and Kabu alone like in the plot.

It's easy to say, but actually doing it is as difficult as climbing the sky.

Tsunade is a real Kage-level powerhouse. To be honest, it is impossible to obtain Chakra without her being aware of it.

To be successful, you have to use something special.

You know, Tsunade has a very fatal weakness. She is afraid of blood. She trembles when she sees blood, her hands and feet are weak, and she cannot exert her powerful strength.

As the saying goes, hitting someone is slapping him in the face, swearing at someone is exposing his faults, and planning and planning must start from the weak point.

Naruto sent Sakura away, and Sasuke went to exercise on the roof of the hotel first, using the excuse that he had to go to the toilet, and he couldn't get out for two or three hours.

Then I went to the bathroom, and spent half an hour. On the premise of not causing a big commotion, I couldn't break through my own defenses, and I couldn't bleed.

Naruto is so worried, he can't take other people's blood, and if another person is killed, the commotion will be even greater.

After thinking about it, he sent a shadow clone out of the bathroom window, pig blood, chicken blood, duck blood, dog blood, any blood is good, in short, it is blood.

When the shadow clone brought back the blood, Naruto gulped down about a liter, and flushed the rest into the toilet.

After the preparatory steps are completed, leave the bathroom and go to the door of Tsunade and Shizune's room. In this corridor, use the transformation technique to become an ordinary woman.

The clothes he was wearing were the style of the waiter in this hotel, and he was wiping the floor back and forth with a damp cloth in his hand.

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