Wipe repeatedly until the wooden floor reflects light and can be used as a mirror.

Wipe the floor until it's bald

Finally, the door opened, Shizune came out, greeted each other politely, trotted downstairs, presumably to buy food for Tsunade.

Naruto looked around and went up to knock on the door.


"Clean up."

"It's no use."

"Please, customer, this is related to my performance. The salary is not high in the first place, so I rely on this income."

"Tsk, trouble." Tsunade was impatient, but came to open the door; "Hurry up."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Naruto said gratefully, and took the cleaning tools into the room to start cleaning.

Tsunade glanced around, but found nothing suspicious.

She has just lived here not long ago, and with a little more time, she will be able to remember how many employees there are in this hotel and what they look like, which can be easily seen through, but she can't see anything right now.

While cleaning, he pretended not to observe Tsunade out of the corner of his eye, and found her sitting in front of the window, crossing her legs and rubbing her head with both hands, as if she had a headache.

Thinking that Jing Yin has been out for a while, and he may come back at any time, sooner rather than later.

"Oh!" Naruto changed his face, clutching his stomach, looking uncomfortable; "It's so uncomfortable, ah, it hurts!"

"What's wrong with you?" Tsunade said, "Are you all right?"

"It's so uncomfortable, guest, wow!" Naruto controlled Chakra, squeezed his stomach inside his body, and vomited out all the blood he drank in the bathroom just now.

The scarlet color occupied Tsunade's field of vision, and in her eyes, it expanded infinitely.

She trembled uncontrollably, her pupils condensed into needles, and there were intermittent voices in her mouth. She couldn't sit still and fell from the chair.

"Guest! Are you okay? Guest!" Naruto said.

As Naruto approached, the corner of her mouth that was still dripping with blood came into Tsunade's eyes, further magnifying the fear in her heart.

"No! No, come here, no!"

Naruto put his hand on Tsunade's shoulder, and was about to get Chakra. Thinking that Tsunade might see through it afterwards, he found that, just to be on the safe side, he punched Tsunade twice and knocked her out, so he was relieved to take Chakra.

The way to obtain it is very simple, control the Nine-Tails Chakra into the opponent's body, pull and assimilate part of it, and then pull it out, that's all.

When Tsunade was normal, this step was almost impossible to complete, and the fear of blood gave Naruto an opportunity.

After getting Tsunade's Chakra, Naruto immediately retreated, turned a few corners, and returned to his original appearance.

Not long after, silent screams resounded throughout the hotel, startling many people.

How much the boss will pay, what kind of price he will pay, and whether other guests are willing to continue to live here, these are none of Naruto's business, he went up to the roof to exercise with Sakura and Sasuke.

When it’s time to eat at noon, go back to the room, take the crystal ball into the toilet, integrate into Tsunade’s chakra, and then enter your own chakra to activate and turn it on.

In this crystal ball, a picture appeared in an instant, as if watching a live broadcast or watching TV.

"That way, nothing will go wrong." Naruto laughed.

The impact of this matter is very bad, and the loss of money is second to none. What really makes the hotel owner unbearable is that there may be rumors of haunting.

Afraid that things would develop like that, he invited professional people to investigate.

According to Tsunade's description, the blood left at the scene, and other evidence around, the professionals who came to investigate were confused.

"Everything has a motive. The suspect just left a puddle of dog blood, knocked out the beautiful lady, and did nothing else. This" the professional said in a puzzled way: "I can't figure it out. It's very likely that this It's a simple prank, someone is messing with you, think about it, have you offended anyone recently or before?"

"No, I'll open a hotel honestly, so I won't offend anyone." The hotel owner wanted to cry but had no tears.

In the end, in front of many people around, the hotel owner paid Tsunade [-] taels of mental damage, and the matter was over, and there were no rumors of haunting, and it was treated as a prank.

"Is this really Sannin?" Sakura said, "Anyone can knock her out, so weak."

"Tsunade is very strong, don't underestimate her." Jiraiya also said with a smile: "Not only in terms of strength, but her most powerful thing is medical ninjutsu, which is very remarkable."

Unexpectedly, Jilai also has such good ears, and he can hear the whispers he said to Naruto from such a distance, Sakura smiled awkwardly, and kept silent.

During the calm and depressing few days, every day, Zilai took the trouble to find Tsunade and persuade her to succeed Hokage, but Tsunade always refused without hesitation, or changed the subject.

Naruto often squats in the toilet, hits himself with a spiral pill, and monitors Tsunade through the crystal ball by the way.

Until he witnessed the picture of Tsunade taking a bath with his own eyes, his face remained unchanged and his mind was peaceful, Naruto knew that he had sublimated.

No longer an animal thinking with the lower half of its body, but a sage whose reason prevails.

On the other hand, because Naruto went to the toilet frequently, Sakura was worried.

This is not just a gastrointestinal problem, it may be a more private problem. She wanted to show Naruto, wondering if it could be cured, but she was too embarrassed to say it.

Is there any way to fascinate Naruto and make Naruto lose consciousness.

Hypnotism is not good, and often releases illusions on Naruto according to Naruto's request. Sakura clearly understands how good Naruto is at dispelling illusions.

If illusion doesn't work, it's just medicine.

Chapter 85 Beating Jiraiya

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