Moon and night.

In the bathroom, Naruto is sitting on the toilet, which has almost become his second home.

He hit himself with a spiral pill in the stomach with one hand, and held the crystal ball in the other hand to monitor Tsunade's every move.

Something was wrong tonight, always Jiraiya took the initiative to find Tsunade, Tsunade would not answer, this time it became Tsunade who took the initiative to find Jiraiya, and even invited him to drink.

"It's time to prepare to do something." Naruto cheered up.

Under his watchful eye, the two of them drank cup after cup, chatting while drinking, talking about the past, melancholy and self-deprecating, full of bitterness and regret.

While Jiraiya was distracted and didn't notice, Tsunade secretly sprinkled some medicinal powder into the wine bottle, and then poured it for Jiraiya himself.

A little drunk, blushing, and Jiraiya's eyes were not honest, he only paid attention to Tsunade's gift from heaven, but he didn't know that there was already a medicine in this wine that could knock him down.

He drank it all in one gulp, and after a while, he fell on the table, unconscious.

Tsunade took a few more sips of wine, with blurred eyes, whispered to himself, and slipped Jiraiya, who was a head taller than her, back to the hotel with one hand.

Then put Shizune, who was not vigilant and guarded against her, down, knocked out, and went on the road alone, to fulfill the agreement with Dashemaru.

Naruto, who watched the whole process, was lost in thought.

What should I do next?

Hitting a Orochimaru with both hands crippled, Tsunade in his heyday, is no problem, even if he adds a pocket, he will not be Tsunade's opponent.

But Tsunade has a fatal weakness. Naruto has verified this weakness before, and it is really serious.

In the state of fear of blood, Tsunade has no chance of winning.

I really don't know if I should say that Tsunade is too confident, or too underestimated, and underestimates Orochimaru and Toto.

Whoever gives you confidence can pick two.

Call Jilai, and Orochimaru can't escape?

"Really, an old lady who likes to be brave and likes to cause trouble for others." Naruto muttered.

Turn off the crystal ball, leave the bathroom, go to the roof to call Sasuke who is exercising, and go into the kitchen, find a bunch of bottles and cans from nowhere, and it is Sakura who is researching something.

Ask Sakura to wake Shizune up, Naruto and Sasuke take Jiraiya to the bathroom and hang him upside down with a rope.

Aiming at Jiraiya's stomach was a punch and kick, almost instantly, Jiraiya vomited all over the floor with a wow.

"Continue, don't stop." Naruto said; "Type out his overnight meal as well."

Before starting, Naruto had briefly explained the reason, Sasuke, who knew what he was doing, without saying a word, kicked Jiraiya's stomach violently, and helped him to vomit.

"Ah! What's going on! Wow!" Jiraiya woke up, feeling stomachache, dizziness, and this posture of head up and down.


The conditioned reflex wanted to struggle, but his body felt numb and unable to use his strength, and the chakra was also in a state of chaos, unable to obey.

"Mr. Jiraiya, you wake up, hold on, it will be fine soon." Naruto said, punching him so hard that Ziraiya's eyes popped out and his mouth crooked.

"Naruto! Stop it! What are you doing! Wow!" Before he could finish the sentence, he vomited wildly, with a bitter face.

"I don't want to do this either, but if I don't, I can't. If I don't, I can't get rid of the poison in your body." Naruto said: "Be patient."

"Naruto! Slow down! Wait, wow!"

Twenty minutes later, the collapsed Jilai was also dragged out of the bathroom and placed in the corridor.

After being woken up by Sakura, Shizune who was waiting outside hurried forward to check. Regarding the pungent smell on Jiraiya's body, she said that as a professional medical ninja, she could bear it.

"This is the medicine developed by Master Tsunade!" Shizune said, thinking of something, she changed her face.

"Can it be recovered?" Naruto asked.

"This, it should be possible, because the vomiting was induced in time, and the effect of the medicine has not yet penetrated deeply." Jing Yin said; "Give me two hours, and I will get rid of all these drug deposits."

"Two hours? It's too long, please shorten it to half an hour." Naruto said: "We will buy time, and come to the rescue as soon as we recover."

"Half an hour, it's too much for others." Shizune said, "Okay, I'll do my best, and Tsunade-sama will leave it to you."

Naruto greeted Sasuke and Sakura, brought all the ninja tools and equipment, and set off to chase Tsunade.

Jing Yin didn't dare to be negligent, and started to detoxify Ji Laiya on the spot.

"Naruto, how do you know these things?" Sakura asked.

She remembered that in the village before, she went to Naruto's house to meet Sasuke, and was noticed by Naruto who lived in Sasuke's house, and she could see it from so far away.

There are many secrets in her body that Naruto cannot know, especially the medicine that can stun Naruto that she is currently researching. If Naruto sees this, it will be over.

"I learned a technique, which has the function of detection, and can see specific images within a certain distance." Naruto said, the content is half true and half false.

Sakura nodded as if understanding, and didn't say any more.

"I feel the pain of the curse mark." Sasuke said suddenly, "That person is nearby."

Naruto nodded, speeding up.

The ninja's footsteps were very fast, and within ten minutes, he caught up with Tsunade who arrived at the appointed place and was waiting there.

"If you don't go to bed so late, what are you doing running out?" Tsunade said: "Staying up late is harmful to the body and will affect the skin. It is the natural enemy of girls. If you hear it, go back and rest quickly."

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