Sakura was unnaturally short, and subconsciously touched her face.

Without waiting for the three of Naruto to speak, the hoarse voice belonging to Orochimaru appeared. Hearing this laughter, it seemed that he was in a good mood.

"Tsunade, I didn't expect you to bring me such a great gift." Orochimaru, who emerged from the ground, said with a smile, "Thank you."

"Big gift?" Tsunade frowned, "What kind of gift?"

"This child is a very good reincarnation container that I carefully selected. I plan to wait a few days before sending someone to Konoha to pick him up. I didn't expect to meet him here, hehe." Orochimaru said: "Come on, Sasuke , come to me, I can give you the power you dream of, I can give you whatever you want."

Sasuke was unmoved.

Now he is busy all day long, chasing Naruto and Sakura, and practicing the damn Bamen Dunjia.

Seeing that there are some signs, he is not interested in going to other places. If he wants to go, he will wait until he is busy with these things at hand.

"Oh, it seems that the situation is a bit unexpected." Orochimaru's tone was a little regretful, and he glanced at Sasuke standing next to him, Naruto, Sakura, and the snake pupils standing beside him froze for a moment, Returning to the original state, he turned to look at Tsunade; "This matter is not urgent for the time being, Tsunade, what do you think? In this world, only I can let you see those two people again. The price is only to heal your hand. Is it a good deal?"

The wind at night was very cold, very cool, and the drunkenness dissipated very quickly, Tsunade walked in front of Naruto and the three of them, standing between them and Orochimaru.

Chapter 86 Narusa Sakura Battle Pocket

"Indeed, I really want to see them again in my dreams, just to talk, but" Tsunade said: "No, rope tree, break, I have no way to go against their dreams and compromise with the person who killed Hokage .”

After saying that, Tsunade took off his coat and only wore a top that looked like a vest.

Throw away the coat casually, step forward, from slow to fast, rush to Dashemaru, and punch out.

"Stupid choice." Orochimaru sneered; "People who have died, what dreams are they talking about? Only those who are alive are qualified to talk about dreams, and your dream is to see them again."

"Shut up!" Tsunade said, hitting Orochimaru's face with his fist.

In slow motion, it can be seen that Orochimaru's face is violently distorted, which is a normal phenomenon caused by a terrifying external force.

Unlike the previous mercy when beating Naruto, it was tantamount to playing a game. In this punch, Tsunade used all his strength, her full strength in a normal state.

Orochimaru was like a shell fired from its chamber, flying away at high speed, piercing through three houses in a row, and flying more than a hundred meters away.

"You three, get out of here quickly, this is not where you should be." Throwing this sentence, Tsunade stepped on the ground, and his figure flew out, catching up with Orochimaru who had just climbed up from the ruins, the second Fist, smashed out.

Unstoppable in front of the strange force, Orochimaru was smashed into the ground without any suspense, the aftermath swept away, and a big hole two meters deep and more than ten meters in range was blasted out.

Using humanoid Tyrannosaurus to describe Tsunade is absolutely correct.

"Severe! Powerful!" Xiao Ying's scalp was numb, and a yearning rose in her bones. If she could have such a terrifying strange power, would she be able to subdue Naruto?

"This is Sannin!" Sasuke was also shocked.

"Grandma Tsunade's opponent is Orochimaru, our opponent is that person, have you seen it?" Naruto whispered.

Following the direction Naruto's hand pointed, Sakura and Sasuke looked, and saw a person wearing glasses, jumping between the roofs, running towards the place where Tsunade and Orochimaru were fighting, who was it? .

"That person, I have a little impression." Sasuke said: "During the Chunin exam, I met him. He seems to be a Konoha ninja."

"Hey, Konoha Ninja." Sakura was surprised; "So, he himself is a follower of Orochimaru."

Talking without delaying their actions, the three of them quickly jumped onto the roof, each using their own means, stepping on the tiles and chasing after them.

During the running, Sasuke reached into the ninja bag, took out the shuriken and the steel wire, matched the two, and flung them out under the cover of the night.

Sakura folded her hands together and formed a seal. She learned the immobilization magic technique taught by Mr. Kakashi, and she was ready.

Almost after Dou sensed the shuriken, he dodged subconsciously, blocked it, and was almost entangled in the steel wire. When he breathed a sigh of relief, the illusion of immobilization worked.

No chains were used to bind Dou, only in Dou's personal perception, his limbs were firmly nailed to death, unable to move.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Naruto and Sasuke rushed to Kabuki almost at the same time.

Naruto's fist hit Tokuro's eye socket, and Sasuke kicked Toto's abdomen.

It was only after the pocket flew upside down that the illusion was undone, and the momentum couldn't be stopped, and it smashed into the side wall of the building in front of it.

Naruto jumped onto the wall and ran quickly on the wall perpendicular to the ground.

Sakura was a step behind, chasing after her, without parting her hands, the pattern changed, water escape, water formation wall.

The controllable water was spit out by Sakura, and she came to the front of Naruto one step ahead, blocking the chakra scalpel in her pocket. It was only a meal, and the wall of the water formation was cut open quickly.

But this pause was enough for Naruto to react, he stepped forward, stood in front of Sasuke, and used his body to block the knuckles and fists.

Sasuke, who was behind, put his hands on Naruto's shoulders, jumped up, flipped an upside-down golden hook, and kicked the head in the pocket with his right foot.

Sakura leaned out from the side, wrapped in water, covered her right hand, five fingers were clenched into a fist, her wrist was strong, and hit the side of the pocket.

Dou snorted, and flew out again.

With chakra all over the soles of Sasuke's feet, he firmly absorbed and stood on the wall.

The seemingly random swing of his hands made the shuriken seem to have life, dragging the steel wire, catching up with the flying pocket, tightly entangled and bound him.

Locked at a thirty-five-degree angle, on that pole.

Sasuke bit the steel wire, still holding the steel wire hand seal, fire escape, dragon fire art.

Naruto launched the wind escape at the same time, the big breakthrough, Sakura untied the scroll, and used the method of controlling the water escape to control the oil.

Under the blowing of the wind, the fire exploded, and under the addition of oil, the flames soared into the sky, and even merged with the electric current leaked from the damaged utility pole, playing a duet of thunder and fire.

Big bang, deafening.

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