Satoshi made a victory gesture.

As a result, the choice was made until after nine o'clock in the evening, and the clothing stores on this street were about to close.

Naruto's eyes were sleepy and he yawned.

On the other hand, Sakura, like a mouse who stole honey, was always smiling and very happy.

Chapter 89 capped

"So." Jiraiya said: "Tsunade has agreed to go back and succeed the fifth generation. If you have anything else to do, hurry up."

"It's fine, you can leave at any time." Naruto said, "Today or tomorrow?"

"Of course the sooner the better." Ziraiya said.

Taking a look at Sakura, he wanted to create another day for Sakura and Naruto to get along with each other, which seemed unnecessary.

Even though she didn't know what happened yesterday, the smile and radiance on Sakura's face couldn't be faked.

"Then let's go." Naruto said, and went back to the room first to pack his luggage. There were too many presents to bring, and he couldn't take them alone.

Sakura, Sasuke, and each packed their backpacks, left Banban Street at noon that day, and embarked on the journey back to Konoha.

The same as when they came, the luggage and backpack were all entrusted to the shadow clone to carry, and the three Naruto walked upside down all the way to exercise their arm strength and finger strength.

The scorching sun, under the sun's exposure, and such strenuous exercise, sweat is swaying and dripping for nothing.

Naruto and Sasuke are boys, so they don't feel anything. When Sakura realizes that she is covered in sweat, she deliberately avoids getting close to Naruto, for fear that Naruto will think she smells like sweat, even if this may be slight.

"One is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and the other is the last descendant of Uchiha." Tsunade said: "Then what's so special about this girl, the third generation will put her in the same class as Naruto and Sasuke."

"I was also puzzled at first." Jiraiya said, "However, I have seen her abilities and talents during the journey to find you. I have no doubt that she has such qualifications."

"Oh? Let's hear it." Tsunade was curious.

Jiraiya explained Sakura's chakra control ability, dual personality, and unique practice method for the Eight Gate Dunjia.

"Indeed, he is a good seedling." Tsunade said: "What other information do you know, don't hide it, let me know before returning to the village."

At night, they failed to reach the next town, and it was not suitable for traveling at night, so the group stopped on the hillside.

After dinner, Naruto clapped his hands and proposed to go to the convenience, and left with a shoulder bag containing money and a crystal ball, and went to the nearby grove.

After that, first activate the crystal ball, monitor Tsunade, and monitor other people at the same time, as long as someone comes to him, he will stop immediately.

Do this step well, lift the clothes with your left hand, gather the spiral pills with your right hand, and press them on your belly.

After these days, with the unremitting bombardment of spiral pills, the tolerance value has risen to [-]%, which is two blocks away from [-].

Ninja value is a good thing. In the battle with Dou, if his Ninja value is not high enough, Dou's Chakra scalpel will definitely make him drink a pot.

"Character; Naruto Uzumaki

Forbearance; 37%

body; 50%

phantom; 19%"

It's very strange, and it's also something that has bothered Naruto recently. This body seems to have been capped, and fifty points is the upper limit. No matter how you do it, there is no way to increase the value.

Naruto secretly looked for an opportunity to open the six doors, like an orangutan, and hammered himself with both hands. The pain of the hammer caused him to fall apart and vomit blood, but the value did not increase.

"Well, I don't know the reason yet, and there is no instruction manual for me to understand." Naruto secretly said: "I can only take one step at a time."

At present, the only things that can be upgraded are the ninja value and the magic value. Naruto plans to upgrade these two first and see what happens.

The skills obtained so far are all elementary, which proves that this system is far more than that. There must be some conditions that cannot be triggered, and we need to explore one by one.

More than two hours later, Naruto returned.

"I thought you fell into the latrine." Zi Lai also said, "Why did you go up for so long?"

"Constipation." Naruto coughed dryly, and told a little lie; "I ate too much junk food when I was young, and my stomach is not very good."

Ji Lai also choked, and continued to talk without picking up the topic.

"Is your stomach bad?" Tsunade said, "Come here and I'll show you."

"No, no, I'm used to it." Naruto shook his head.

Just kidding, he has no problem with his stomach at all, it's just a lie to secretly hit himself with a spiral pill to increase his tolerance value, isn't it all gone after a check?

Naruto took the time to wash up, then got into his sleeping bag and closed his eyes to sleep.

Tsunade didn't insist, in her opinion, when Naruto felt uncomfortable, he would naturally come to her, don't worry about it for a while.

Not far away, Sakura raised her face and peeked at Naruto, then continued to write and draw on the notepad with her head down.

A lighted fire does not lack a source of light.

Thinking that Naruto was reluctant to let Tsunade check it because he was shy, Sakura was even more eager to complete the medicine, so that Naruto would be stunned by then, and she would be able to solve any problems after checking again.

At the very least, small problems won't procrastinate into big problems.

"What are you writing?"

At some point, Tsunade was standing beside her, and Sakura was startled.

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