Tsunade, who was amused by Sakura's performance, sat down on the spot.

"Do you mind chatting? I want to know a little more about the village. As one of them, you should know something that I don't know. Can you satisfy my wish?"

Being able to receive such a high evaluation from Jiraiya, Tsunade is very interested in Sakura.

Especially as the fifth generation who is about to succeed to the throne, the seedlings in every village must be carefully taken care of. If they are really good talents, she is willing to teach them personally.

Before that, she needs to understand the child Sakura.

"Ah, Ho, Hokage-sama." Sakura was a little nervous; "Of course, I will, I will say everything I know."

"Hehe, I'm not Hokage yet, I have to wait until I get back, get the approval of the Daimyo of the Fire Country, and go through the necessary steps." Tsunade said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, it's just a normal chat, I shouldn't be scary ?”

Naruto in the sleeping bag opened his eyes, looked at Sakura and Tsunade who were next to each other, chatting with each other, and smiled knowingly.

The main purpose of bringing Sakura out is achieved.

Meeting Tsunade one step earlier, gaining Tsunade's approval earlier, and getting Tsunade's inheritance earlier, this one step earlier will allow Sakura to take off earlier than in the plot.

At first, I didn't take Sakura seriously because the aliens in the future are too powerful, and Sakura, who doesn't have six-level combat power, can't get in at all.

Then, after witnessing it with his own eyes, Naruto found out that Sakura's talent, not including chakra, and blood, was better than him and Sasuke, and Naruto moved his mind.

He wants to try to train Sakura to be another helper besides Sasuke, who can play a key role in the fight against aliens.

Taking care of everything, taking care of everything, Naruto is not so stubborn.

Cultivating a few more masters is to share risks.

When the sky is falling, we all stand together; when the thunder strikes, we all carry it together, no matter how safe we ​​are.

Chapter 90 Notes

Looking for Tsunade, because I don't know the exact location, I wasted a lot of time to investigate halfway, which took half a month.

As for the return journey, there is no such trouble at all. Even if you don't take a shortcut, with the ninja's footsteps, you can arrive within two days, at most five days.

The first thing Naruto does after returning to the village is to go home.

"Sasuke, this is the way back to my house." Seeing that Sasuke was following, Naruto stopped and said, "Your home is over there."

"I know." Sasuke said coldly, "Let's move to another house for a while."

Just yesterday, he finally opened the first door of the eight-door Dunjia, opened the door, knocked on the threshold of this forbidden technique, and his combat power was greatly improved.

This made him have to consider whether the luck that Naruto said really existed?

It's not that Sasuke is superstitious.

He would rather believe in a mistake than let it go. This is what he has in mind.

What Naruto said about luck is true, so if he changes houses with Naruto, there will be no harm at all, and he will get a lot of benefits.

If Naruto told lies, and simply tricked him to help repair toilets and toilets, it would be fine, as long as his strength and combat power were improved, he would have no complaints.

Whether it is true or not, there is no harm in living in Naruto's house.

Naruto looked at Sasuke's cool back leaving with black lines all over his face, shook his head, and turned to go to Sasuke's house.

Since Sasuke said to continue to change homes for a period of time, let's change, anyway, there is no loss.

He took out the key to open the door, waited for the shadow clone to carefully put the gifts brought back into the utility room, and released them, Naruto opened the refrigerator.

It was an unexpected discovery that more than half a month had passed, and there were still a lot of ingredients and drinks inside, including a bento sealed with plastic wrap.

Take it out and smell it, it is very fresh, as if it was made yesterday, it has been preserved, and it can be eaten just by heating it.

Seeing the sticky note on the refrigerator, Naruto looked intently.

"Naruto, there is a bento I prepared yesterday in the refrigerator, including your favorite chicken legs and mutton. You can't eat it cold, it's not good for your stomach, so you must heat it up."

It's Hinata's handwriting.

How did she know that she would come back today?Naruto was puzzled, and soon, with a flash of inspiration, he thought of something.

More than half a month, whether this time is long or short, there will definitely be dust in the house, but right now, the floor, tatami mats, tables and other things are all very clean.

This means that during the time he was away, someone came to clean and clean up every day.

Hinata didn't know when he would come back, but he would make a bento every day and store it in the refrigerator, so that he could have a mouthful of hot food when he came back.

Naruto closed the refrigerator and went to the kitchen to heat up the bento.

knock knock knock.

There was a knock on the door, Naruto went to open the door, and it was Sasuke who came.

Still with a calm and cold expression, one hand is in the pocket, and the outside left hand is holding a lunch box and a note.

"This is for you." Sasuke said.

Naruto took it and saw that it was exactly the same as the note he saw just now, and it was also prepared by Hinata.

Because it is not sure whether he will go back to his own house or continue to live in Sasuke's house after he comes back, so will he go to both houses?

Naruto didn't know what to say, he only knew that Hinata's intentions couldn't be let down, and he couldn't even die.

Sasuke came here to deliver a lunch box, mentioned his future practice plan by the way, and then left.

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