Naruto was absent-minded for a moment, touched the top of his head, and then returned to the roof as if nothing happened, let the shadow clone continue, and shaved off all his hair.

Other places can be repaired if they are gone, but once the top of the head is gone, it will be completely over.

Instead of keeping this Mediterranean hairstyle, it's better to shave it off.

After the shadow clone was done, Naruto went home and looked in the mirror, thinking that he didn't want to go out to meet people, and stayed at home until his hair grew out.

"I don't know if it can grow back. It should not hurt the hair root. Hey, is it the hair root or the hair follicle?"

Naruto was worried and worried about his future appearance.

He rummaged through boxes and boxes to find a red hat and put it on to protect his fragile bald head.

Taking a look at the time, it was almost seven o'clock, and I ate my breakfast in a hurry, and then tidied up and tidied up the house.

Complete the most basic morning exercises on the balcony.

Fruits and desserts are essential. I heard from Hinata that the fruit that Hanabi likes to eat is bananas. Naruto specially sent a shadow clone to look like someone else, and bought thirty catties.

Everything was ready, and the time went to nine ten in the morning.

Naruto, who was busy making a fruit platter in the kitchen, heard footsteps and voices outside, and could vaguely hear Hinata and a slightly childish female voice. He quickly put down what he was doing, washed his hands, and ran to open the door.

Holding her sister's hand, Hinata, who was going up the stairs, saw Naruto and said shyly, "Naru, Naruto, good morning."

"Big Brother Naruto." Hanabi said solemnly; "Finally, I see you face to face. My sister has been taking care of you all this time, thank you."

"Ahaha." Naruto laughed dryly: "That's nothing, I was taken care of by your sister, I should be the one to thank."

"That's a mutual photo." Huahuo blinked, her face was serious, her serious expression was about to collapse, she wanted to laugh, but she held back, and continued to ask sternly: "Excuse me, when do you plan to marry my elder sister?" ?”

"Hanabi! Stop talking!" Hinata couldn't take it anymore, she quickly covered Hanabi's mouth, looked at Naruto again, her eyes split apart, and replied shyly: "That, that, Hanabi talking nonsense, you, don't let it go In my heart."

Naruto was indeed taken lightly by thunder, this sister-in-law is really outspoken, dare to say anything, completely different from her sister Hinata.

"I can do it anytime." Naruto said with a smile, "As long as Hinata doesn't dislike me."

"Big sister won't dislike you! I like Big Brother Naruto the most!" Huahuo pulled away her sister's hand covering her mouth, and said loudly, "Even talking in sleep at night, it's Big Brother Naruto!"

Hinata blushed, trying to find a hole to bury herself in.

Hanabi no longer had a straight face, and before her sister wanted to catch her, she ran away from her sister with a smile and hid behind Naruto.

Knowing what her sister's weakness is, she is not afraid at all.

Chapter 94 Sister-in-law Hanabi


He took over the Hinata here and prepared a fruit platter. He didn't expect Naruto to buy so many bananas, and Hanabi couldn't finish eating them.

She glanced at Naruto who was playing games with her sister in the living room, secretly ate fifteen catties, half of the rest was squeezed with the indescribable excrement of the beef, and the other half was placed on the plate normally.

Others such as apples, mangosteens, dragon fruits, and mangoes are all peeled, sliced ​​or diced, and placed on the plate.

During the process, Hinata eats some of the unsightly and rotten ones, and throws the really bad ones into the trash can.

"Come and eat some fruit." Hinata said.

"Wait." Huahuo said without looking up; "I'm not done yet."

"What are you playing?" Hinata walked over curiously.

In the small living room, Naruto and Hanabi stood on both sides, beating the spinning top on the ground with a whip.

When the top is wobbly and about to stop turning, whip a whip and it will continue to rotate vigorously, and through the manipulation of the whip, the tops can collide with each other.

Whoever's spinning top can stand at the end wins.

Under Hinata's attention, Naruto made two mistakes, and the whip failed to renew the life of the spinning top, which caused the spinning top to fail to keep up and was in danger.

Looking at Huahuo again, seeing the victory in sight, excited, she waved her whip, hit the top just right, and controlled the top to hit Naruto's top.

One side is in the prime of life, and the other side is a hero in old age, the outcome has been decided.

"Yeah! I won again!" Huahuo cheered.

"That's amazing, you're really good at spinning tops." Naruto laughed.

Hinata's face was a little weird, and she could see that Naruto had deliberately released water to let Hanabi win, in order to make Hanabi happy.

"Brother Naruto, you are also very good, but there is a little mistake in the middle." Huahuo wiped the sweat from his face, and continued: "How about another game?"

"Huahuo, you are very tired, take a rest first, eat some fruit before playing." Hinata said.

People's patience has a limit, and they may be happy to play with you at first, but when it exceeds a limit, this pleasure will turn into impatience.

Hinata has read related psychological books in the ninja school and knows this.

She didn't want Hanabi to be too clingy to Naruto, if it aroused Naruto's impatience, that would be bad.

Maybe Naruto won't be impatient, maybe Naruto is impatient but doesn't say it, maybe Naruto will get bored with her because of his impatience.

Hinata admits that she thinks a little too much, but these thoughts always come out uncontrollably.

I don't want Naruto to get bored with her, even if the probability of that possibility is less than [-]%.

"It's okay, just play another game if you want to play." Naruto said with a smile: "Today, I specially set aside time to play with Hanabi. I can play anytime, so let me come here."

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