"Really?" Huahuo said in surprise, "Thank you, Brother Naruto."

Hinata stepped back to the dining table, pulled out a chair and sat down, watching the two of them, a smile gradually appeared on her face.

Great, Naruto and Hanabi go well together.

Before that, she was a little worried, what if Hanabi didn't like Naruto, or even hated Naruto?What I was most worried about didn't happen.

The next step is to find the right opportunity to bring Naruto home and meet his father. If he can get his father's approval, then

Thinking of something, Hinata blushed.

"Kite, Brother Naruto, let's go fly a kite." After lunch, Hanabi, who had just been born for a short time, tugged at Naruto's sleeve and said.

How could my sister-in-law refuse her request?Naruto waved his hand and nodded in agreement.

The three of them went out, went to a place with few people, and went to an open area where there was no one and no trees, wires, houses and other obstacles.

"It's right here." Naruto looked around and nodded in satisfaction.

Take out the kite, start running from a distance, and slowly release the long line, and adjust it according to the change of wind force and size.

After the kite is completely stable, hand it over to the side, the firework who can't wait, eager to try.

Watching Hanabi startled, following what Naruto said, walking along the force of the kite, adjusting the strength and angle, the distance gradually widened, Hinata whispered; "Hanabi spends most of her time studying and practicing at home, I don't have time to come out to play, and no one at home will play with her except me, and I can't stop playing with her, so I didn't cause you any trouble, did I?"

"Trouble? How come!" Naruto said: "I am also very happy to play, usually every day is uninterrupted, high-intensity exercise, practice, and occasionally rest and play like this, which is more conducive to physical and mental health. Don't think about it. too much."

Hearing this, Hinata glanced sideways at Naruto, and felt relieved.

"Brother Naruto!" Huahuo said anxiously, "It can't be done! It's about to fall! Ah!"

Naruto smiled at Hinata, ran to Hanabi, grabbed the kite string, and found that the wind was not very strong, so he formed a seal by himself, and launched a big breakthrough that was not very powerful, just enough to blow the breeze.

I didn't know the time while playing, and I completely forgot the time. When it was dark, Hinata's family came to pick up Hinata and Hanabi.

Watching them leave and disappearing from sight, Naruto heaved a sigh of relief and went home.

I didn't go to Konohahou Mountain today, so I wonder if Sakura and Sasuke have made any progress?

It would be very suspenseful to think about it, but at present, Sasuke's mind is full of revenge, revenge, what is love, and it doesn't rank at all.

In the plot, for a long time after the finale, Sasuke was walking around, leaving Sakura alone at home, when he got married, and when he made Sakura pregnant are all mysteries.

A second of silence for Sakura's waiting.

Thinking of Sakura, Naruto couldn't help but think of what Hinata said last night.

Indeed, he knew that Sakura liked Sasuke, and at the same time regarded Sakura as a good buddy and friend, so he didn't feel anything, but in Hinata's eyes, it was because he was too close to other girls.

There will be discomfort and misunderstandings, which are inevitable.

"Be careful in the future." Naruto thought to himself.

When he came to the mirror in the bathroom, he tore off the red hat, fearing that it would be blown away by the wind, so he specially applied super glue.

"What should I do?" Naruto couldn't say; "Just keep your head bald until your hair grows? Or wear a wig? Or use a transformation technique?"

Without hair, my head feels chilly.

The next day, Naruto was the first to arrive at the back mountain as usual, and practiced there.

Sasuke was the second. Seeing the bald Naruto, he froze in place, scratched his face and said nothing.

And when Sakura came, she was full of drowsiness, she didn't sleep well, and saw Naruto's shiny head, in an instant, her sleepiness disappeared, and she screamed subconsciously.

"What, what are you doing, isn't it just a bald head? As for making such a fuss." Naruto said helplessly.

"Naruto! You!" Sakura's angry fingers were trembling.

Hairstyle, such an important thing, Naruto did it by himself quietly, and even made his head bald.

She has fantasized a lot about designing hairstyles for Naruto so that Naruto can be more handsome and good-looking, but now it's all in vain.

Chapter 95 What a Trouble

During the day, Sakura couldn't concentrate, Naruto's bald head was too dazzling.

Sasuke was in a similar situation, his eyes were always looking up uncontrollably, and under the sunlight, his head reflected the light.

For the difference between the two, Naruto pretended not to notice, and exercised his body on his own, and even comforted himself in his heart, the bald head is the style of a strong man.

After a few more days, the hair will grow back, it's fine.

Exercise and practice in the morning, take a [-]-minute break for lunch, and continue to practice and practice in the afternoon.

In terms of ninjutsu, Naruto specializes in spiral pills, and he currently only has the chakra attribute of wind.

For other miscellaneous ninjutsu, investing energy and time to learn is tantamount to wasting time.

Therefore, more is put on exercising, as well as advanced changes in practicing spiral pills with Sasuke and Sakura.

Sasuke has the dual attributes of thunder and fire, and Sakura has the attribute of water, and both of them are far behind Naruto in terms of chakra.

It's okay for Sakura to use the spiral pill by herself, but it's difficult for her to complete the advanced changes by herself before she learns Tsunade's yin seal.

Although Sasuke can complete it independently, his Chakra is also limited, not to the point where he can squander it recklessly.

In the battle alone, there is no way, but with the cooperation of the three, Naruto can completely reduce the consumption of chakra and make the combat power more durable.

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