Calm down, gather strength, refine and mobilize chakra.

Accompanied by a light shout, a fist as big as a sandbag hit Naruto's head hard.


Unable to withstand the huge blow, the tree exploded on the spot.

Without the support of the tree, Naruto flew backwards, smashed two trees, and rolled six times on the ground. He muttered twice, scratched his itchy calf, and continued to sleep hugging the stone next to him.

Kidomaru, Sakon, and Tayuya were all dumbfounded, what kind of monster was this, and then they thought of something, and all looked at Jirobo who was still standing there, motionless.

Under the gaze of the three of them, Jirobo spit out a big mouthful of blood while trembling slightly, and the blood formed a small blood mist in front of him.

"Have any of you seen this person and know his information?" Kidomaru said.

Sokon, Tayuya, thought about it carefully, then shook his head.

"Konoha is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. It's so weird to steal a random person. It is indeed the place where Oshemaru-sama stayed before."

Having said that, Kidomaru changed his mind and no longer wanted to kill Naruto. He wanted to take Naruto back. Orochimaru needed a reincarnation container, and one more container was equal to one more choice.

"Tie him up first, and when we go back to bring Sasuke out, we will go back with him."

Kidomaru refines chakra, creates sticky gold, and then controls the sticky gold to turn it into a rope. It has the characteristics of rigidity and softness at the same time, and is stronger than ordinary ropes.

Carefully approach Naruto, ready to tie him up.

Seeing the situation turn out like this, Kyuubi couldn't stand it anymore, it squeezed out a little bit of chakra to wake up Naruto.

"En?" Naruto woke up instantly; "Nine Lamas? What happened?"

"look by youself."

Naruto squinted his eyes, looked intently, and was surprised to find that he was holding a stone covered with weeds, and then turned his head to look around.

First, he looked at Kidomaru who was approaching him, then Sakin and Tayuya, including Jirobo who was half kneeling on the ground coughing up blood.

Kidomaru paused, he didn't expect that Naruto, who was still asleep just now and couldn't wake up no matter how much he beat him, suddenly woke up at this moment.

After being silent for less than a second, he threw out the sticky gold rope in his hand, landed on Naruto, and entangled him.

"This is me?" Naruto was full of doubts, but he knew that now is not the time to worry about those.

Nine-Tails Chakra erupted, and the Nine-Tails Chakra spilled out of his body, easily destroying Kidomaru's sticky gold rope, followed by Naruto's right hand slapping the ground, flipping and jumping up.

Yinren four people.

Through the moonlight, Naruto saw the four clearly and recognized their identities.

It seems that he came to Konoha specially to bring Sasuke, but he didn't expect that after the Chunin exam, he and Sasuke would change houses, but by accident, Sasuke didn't bring him, but stole him out instead.

It didn't take much effort to solve the reason. Naruto was speechless, but at the same time very grateful.

Fortunately, he was the one who stole it. If Sasuke was to be replaced, wouldn't it be like in the plot to catch up with hundreds of episodes?

For one thing, he was afraid that the butterfly effect would lead to a sudden change in the plot, and Sasuke would not be able to make it to the finale, so he died prematurely.

Secondly, if you have been separated for a long time, your relationship will become unfamiliar.

Another one is because of Sakura.

In the ninja school, I got a lot of help from Sakura, and I promised to help her chase Sasuke at that time. In this way, there is no reason for Sasuke to leave the village and go find Orochimaru.

"Next." Naruto pinched his finger bones and said with a smile: "To prevent you from going to Sasuke again, I want you to fall into eternal sleep here. Goodbye, no, farewell."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

late at night.

There was deathly silence in the woods.

Occasionally, there will be some predators in nature, making some sounds when catching prey.

Naruto turned his head and looked around. Except for trees, trees, there were no markers around.

I really don't know if it's Konoha's poor security?Or is it that the Otonin four, and Orochimaru and Dou behind them, are too powerful?

Zhu Li, a dignified man, was actually stolen out of the village.

I don't know what will happen to Konoha when he is found missing?

With the Inuzuka clan around, he should be able to find him by following the scent. Thinking of this, Naruto felt relieved.

The nine-tailed chakra that emerged from his body turned into a chakra hand, extending to a length of more than ten meters, grabbing the vigilant Jirobo who had just stopped coughing up blood, and pulled him to the front.

Huoxing spiral pill.

With the assistance of the Nine-Tails Chakra, with one spiral pill as the main and three spiral pills as the supplement, the chaotic rotation caused by it is many times stronger than that of a single spiral pill.

Naruto held this with his right hand, and pressed it towards Jirobo, who was restrained by Chakra's hands and had difficulty moving.

Just one hit, no need for a second hit.

Jirobo, who had not opened the second seal of the spell, died on the spot.

Chakra let go of his hand, letting Jirobo fall to the ground, and Naruto took two steps forward.

"Withdraw!" Kidomaru said suddenly.

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