Tayuya and Sakin set off at the same time without slow reaction, and the three fled in different directions.

"Run now?" Naruto leaned on his forehead and chuckled.

The density of the nine-tailed chakra was higher, and soon, it completely covered Naruto. Behind him, tails began to appear, increasing from one to four in one breath.

The ninja value is as high as 39, and there is no situation where the nine-tailed chakra hurts itself when four tails burst out as in the plot.

The percentage damage reduction and percentage defense included in the system values ​​are enough for Naruto to eat this damage without damage, just like eating and drinking water.

"The limit is four tails, and if you go higher, it seems that there is a possibility of losing consciousness." Naruto secretly said.

This is the first time he has blatantly used the power of the Nine-Tails, and he has no chance to use it at all, and he is also curious about the changes brought about by the Nine-Tails Chakra.

"Now, the endurance value is 39, and when it breaks through the forty mark, it should be able to withstand the five tails."

Nine-Tails Chakra is pure ninja, and a body value of 50 is useless for this. Only when Nine-Tails Chakra hits him with a physical external force, will the body value's injury-free mechanism be triggered.

After getting used to it, Naruto looked for the direction and exerted force with his feet, leaving a circle of exploding air waves on the spot and disappearing out of thin air.

"What! That!" Kidomaru was terrified and ran wildly, not daring to stay for a moment.

Defense terror, with its own feedback damage, this sudden burst of chakra is also so palpitating, with a feeling of suffocation.

"That guy is definitely not an unknown person! Damn it! What are the spies in the village doing? There is such a dangerous existence in Konoha, but they haven't been detected! They are all a group of guys who eat nothing, useless things!"

"Following you."

Hearing this sentence, Kidomaru's expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly dodged to the side.

The speed was not at the same level, his body couldn't keep up with his thinking, and just as he was about to dodge, he was hit hard on the face and slapped.

The whole person was blown away, it looked like it was not a person, but a golf ball.

"Cough!" Kidomaru vomited blood, his face full of horror; "Weird, monster! Entering the second-level curse seal state, all aspects of physical fitness have improved, and the outbreak is unbearable!"

In a blink of an eye, Naruto, who had transformed into four tails, appeared in front of him, and swung his right hand.

The air burst, and there was a bang in the ear.

The end of Kidomaru's consciousness is a revolving lantern like the other dead.

In a short period of time, I reviewed my past, regretted things, missed things, successful things, everything, and then, there is no more.

Naruto's long nails, covered by Nine-Tails Chakra, directly tore Kidomaru into five pieces.

Throwing down a small tailed beast jade, gasified Kidomaru's body, cutting off the possibility of him being reincarnated by the filth.

"Hey, it seems that in Orochimaru's research base, there are some body tissues or blood left by these people? It doesn't seem to affect the reincarnation of the dirt, then"

Naruto sighed secretly, feeling sorry for wasting a tailed beast jade.

Chakrado does not mean that you can waste unscrupulously. It is shameful to waste. You should develop a good habit of saving and saving.

Not only electricity, water, paper, these things, but also chakra.

Saving energy starts with me.

Diverging wild thoughts in my heart, I soon caught up with the second person, Zuo Jin.

It is said that it is Zuo Jin, but it is not accurate, this is a weird conjoined life, the younger brother Zuo Jin, the elder brother You Jin, together they are Zuo Jin You Jin.

Whatever is good, Naruto will not hold back anyone who is not good for him, catching up is the same method as dealing with Kidomaru, and sending the two brothers to meet their ancestors.

As for the corpse, throw the small tailed beast jade directly to gasify it.

Save something, let's talk about it next time.

Going back to the beginning, Naruto also threw a small tailed beast jade to gasify Jirofang.

At this point, only Tayuya is left.

"Remember that she seems to be proficient in illusion?" Naruto was thoughtful, and his movements were not slow, and he quickly chased in the direction where Tayuya was escaping.

During the running process, it was found that the four limbs landed faster.

Of course, the higher the efficiency, the better, Naruto chose to land on all fours without hesitation, like a wild beast or a mad dog, faster and faster.

Naruto's eyes can't keep up, his dynamic vision can't see clearly, and when he encounters obstacles, he can't dodge them at all, and there's no need to dodge them.

I don't know how many trees and stones were destroyed along the way, and the water waves caused by wading across the river blasted into the air about [-] meters away.

Tayuya jumped on the tree and ran away at the fastest speed. Hearing the movement from behind, his heart was cold and his body was even colder.

Knowing that she couldn't run away, she simply stopped and turned to face her.

Afterimages, passing by, smashed more than a hundred meters along the way, finally stopped the car, and Naruto turned around and came back.

The Nine-Tails Chakra was peeled off, retracted into the body, and gradually disappeared until there was nothing left.

I got used to the high-speed dash when I landed on all fours, and then I landed on two feet again. I couldn't adjust for a while, and almost fell crookedly.

"For the sake of you being a woman, I'll give you a chance." Naruto said, "Use all your strengths to make me fall down within an hour, and I'll let you leave safely. If not, you can go The pure land of the underworld, meet your ancestors, and those three companions, you can start at any time."

Tayuya was silent, weighing the pros and cons in his heart, killing Naruto, and retreating to escape, the success rate of these two options.

"keep your word?"

"of course."

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