With Naruto's confirmation, Tayuya took out her ninja equipment and flute, and went directly into the curse seal [-] state without thinking.

His image changed drastically, horns grew in many places on his body, his skin darkened, his hair grew longer, and a powerful momentum visible to the naked eye burst out from his body.

In this state, her overall strength is dozens of times that of usual.

Playing the flute, the illusion is quietly activated.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Magic Flute, Dream Sound Lock.

Class B illusion.

After falling into this illusion, the body will be bound and gradually corroded.

Don't think that illusion can only cause mental damage, and it won't affect the body, so don't take illusion seriously. Vegetative people understand.

When a person's spirit dies and his body is still alive, then this person is equivalent to a dead person.

Naruto stood motionless, turning a blind eye to the corroding body, only seeing the system interface and the magic value on it.

Tayuya was ruthless, consuming a lot of chakra, allowing the power of this B-level illusion to be exerted at a super level, and easily helped Naruto break through the [-]-point mark, and made great progress all the way.

Slowly, the hands are gone, the arms are gone, the feet are gone, the legs are gone, the waist is gone, everything below the neck is gone, and there is only one head left.

The increase in the magic value allowed Tayuya's illusion effect to act on Naruto, and the effect was directly cut off according to the percentage, and it was clear that the power of the illusion was weakening.

"Nine Lamas." Naruto said.

Kyuubi, who had been waiting all this time, threw a ball of chakra to stabilize the chakra in Naruto's body. Since then, the illusion was lifted and the vision in front of him returned to normal.

Naruto accidentally discovered that Tayuya did not take the opportunity to escape, but instead used psychic techniques to summon her psychic beast, Sangui, who was madly sucking his chakra.

"There is a way to unravel this illusion, but I won." Tayuya raised the corners of his mouth and smiled triumphantly: "Death bald, brat, you will pay the price for your underestimation and carelessness. Carat you, you can only be slaughtered by me, on the contrary, with your chakra, I will be stronger, including my three ghosts."

Naruto has a weird face.

Indeed, it feels carefully that the chakra in the body is losing rapidly, but

He doesn't have many other things, but this chakra is so much that even if it is wasted, it is difficult to squander it.

Tayuya made the most stinky move.

"Have you forgotten what I said?" Naruto said, "Let me fall to the ground within an hour, and I will let you live."

"No need." Tayuya spat and said disdainfully; "Drain your chakra, I can not only live, but also get you, you look very difficult, take you back, Master Orochimaru Maybe I won’t be punished for failing this mission.”

Naruto laughed dumbly.

"Laugh, you will be able to smile now, and when it falls into the hands of Oshemaru-sama, you will not be able to laugh even if you want to." Tayuya said: "At that time, it will be considered light if you can't help yourself. What's more, life is worse than death, and it's the kind that you can't die even if you want to, how about it, are you afraid?"

"The one just now was your strongest illusion?" Naruto asked.

"So what if it is, what if it isn't."

"If yes, you are worthless to me, if not, then I can play with you again."

"Hahaha!" Tayuya leaned forward and back with a smile; "Are you an idiot? You were taken away by me, absorbed so much chakra, and you can still say such words. You are indeed not an ordinary person, and you are spiritually extraordinary."

Naruto squinted his eyes, watching Tayuya and Nine-Tails Chakra who were laughing loudly, erupting silently.

Chakra turned into a big hand, and killed two of the three ghosts with one punch, and the remaining ghost was caught by the big hand again and crushed to death.

Walking up to Tayuya whose laughter stopped abruptly, and looking into her eyes, Naruto paused and said, "I'll ask you again, do you know any other illusions?"

Tayuya subconsciously nodded.

"Use it on me."

Hearing this, Tayuya was stunned again.

The big hand transformed into Nine-Tails Chakra hangs above her head, like the Tathagata palm. This pressure forced Tayuya to break out in a cold sweat, and he did not dare to hesitate to use other illusions on Naruto.

Because there are no three ghosts, the effect of this illusion is not as good as before, but fortunately, this is also a B-level illusion, and the increase in magic value is very obvious.

"Monster! This, this guy, a real monster!" Tayuya trembled in her heart, and she was finally afraid.

Facing this monster that doesn't play cards according to common sense, has exaggerated defense, and terrifying chakras, there is no chance of winning.

After the three ghosts were crushed to death like ants, Tayu also realized that he would never be the opponent of this monster.

"This guy, he won't let me go." Duoyu also secretly said: "We are enemies, there is no reason to let me go, if you don't kill me now, it is probably really for playing games, teasing me, cat and mouse? ?hateful!"

The human body has many weaknesses, or fragile places.

Such as the eyes, such as the side, such as the heart, kidneys, such as

Tayuya looked down.

As a man, there are weaknesses, even for a boy like Naruto, this is the same weakness.

In order to survive, and to have a certain chance, he can capture Naruto alive and bring it back to Orochimaru. Tayuya took advantage of Naruto's illusion, split a chakra, poured it on his right foot, and aimed at Naruto's vitals. Kick it away.

Cut off children and grandchildren.

In the imagination, the picture of Naruto bending over, kneeling on the ground like a shrimp, and crying bitterly did not appear, but Tayuya himself was hurt.

She clutched her stomach, her eyes widened, and she knelt down on the ground.

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