The illusion was interrupted, and Naruto came back to his senses, and looked strangely for some reason, kneeling on the ground, with red eyes, Tayuya looked like he was about to cry.

"What's the matter with you? Come again, I'm just having fun."

"Do you want to continue teasing me? Bastard!" Tayuya said angrily, "Even if I die! I won't do what you want!"

Can't run, can't run, can't be beaten, rather than being teased again, and then killed by this dead bald head, it is better to die by his own hands, so that he can avoid the teasing before death.

Duoyou also turned the flute and stabbed it at his heart.

In front of the chakra-enhanced Ninja Tool, the skin is as fragile as paper, and with one click, it hits each other, and the heart is chilled.

"Oshemaru-sama" was about to say something before he died, but before he could finish speaking, he fell to the ground, dead.

Naruto scratched his cheek, threw a small tailed beast jade, gasified her, found a suitable place nearby, separated out the shadow clone, and dug a hole to bury himself in.

Finally, look at the value of the eye-system, close your eyes, and fall asleep.

"Character; Naruto Uzumaki

Forbearance; 39

body; 50

phantom; 24"

Duoyu not only helped him break through the [-]-point mark, but also raised four more ranks, so this battle was not a loss.

Just to remind him that Konoha is not necessarily absolutely safe, to prevent similar things from happening again, and to sleep at night in the future, he needs to be more careful.

Just use the method when you go out, let the shadow clone sleep on the bed, he sleeps in the closet or under the bed.

"" Nine tails.

It's been a long time, it's an eye-opener, such a wonderful Renzhuli, it doesn't know what to say at all.

Obviously powerful, but so cautious.

"Be steady, it's good." Kyuubi shook his ears, lay down and continued to doze off.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Anbe was the first to notice that Naruto was missing.

After investigation, it was determined that Naruto was not in the village, let alone near the village. The leader of the dark army, who realized that something was wrong, did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported the news to Tsunade.

This news made Tsunade, who was sleep-deprived and sleep-deprived, so sleepy that his eyelids were fighting, woke up in an instant.

After asking the Ming and Anbu for detailed information and confirming that Naruto's disappearance was not a prank, but a real thing, Konoha Village entered a super-level alert state.

Jinchuriki is equivalent to nuclear deterrence. Tsunade knows how important Naruto is to Konoha. No matter what price is paid or how many people are sacrificed, Naruto cannot be lost.

"What about Jiraiya? Did you go to inform? Why didn't you come?" Tsunade said.

"Master Jiraiya drank too much alcohol, that, I can't wake up." Anbu who went to inform Jiraiya to show up, said truthfully.

Tsunade waved his fist twice in the air, wanting to hit someone angrily.

Unreliable at critical moments.

Most of the Anbu, Junin, Chunin, and those who have the ability to be independent are sent out to conduct a carpet search.

Among them, there is also the Jonin of the Inuzuka clan, who traces Naruto's smell through the sense of smell, which is the most important route.

It cannot be denied that this is a false clue left on purpose, so the scope of the search should be as dense as possible, and no clues should be missed.

An hour passed with no news.

Two hours passed, still no news.

More than ten minutes later, the latest news came, saying that traces of a battle involving a very large area were found.

"Traces of the battle, who is it? Where is Naruto? How is he?" Tsunade put his hands on his forehead and sat on the office chair, frowning.

Naruto didn't find it, but found other clues first.

It has been set up in many places in Konoha, and the monitors installed have found the culprit who secretly sneaked into the house and took Naruto away.

According to Anbu, who had witnessed Oshemaru's battle against the third generation in the Chunin Exam, the figures of these four people were very similar to the four Otonin who supported Oroshemaru's four purple flame formations at that time.

Tsunade was in the office listening to the various reports Anbu kept sending back. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and three old men walked in, Danzo, Monyan, and Xiaochun.

It is an old antique from the same era as the third generation, and the only remaining veteran of Konoha, with fame and real power, can influence the high-level decision-making in the village to a certain extent.

"Godaimu, we've already heard about it." Men Yan said, "Renjuri was stolen in the village. Such an unbelievable thing makes my scalp tingle."

"If there is one, there will be two, and if there is two, there will be three. There will be many times in the future." Xiaochun said: "To prevent Jinchuriki from having an accident again, Godaimu, we propose to implement high-pressure control and control on him, and send at least two at any time. Anbu protects him, restricts his personal freedom, and controls his interpersonal relationships. In theory, Jinchuriki does not need friends, as long as he is a weapon for the village."

Danzo didn't speak, but what the two consultants meant was almost what he meant, except that he wanted to control Renzhuli by himself.

"It's too hasty to deal with it like this." Tsunade said: "I have heard from Kakashi that Naruto cherishes his companions and gets along well with them, and, according to Anbu's investigation, he and the young lady of the Hyuga family have a similar relationship. I don't agree with such a forceful control over a relationship beyond ordinary friends, he is a human being, not a weapon."

"Whether it's a person or a weapon, it all depends on how to cultivate it. Five generations, don't be arrogant."

Contradictions have emerged. Everyone is thinking about the village, but they look at the problem from different angles, and the methods of doing things are also different.

Tsunade believes that what maintains this village is a kind of spirit, simply put, it is human touch, connecting each other with love.

The two advisors, including Danzo, put order above emotion.

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