"That's not to say that you can see it immediately." Immortal Zhima said: "It's inconvenient to disturb when you are in a deep sleep."

"I know, don't worry, we can wait here." Jiraiya said: "It's just for Naruto to get acquainted with everyone."

Just at this moment, a toad jumped up from a distance.

Look at the two sages Fukasaku and Shima, and then look at Naruto and Jiraiya, saying that the big toad sage is awake, and wants to bring a newcomer, that is, Naruto, to meet it and have something to say.

It was a pleasant surprise.

The two celestial beings looked at each other, obviously realizing that there was a prophecy related to Naruto, otherwise the big toad celestial being wouldn't have woken up so coincidentally, he didn't wake up sooner or later, and he just woke up at this time.

Naruto followed Jiraiya and the two sages, and walked towards the location of the big toad sage, thinking deeply.

It seems that Zilai is still not at ease, he must get an accurate prophecy to ensure that he will not do harm in the future before he dares to teach him more powerful power.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Miaomu Mountain.

Worthy of being a fairyland, this tranquility close to nature makes people feel at ease, as if no matter how much irritability and impetuosity, it can be alleviated here.

Naruto saw many toads, colorful and varied, the small ones were as big as a palm, and the big ones were as big as a tailed beast.

Of course, they are only comparable in size, but they are far behind in terms of strength.

Ji Lai on the side also introduced softly, especially those toads who are powerful, have magical effects, and can be of great help.

Naruto listened very carefully, even though he didn't need it.

Every time the bloodletting is troublesome, it takes so much effort just to summon an auxiliary toad, don't be so short-sighted, okay?

Finally, they came to the location of the Great Toad Immortal, and the two followed the two toads into it.

The light slowly dimmed.

"Little Zilaiye?" Immortal Big Toad said slowly, "Then, the one next to you is a newcomer from Mount Miaomu."

"Yes." Jiraiya said, "He is my newest disciple, Uzumaki Naruto."

It looked like a big toad sage with some dementia, his dull eyes fell on Naruto for a long time

"Naruto Uzumaki, this child is very important."

"Please clarify." Jiraiya cheered up; "What should I do."

"With him around, the future of the world will be safe and secure."

It is obviously very important content, but when the Great Toad Immortal spoke, he always spoke in a calm tone, giving people a feeling of talking in sleep.

"You don't need to do anything special, just don't force him to do anything, it's best to let nature take its course."

That's it, Jiraiya is completely relieved now.

This morning, Tsunade came to him and talked a lot, including last night when Naruto was stolen out of the village by Orochimaru's subordinates, Kyuubi broke out and killed those four people, and she had a conversation with Naruto.

Heart is under the kyte.

Tsunade was willing to believe in Naruto, but he was afraid that something might happen.

What if Naruto really holds a grudge against the village and will take revenge on and destroy the village in the future?

Tsunade needed a piece of evidence to prove that Naruto had no problems, so she entrusted this task to Jiraiya.

As for Jiraiya, he thought of Immortal Toad who could predict the future for the first time.

If, according to the prophecy, Naruto will destroy Konoha, destroy the village, and even subvert the entire ninja world.

Naruto is Minato, Kushina's only son, and Jiraiya will save his life, but he won't let Naruto have a chance to improve his strength.

The village is important, and Naruto is also important. When both are important, Jilai can only do this, so as to protect both sides at the same time.

There are Hinata and Sakura, these two girls who like Naruto, no matter who Naruto chooses in the end, I believe they can live a very happy life.

This is a decision that Zilai also made in his heart.

On the contrary, the prophecy proves that there is nothing wrong with Naruto. As a master, he will teach Naruto wholeheartedly and train Naruto to be an excellent ninja who is independent, even surpassing Minato and Kushina.

This is a completely different result.

"The future of the world?" Jiraiya secretly asked.

He does not doubt that the prediction of the Great Toad Immortal will be wrong, because that is what will happen in the future.

Immortal Toad finished his prophecy related to Naruto, and fell asleep again in a daze.

After going outside, farther away, Zilai couldn't help laughing anymore.

"Mr. Jiraiya, you startled me, what's wrong, you suddenly laughed like this." Naruto said helplessly.

"I'm just happy, happy." Ji Laiya patted Naruto's shoulder, and said with a happy smile: "Come on, let's go have a drink, ah, I almost forgot, you are not yet an adult, so you can't drink, hiss, In fact, you can drink less."

"You can drink wine anytime. Can you teach me new ninjutsu now? I've been busy for a long time, but I haven't seen anything yet." Naruto reminded.

Jiraiya slapped his head, indeed, after realizing that he didn't need to do anything to Naruto, he was so happy that he almost forgot about the business.

"It's not ninjutsu, and I'm not teaching you. It's the power you already have. What I want to do is to help you unlock it." Zilai also said: "Don't worry, let me explain to you in detail. .”

Everyone is anxious about this matter.

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