The key, without the key of the gossip seal, the power of the Nine Tails has always been restricted.

In this situation, even if Naruto has been recognized by Kyuubi and has fought Kyuubi, he still cannot activate Kyuubi mode. The problem lies in this key.

Naruto stared dryly.

Patiently listening to Zilai also nagging about science popularization for a long time, explaining the gossip seal, the four-image seal, and the stakes in it.

Naturally, all problems come back to the key node, the key.

In front of Naruto, Jiraiya spit out the key sealed in his body, that is, Toad Toru.

After some explanations, Hama Yin realized what he was doing, and after getting Hama Yin's consent, Jilai asked Naruto to open his mouth as much as he could.

Naruto, who knew what was about to happen, suppressed his nausea, and pressed his hands one left and one right under the earlobes on both sides. With the help of his hands, he removed his chin, then grabbed the corners of his mouth, and opened his mouth as wide as possible. Open up.

"Gah!" Ji Lai Ye's scalp tingled with shock.

He just asked Naruto to open his mouth so that Toadin could go in, but he didn't expect Naruto to be so cruel.

As a toad, Toad Yin didn't know or understand human body structure, so he didn't feel how shocking Naruto's behavior was. It saw Naruto's wide-open mouth and sneaked in.

Feeling a big slippery thing coming down his throat, Naruto knew it was done, he put his jaw back, tried to say a few words, yes, it didn't affect.

"Naru, Naruto, do you feel any discomfort? Is there something wrong?" Zilai also stammered a little.

"No, I feel fine." Naruto grinned, and the white teeth flashed into Jiraiya's eyes.

Repeatedly confirming that there is nothing wrong with Naruto, the gossip seal is opened, and Kyuubi is not causing trouble, so Zilai can rest assured.

Now he really believed what Naruto said, and became friends with Kyuubi, otherwise Kyuubi wouldn't be so quiet.

This is Mt. Miaogi, Fukasaku, and Shima are two sages by their side, they can activate the sage mode at any time, and Zirai is also good at the sealing technique. If Kyuubi makes trouble, prepare for a fierce battle.

I didn't expect it to be so smooth and peaceful.

In fact, Jilai also made a mistake, the gossip seal has not been released, and a person who is expected to appear stops all this.

"Fourth Hokage!" Kyuubi was furious.

It was this man who separated and sealed it, keeping it in this dark and narrow place, without freedom.

After enduring so many years of loneliness, I will finally meet a human being who recognizes it from the bottom of my heart, treats it as a friend, and treats it equally, Naruto.

Eh, thinking about it this way, there seems to be no reason to be angry?

Kyuubi froze for a moment, the fox's face became a little weird, and finally got down on the ground again, curled up into a ball, wrapped its tail around itself.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"How could such a thing happen?" Minato murmured.

He set a gossip seal, sealed the key on Toad Yin, and entrusted it to Zilaiye.

In other words, without Jiraiya's consent, this key would never appear, but right now, it is indeed the key.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Naruto appeared in the sealed space in the form of a conscious body, which did not affect his conversation with Jiraiya outside.

"Naruto? Is it Naruto?" Minato looked at Naruto.

Because he was bald and had no hair, he was almost unrecognizable, and it was the face that was somewhat similar to Kushina's, which made him see something all at once.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto, you haven't answered my question yet, who are you? Why can you appear here?"

Naruto has been acting since he was a child, and Naruto has long been used to pretending not to understand. Even if he knows who the other party is, he can still pretend that he doesn't understand anything.

"En? You don't know who I am?" Minato said, "I'm your father."

Naruto was speechless, the person he met for the first time said he was his father, who would believe that.

"It's not suitable for talking here." Minato glanced at Nine Tails inside the iron gate, and said, "Let's change places."

"No need." Naruto shook his head: "Nine Lamas are my friends, there is nothing that cannot be said in front of it."

Who is the Nine Lamas?Minato was full of doubts, but seeing Naruto's firm expression, it didn't look like he was joking, he thought about it, and didn't say anything more on this issue.

"There is no doubt that I am your father, and no one can change this." Minato said, "Naruto, tell me, what's going on here, where is Mr. Jiraiya? How is he?"

Naruto looked skeptical, hesitated for a while, and explained the process of going to Miaomu Mountain with Jilai, meeting the Great Toad Immortal, hearing the prophecy, and getting the key to the gossip seal.

"The future of the world? So, Naruto, you are the son of the prophecy that Mr. Jiraiya said? No, you are more powerful than the son of the prophecy..." Minato paused, and continued; "The son of the earth? The world Son? Son of the universe?"

"Are you really my father? Aren't you the Fourth Hokage? I've seen your shadow rock."

Naruto didn't answer the topic of this name, it felt like it would be endless, he wanted to get to the point quickly, confirm the relationship between father and son, and then ask cheap dad for some benefits.

"That's right, I'm the Fourth Hokage, look." Minato also turned around specially, so that Naruto could see the words on the back of his cloak.

At the same time, it was confirmed that Naruto did not know that he was his father.

What are the three generations doing?What are you thinking?Why hide it?

All kinds of questions flashed through Minato's mind.

"Then since my father is the fourth generation of Hokage, why did I live in such a miserable life since I was a child? Food, drink, basically expired food, clothes and other supplies, no one would sell me, go to the street, go out, everywhere It's all hatred and cold eyes, and there are countless words pointing behind the back."

Naruto is so familiar, he can't help the red eyes when he said it, all of which he has personally experienced.


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