"If my father is the Fourth Hokage, then am I not the child of a hero? Why, why did such a thing happen to me?"

Minato was silent for a long time, raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, and stepped forward to hug Naruto without saying a word.

No matter how much you say, it is empty. After all, what has happened, there is no way to change it.

"Sorry." Minato said, "Really, I'm sorry."

outside world.

Naruto suddenly sat on the ground, closed his eyes, and sank all his energy and consciousness into the sealed space.

This action aroused Jiraiya's heart, thinking that Kyuubi was making trouble, he dared not take out the seal talisman he had prepared in advance, and exchanged a knowing look with Fukasaku and Shima, the two sages.

Once Kyuubi riots and wants to snatch Naruto's body or come out, needless to say, it will definitely be a fierce and dangerous battle.

seal space.

After passing through the identification process, Naruto wiped away his tears and blushed a little. After all, he was a mature adult who cried like this.

Don't ask, asking is too deep into the drama.

"Jiushinna just gave birth to you, it was when you were weak, oh, Jiushinai is your mother, you haven't seen her yet, have you? She is very beautiful and gentle, I hope you can find someone like your mother in the future Girl." Minato said: "At that time, a masked man with a mysterious identity appeared and took you away, and then..."

Tell a story, tell a story you know.

Without impatience, Naruto listened carefully.

This is a story told by cheap dad himself, and it is likely to be the only time. For this uniqueness, he will listen to it patiently.

It started with the masked man, Nine-Tails Raider, and then he talked about his childhood, becoming a ninja, and what happened after he became Hokage.

Minato talked about the cruelty of war, the tragedy of the country where Kushina was destroyed, and the importance of Ninja Village and Renzhuriki.

The central idea that I want to express is that with great power comes great responsibility.

"What about you?" Shuimen said, "I want to know something about you. How are you doing now?"

"It's okay, there is a girl who I like and also likes me, two teammates with strong relationship and high tacit understanding, two teachers, and a few friends who have a good relationship." Naruto said briefly .

"Really? Your mother said that you don't need to have many friends, as long as you have a few friends you can truly trust. When you see your mother's Chakra, I believe she will explain it clearly to you."

It seemed as if he had opened up the chatterbox, and indeed he had a lot of things he wanted to say to Naruto.

After confirming that Kyuubi is harmless, Jirai is outside, Naruto's safety is guaranteed, and he has no worries, Minato is really chatting with Naruto as a father.

where to live?What do you eat every day?Who is the girl you like?Are there any rivals?

Naruto suppressed his eagerness to get benefits from the cheap dad, and said everything, and he said it for nearly two hours.

In the end, seeing that Dad didn't say anything, Naruto pretended to be embarrassed and said, "Well, Dad, is there any powerful technique you can teach me?"

"A powerful technique? Isn't Heliwan Wan powerful?" Minato was stunned.

"It's great, but there are others, I want to learn more."

Flying Thunder God, all kinds of sealing techniques, including the ghoul seal that all died together.

The system value is so difficult to increase, and there is really no way to do it later, and he can still summon the god of death to stab him, Naruto's abacus crackling.

"Heh, that's right, I didn't leave you much, half of the Nine-Tails sealed in your body brought you so much pain." Minato laughed at himself, shook his head, and put his hand on Naruto's bald head ; "I don't know if you can learn it, but this is one of the few things I can give you right now."

Suddenly, a large amount of memory flooded into consciousness along with Cheap Dad's Chakra.

Naruto closed his eyes to digest, and when he opened them again, Cheap Dad had disappeared.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Chakra of the water gate disappeared, and the key to open the gossip seal had no resistance.

Naturally, the next thing will follow suit.

The iron gate shutting Nine Tails was opened, Nine Tails gained a certain degree of freedom.

Without the gossip seal, if Kyuubi goes out at this time, it will definitely bring huge troubles to Naruto and Jiraiya who are looking forward to it from the outside world.

Regarding this point, Naruto did not worry at all, nor would he doubt it at all.

If the object is a human being, then he is somewhat hesitant, because people's hearts are fickle.

But tailed beasts are not like that. At best, tailed beasts are arrogant and duplicity, especially Nine Tails. When you get its approval, you can trust it [-]% and unconditionally.

"Nine Lamas, how do you feel?" Naruto said.

Looking up, the gigantic Nine Tails, who hadn't felt much inside the iron gate before, came out and stretched out. The size and oppressive feeling are simply scary.

If it weren't for knowing Kyuubi's temper, and they became friends, Naruto would be able to stand here calmly.

"That's it." Kyuubi turned around the sealed space, lay down again in the center, and snorted; "It's more spacious than the iron gate, and it won't be too aggrieved."

Naruto smiled, and went up to touch Kyuubi's nose.

Kyuubi snorted and did not reject Naruto. Compared with those, it had more important questions to ask.

"Naruto, now you know the truth, I am the murderer who killed your parents, do you hate me?"

Naruto really hadn't thought about this question, but now that Kyuubi asked him, he froze for a moment, and thought about it seriously.

"A little bit."

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