In a short period of time, the magic value is taken care of by Kakashi, and he can slowly accumulate it without getting stuck before the integer mark. The problem that makes him feel imminent is Ino.

That's right, Ino is good at perception, and can clearly sense his chakra, so every day he will be blocked by Ino on the way home, looking down and not seeing each other, frequent meeting is always bad.

If you can also master the chakra perception technique, you can perceive Ino and avoid it in advance.

After such elimination, screening, and weighing the pros and cons, Naruto clenched his fists and bumped into each other.

Decided, learn Chakra Perception first, from easy to difficult.

With the definition, Naruto began to read the practice method of this technique.

There is no need to make mudras for this technique, just put the index finger and middle finger together, and touch the fingertips to the ground.

Naruto saw the methods thoroughly, got up and went outside, squatting on the ground.

According to the above description, put two fingers together, touch the ground, then close your eyes, calm down, let go of your mind, and don't think about anything.

Maintain this action for half an hour.

For the first time, of course I didn't feel anything, Naruto moved his hands and feet, and continued in another place.

In a blink of an eye, three hours passed, Naruto looked at the many small holes poked out by his nails on the ground, and remained silent.

"This kind of technique that has nothing to do with the body should be able to practice with shadow clones?"

Thinking of this with a slow mind, Naruto covered his face, clasped his hands together, separated five hundred shadow clones, let them disperse, and went to practice chakra perception. He was so sleepy that he fell asleep when he got home.

It was a sleepless night.

Sakura turned on the lamp to read at night, and with the double cooperation of Sakura and Sato, she tried her best to conquer the art of spiritualization.

Sasuke closed his eyes to sense his own spirit, and tried to separate the spirit from the body. When he felt sleepy, he picked up the Senbon from the side and stabbed it at his thigh, using pain and blood to wake up his consciousness.

Hinata secretly carried a lot of food from the kitchen back to the room, and ate a little when she was hungry, and a little when she was sleepy.

At dawn, Naruto, who had slept all night, did not feel refreshed, on the contrary, he was very sleepy.

The memory of so many shadow clones flowed back, it was as if he hadn't slept.

Yawning, after washing up, he managed to pull himself together and went to the back mountain.

The hard work of this night was not in vain. The Chakra Sensing Technique first glimpsed the door, and after digesting all the memories, Naruto squatted on the ground, and raised the two fingers of his right hand together to lightly touch the ground.

In an instant, a perception circle with a range of about seven to eight meters was formed.

Small is a little small, but isn't this just the beginning of learning?Maybe you won't be able to reach the chakra that can easily sense thousands of miles away in the second generation of Feijian. I believe it is still possible for hundreds of miles or tens of miles.

In the future, if you become a sage, your perceptual ability will be scary, but now this is nothing more than excessive. Naruto knows it very well, so it doesn't matter whether it is big or small, as long as it is enough.

"Aren't you coming today?"

At noon, Sakura was still not seen, Sasuke came over, Naruto understood, it seemed that he put his energy and focus on those few techniques.

Bamen dunjia is hard work, it needs a long time of hard training, and it is difficult to see results in a short period of time.

In the absence of a choice, one can only cultivate the Eight Gates Dunjia, but now that one has a choice, the center of gravity can be shifted appropriately.

It shouldn't be too late to give up the eight doors of dunjia, but to reduce the time to exercise a little before completing those few skills.

After figuring this out, Naruto sent two shadow clones to find Sasuke and Sakura respectively to confirm the situation, and then set a gathering time to discuss progress and communicate with each other on a regular basis.

After completing this step, Naruto turned into a blonde girl with twin ponytails, and left for the hospital in the afternoon.

He is going to visit Kakashi and check on Kakashi's condition. If his body is still strong, he will use another illusion to increase the magic value.

Anyway, chakra is a waste if it is not used, so it is better to help him.

"Oh?" When he found something, Naruto stood outside the balcony of a family on a clothes rack, shook it twice, stabilized his body, and looked intently; "Finally, we have negotiated the terms."

At the same time, under the leadership of Anbu, Sand Shinobi and his party walked out of the village.

Among them, Gaara suddenly turned his head and saw Naruto from a distance; "Is this Chakra him?"

"What's wrong, Gaara?" Temari, Kankuro asked softly, and then looked in the direction Gaara was looking at.

There was nothing there, Naruto had left.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ms. Kakashi, are you okay?" Naruto greeted with concern, and put the flowers he bought into the vase.

"En." Kakashi didn't lift his eyelids, resting one hand behind his head and holding the magazine in the other.

Look at that decadent performance, you can't read minds, you have no idea how active his mental activities are.

"I'm sorry." Naruto apologized: "During that illusion yesterday, for some reason, Nine-Tails broke out suddenly and made a lot of holes in your house. I will pay for how much it needs to be repaired."

"It's okay." Kakashi said: "I don't really care about this little money. Besides, there is no teacher who asks for students' money. It's good that you have this kind of heart."

The topic ends here.

Kakashi was concentrating on reading the magazine, occasionally turning the pages, his lifeless eyes sometimes flickered with light, which was very obscure.

Naruto moved a chair and sat beside him, resting his chin on his hands, staring at Kakashi without blinking his beautiful eyes.

Such a different picture made the nurse who came in regularly to change Kakashi's bottle look sideways.

"What's the matter?" Kakashi said, "You've been looking at me for an hour, is there something dirty on my face?"

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