"No, I was thinking, Kakashi-sensei has been wearing a mask, is he too handsome for fear of attracting others, or too ugly for others to see." Naruto said: "Another one, I am waiting for you to recover Chakra, cast another illusion on me."

"" Kakashi.

"Master Kakashi! I want illusion, give it to me!" Naruto said softly.

"You want me to die." Kakashi said listlessly: "Yesterday was already very reluctant, and I have very little Chakra, so I need to count carefully, you"

Naruto clasped his hands together, multiple shadows were cloned, and the entire ward was once again surrounded by beautiful people.

"Master Kakashi! Please! It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's an illusion, okay?"

"Even if you say that, I" refused later, Kakashi couldn't continue, and stuck for a while; "You come back tomorrow."

"Ms. Kakashi, is it alright?" Naruto was pleasantly surprised; "Thank you, see you tomorrow, and I will bring another gift."

Watching Naruto jump out of the window and leave, I also admired the beautiful girls in swimsuits transformed by these dozens of shadow clones, swaying back and forth, and the dance is not very beautiful, but because of the beauty of the people, it is particularly pleasing to the eye.

Disappears for ten minutes.

Kakashi took the paper from the bedside table, lifted a bit of the mask, and cleaned up the nosebleed.

Naruto is so positive, as a teacher, as a Jonin, he can't just leave it alone. If he should cooperate, he must cooperate with all his strength.

It's just that this frame can't hold up, and it's powerless.

Fortunately, there are quite a few juniors and companions brought out by him in Anbu, among them there are many masters who are proficient in illusion and have practiced illusion. It should be okay to ask them to help you without delaying the business.

"Tomorrow's gift, what will it be?" Kakashi was silent, thinking about what Naruto said when he left.

On the other side, Naruto jumped between the roofs, thinking about Kakashi, without wasting time, he turned to the back mountain, preparing to continue exercising and practicing ninjutsu at the same time.

This time, we should make good use of the shadow clone and train it with Chakra perception as soon as possible, so that we won't be unilaterally blocked by Ino all the time.

Afraid of something coming, he was hiding behind the water tank on the roof in front of him, obviously sensing Naruto's whereabouts, and after Naruto approached, Ino jumped out suddenly and blocked the way.

"Don't run, I'll cry if you run, and then falsely accuse you of bullying me." Ino was afraid that Naruto would turn around and run away like yesterday, so without any delay, he shouted directly: "Is it okay to be wronged? I won't eat you, just say something, chat, isn't that okay?"

"Injustice?" Naruto paused, glanced sideways at Ino, and said with a grin, "Although it's okay to make a false accusation, anyway, I'm not popular in the first place, and it doesn't matter if I have a few more black spots on my body."

Seeing Naruto running away without turning his head, not caring about his threat at all, Ino gritted his teeth and burst into tears, of course the kind that only thunders but never rains.

Then, there was still no pause for Naruto, and he didn't even look back, the speed didn't slow down, and he quickly disappeared from sight.

"Damn it! You don't take me seriously, Naruto!" Ino gritted his teeth, stomped his feet twice, and felt a little frustrated.

Having run into a wall with Naruto many times, it made her very autistic.

Why can't they just sit down and have a good chat with everyone, so that she can find out Naruto's views on Sakura, and then try to connect with Sakura.

She put in a lot of effort on how to help Sakura win Naruto. She wrote more than [-] words in the notes. If Naruto didn't give him any chance, wouldn't this just block the road?

Glancing at the direction Naruto was leaving, Ino hesitated and chased after him.

Not only would she passively take the blame for Xiao Ying, but she would also take the initiative to help Xiao Ying open the situation.

"Why do you do this for Sakura? Whether she can catch up with Naruto has nothing to do with you, right?"

Recalling what Shikamaru said, Ino said to himself; "There is no way, she can cry easily with a wide forehead, but she is the only one, I don't want to see her cry."

Ino bases Sakura's happiness on himself.

Just like in the ninja school, everyone liked Sasuke. After learning that Sakura liked Sasuke, Ino didn't tell Sakura, she silently kept this feeling in her heart.

If it wasn't for Xiao Sakura's initiative to compete fairly with her, she would never have competed with Xiao Sakura.

This habit has not changed until now.

If Sakura can be happy, then Ino doesn't mind forcing herself.

Naruto is a tough nut to crack, and Sakura alone can't chew it. As a big sister, Ino will help Sakura chew it together, and she will quit after she succeeds. In this way, it's done.

The mountain behind the leaves.

Naruto just picked up the rope tied with several big trees, wrapped it around his body, and was about to run all over the mountains and plains, when he saw Ino chasing him.

"There are some things I don't want to say too much. It's not good for anyone to tear your face." Naruto said in a deep voice: "I don't want to hurt Hinata, and I don't want to delay you, so, if you understand, turn around and start from Where to go and where to go."

"Naruto." Ino took a deep breath to get rid of distracting thoughts; "I understand what you mean, but if you like this kind of thing, it doesn't mean you can lose it if you don't have it. You should give me some time, right? I will try my best to put you down, but you Don't treat me so coldly, it will make me feel bad, even if we can't be together, friend, can't we?"

"No." Naruto said: "Since you don't have that kind of thought, it's best not to contact, meet, talk, give up, I won't give you a chance, and you don't want to start as a friend."

"Then I'm here to exercise and practice, can it be okay?" Ino said, "This back mountain is not your home either."

Anyway, first look for an opportunity to get close to Naruto, and then think of a way.

"You can do whatever you want." Naruto said, and then unloaded the pile of wood, released the shadow clone, and left without even looking at Ino's descent.

If you don't give a chance, you won't give it a chance. There will be no chance at all. If you want Ino to give up, you can only be so hard-hearted.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sakura's house.

"You don't know how cold that guy's face is. It's just a block of ice, even his voice. He refuses to talk to me." Ino said: "Sakura, you That's right, even I, who doesn't like him, feel uncomfortable being treated like this by him, if it were you, I don't know how uncomfortable it would be."

While doing sit-ups and exercising her abdominal muscles, while discussing the art of spiritualization with Sato Sakura, trying to separate her mind, and at the same time distractedly listening to Ino's talk, Sakura was silent for a moment, smiling without saying a word.

"I admire him for being so single-minded and not interested in other girls, and I feel relieved. This means that if you can be together in the future, you don't have to be afraid of him messing around everywhere." Ino looked worriedly at the little girl. Sakura said, "However, this also means that it will be very difficult for you, Sakura, to walk into his heart and win in the end, and the probability of failure will be very high. Is it really worth it?"

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