"I'll give you another chance, let go, and back off." Sakura said.

"No." Li Ying said: "Naruto's first time, I will never let go."

"Damn it!" Sakura said angrily, "Naruto is mine, and no one will let it go. He wants his first time, unless he knocks me down and then steps over me!"

"I can't ask for it!" Sakura growled.

In Naruto's matter, the two Sakura refused to give an inch, and both wanted to grab that first date. In this Naruto's spirit, in a dream, they fought.

Ino, who was watching the whole process, moved his lips, not knowing what to say.

She only thought that Xiao Ying's rival in love was only Hinata, but unexpectedly, Xiao Ying became her own rival in love, and even fought with herself.

Glancing at Naruto in the distance, because he was bored and there was no one, he chose to sit on the beach, looking at the sea in a daze, Ino pondered for a while, and said: "If you don't go, I will go."

After the words fell, he approached where Naruto was.

"What!" The two sakuras changed their faces, and they no longer cared about fighting with themselves. They rushed forward side by side, and almost at the same time, they entered the area where Naruto was.

By the way, one is outside the dream and the other is inside the dream. The two Sakura and Ino have been outside the dream just now, so there is no need to worry about attracting Naruto's attention. Only when they enter the dream will they be seen by Naruto.

"En?" Naruto heard the movement, looked sideways, and saw two figures that looked like Tyrannosaurus rushing towards him.

The hair is flying, the eyes are red, there are tic-tac-toe on the face because of anger, and they growl at each other while running, as if they are competing for who can eat the prey.

Naruto's hair stood on end, his back felt cold, he hurriedly got up from the beach, and fled in the opposite direction.

"Naruto! Don't run!"

"Naruto! Wait for me!"

When Naruto heard the two unknown beings behind him calling him, it was as if he had heard a talisman, and he ran desperately.

Generally speaking, when he realizes that this is a dream, he can almost wake up. Naruto also knows that this is a dream, and it is still a nightmare. It can be seen that he just can't wake up, and the dream seems to be getting worse and worse. more real.

"Why can't I run to this beach? Is there no other route?" Naruto said, crying without tears.

Seeing a lot of coconut trees on the beach, he picked the tallest one, and using both hands and feet, he climbed to the top nimbly like a monkey, not to mention the swiftness of his movements.

Sakura and Sakura, who were chasing after each other, adhered to the principle that if the other party did not stop, they could not stop themselves, and their speed did not decrease, and they climbed the tree with a violent posture faster than Naruto.

Naruto, who thought he was safe at the top of the tree, looked down and suddenly died.

It's too scary, Sakura and Sakura in a rage, the painting style changes suddenly, not to mention Naruto, even if it's Ino outside the dream, if you ask her to recognize it, she won't recognize it.

"No!" Naruto, who was caught by the two cherry blossoms, let out a shrill scream.

The violent fluctuation of the spirit makes the dream become unstable.

Seeing this, Ino raised his forehead speechlessly, what a dream of a date turned into a strange nightmare.

To prevent this stall from being impossible to clean up, Ino went in and grabbed the two Sakura, took them away from Naruto's spirit, and went outside.

Once the obstacles of the three spiritual bodies are lost, the dream is directly disintegrated, and Naruto can wake up.

After the transformation technique was automatically released, he half-kneeled on the ground, gasping for breath, with a look of undecided shock.

He swears that he has never had such a thrilling and frightening nightmare. The sense of reality that he was caught and could never escape once made him almost collapse, and his heart stopped beating.

"I don't do anything bad on weekdays, and I'm not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Did I do anything wrong?" Naruto wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, thinking carefully.

No, he tossed his neighbors when he was dying, and when he attacked Konoha, he took revenge on a few shop owners who cursed him and threw things at him before, and killed the four Otonin.

Besides, there is none of them, wow, are these also considered guilty?

Naruto looked around suspiciously.

I would rather trust it to have it than to trust it to have nothing.

He went back to the house, rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find incense, did not count them, just took a handful, probably dozens of sticks.

Go to the kitchen to find a fire, light the incense, go back to the roof, hold the incense in both hands, stand upright, and meditate in your heart.

"Big brothers and sisters, I don't know what I did wrong and I offended you, but please believe me, I'm a good boy."

"Perhaps you had some grievances during your lifetime. I deeply sympathize and feel sorry for this, but you can't implicate good people for no reason. If you really have to pull a back, I recommend a person who lives under this village. Call Shimura Danzo, and take him with you when you leave."

Nagging and meditating for a long time, until the incense in his hand was burned out, Naruto secretly opened one eye and looked carefully.

On the side, Ino, who saw the whole process in his eyes, burst out laughing.

Sakura felt embarrassed.

Li Ying secretly thought it was a pity.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Having had such a terrifying nightmare, Naruto couldn't fall asleep for a while, so he simply went home and started exercising in the living room.

The shadow clones who were still busy making dumpling stuffing in the kitchen didn't know what happened to the main body.

I slept soundly, but woke up suddenly, burning incense and exercising again. Could this be sleepwalking?

Seeing that there was no chance, Xiao Sakura was so frustrated that she turned her head and glared at Li Ying viciously.

If this guy hadn't stopped her, she would have sunbathed with Naruto now, talking about life, ideals, and what the future baby's name would be, damn it.

Li Ying is not afraid at all, we are one, inseparable, hitting me is equivalent to hitting you, let's see who suffers, anyway, she will not give in when it comes to Naruto.

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