In the past, she couldn't do anything about it. Now, after practicing Linghua, she has the right to fight for happiness to a certain extent.

Risakura made a face at Sakura, followed her back home, and returned to her body.

Sakura was trembling with anger, and was about to catch up, when she suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Ino; "Ino, are you really alright?"

"It's the same again and again, it's okay." Ino Ninja couldn't help laughing and said: "Don't worry about me, compared to me, you should get on good terms with yourself as soon as possible, at least reach a consensus, otherwise this will happen again next time .”

Sakura thought about it, and reconfirmed that Ino was fine, so she went home and entered her body.

The mental body is not affected by the physical level, and the only thing that limits the speed is thinking, where the heart is, where the spirit is, and passing through walls is just a basic operation.

It usually takes five or six minutes to walk, but now it only takes a moment to arrive directly.

Watching Sakura leave, Ino couldn't hold on any longer, the smile on her face turned into pain, and she hurried back to her body.

Using family secrets twice in a row, and taking Sakura and Risakura's spiritual bodies to break through together, this burden is definitely not what she told Sakura to be okay.

"Eh!" Ino groaned and rolled from the bed to the bottom of the bed, holding his head in his hands, with a splitting headache.

Even to stop the pain, she subconsciously bumped her head against the floor.

After getting used to it for a while, Ino got up, picked up a glass of water from the bedside table and drank it, and then lay on his back on the bed, his brain was buzzing and he couldn't fall asleep.

"I like Uzumaki Naruto, I like Uzumaki Naruto." I used to meditate on this sentence.

Sakura's house.

If anyone is here, they will see a very strange scene.

Sakura's left and right hands are fighting each other, including her legs are also kicking each other.

The left hand pinched the right face, and the right hand hooked the left corner of the mouth. At the same time, he was still talking vaguely.

It was clearly Sakura's own voice, but it felt like two people were arguing.

"Enough is enough, what it was before, what it is now, and what it will be in the future, it's just a personality, you want to rebel."

"Hmph, you are too selfish and domineering, I am you, so what if you give me a little Naruto?"

"Do you only want a little? You clearly want everything. Do you think I can't see through it?"

"It's useless to say more."

Sakura knows what kind of temper she is, and of course she also knows what kind of temper she is, Sato Sakura.

Regardless of what Li Ying said, she just wants to occupy Naruto's spirit and dreams. If you really believe her, it is a big mistake. If you take a step back, she will take a step forward. The so-called progress is perfect.

The most correct way is to not give an inch. On the issue of who is the master and who is the slave, it is impossible to compromise.

Although the two Sakuras are connected with each other, they can sense each other's thoughts, and when Sakura and Naruto are together, Sakura can also feel that happiness, but

It's like watching a movie. It's completely different from being there and trying it yourself.

I can obviously date Naruto, get married, have children, everything is completely experienced by me, why should I watch it through you, like watching a movie?

Love is inherently selfish, and Sakura's willingness to unilaterally and selflessly give to Naruto does not mean she is willing to share it with others, even if this other person is her own personality.

Some people may be willing to share their lover with others, but Sakura will definitely not, she wants to be with Naruto every day, every minute, every second, and cannot be separated for a moment, where is there room for other people to intervene?

Time, gradually moving forward, dawn.

Naruto, who didn't sleep much, was so sleepy that his eyes were dry, and yawned, stood on the balcony and watered him.

He took the few cacti at home, and Sasuke didn't have time to take care of them, so don't feed them to death.

Squinting to look at the sun, ghosts are afraid of the daytime, afraid of the sun's rays, being illuminated by the sun, the whole body is warm, and the heart also calms down.

Thinking back to the dream last night, he still feels shuddering. What are those two strange creatures?It sounds like a female.

Before Sakura and Ino came, Naruto took care of all his affairs, including washing, breakfast, and digesting the memory of the shadow clone.

"There are no more vegetables and fruits at home."

These two things are nothing compared to meat.

Meat can be preserved for a period of time after being marinated, while vegetables and fruits, once the freshest period has passed, their taste will be much worse, including nutrition.

Before Hinata left, he stored broth, marinated meat, and marinated eggs in the refrigerator. As for these vegetables and fruits, Naruto can only buy them himself, and there is no need for him to go in person, just send a shadow clone.

Leaving another shadow at home to learn from Sakura, Naruto went straight to the mountain behind Konoha.

The upper limit of the system's numerical value was broken, and he could improve a wave again, and he didn't need to find a particularly powerful force, as long as he could feel a little pain.

Over time, promotion is a matter of time.

nine in the morning.

Sakura and Ino came together.

Both girls were a bit depressed, Sakura and Sato had a fight all night, and Ino was simply due to excessive mental exhaustion.

"En? This, isn't Naruto's body?" Seeing the shadow clone who came to open the door, Sakura gradually recognized it.

As long as you practice spiritualization, you can perceive the soul. This kind of shadow clone created by simply using the average distribution of chakra is at best a piece of consciousness and does not have a soul.

Sakura, who has suffered from this before, knows it all too well.

Ino had just learned it for two days, so naturally she didn't know this. When she walked in, she was still wondering why Sakura didn't come in and stood outside the door.

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