As long as it hurts, there will be accumulation, and if you accumulate enough amount, you will be able to upgrade automatically.

"What? You don't have the strength to rebound anymore?" Xiao Ying and Li Ying connected with each other, feeling the meaning from Li Ying, she froze for a while.

How is this going?It still existed last night, and it was experienced by her, Sato and Ino together, why is it gone now?what is the reason?

Reminiscent of Naruto being awake at this time and sleeping last night, Sakura was thoughtful.

"Great, the magic value is increasing." Naruto thought to himself.

"Great, I can help Naruto, he needs me." Sakura secretly thought.

"Great, my hard work was not in vain, and Sakura has a happy smile again." Ino secretly said.

No ninjutsu, no Bamen Dunjia, Sakura's fighting power is more durable.

Incomplete monster power has little demand for chakra. Spiritualization is a complete spiritual energy that does not consume chakra. The battle lasted until noon under Sakura's gritted teeth.

The ones who got local materials finished their lunch, and were about to learn how to fly Thor for a while, when an Anbu arrived and announced that the seventh class would gather and go to Hokage's office.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Naruto Office.

In class [-], Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke have all arrived except for Kakashi who went out of the village to carry out the mission.

"This C-level task, I will work hard for you." Tsunade said.

Sasuke caught the task sheet thrown over him, opened it, glanced at it, and passed it to Naruto, while Sakura on the side poked his head.

"A landlord in the country of tea, he has three sons, the youngest one is very keen to become a ninja, he is not very old, three years younger than you." , At least two or more are required, the top students in the ninja school period, Sasuke, Sakura, you are the most suitable candidates."

"Oh, then I don't have to go." Naruto said.

Tsunade was about to nod, when Sakura suddenly said, "Sorry, I've been very busy and important recently, I can't spare time, so I can't take it."

"No time." Sasuke said coldly.


He looked at Sasuke, then at Sakura, and finally his eyes fell on Naruto.

"Naruto, why don't you want to go?"

"Look, I'm not the top student mentioned in the requirements, and I'll just stand there stupidly." Naruto said; "Compared to that, I'd rather stay in the village."

Tsunade remembered Kakashi's evaluation of Class [-].

Sakura is mainly Naruto.

Sasuke is such a person who attaches great importance to teamwork. The other two teammates go, and Sasuke has a high probability of following.

So, as long as Naruto is persuaded, it is equivalent to convincing the seventh class.

"Naruto, after completing this mission, I will make an exception and promote you as a Chunin." Tsunade took out her chip.

Breaking the rules?Free?Even if you add another [-] million, I don't want it, Naruto shook his head.

"Exemption from your tax." Tsunade gritted his teeth and increased his chips.

Naruto was really surprised this time.

The decompression shop and the magazine, these two stores are very profitable, tax-free, Tsunade really said it.

What does this represent?It means that behind this, Tsunade can get more generous benefits, otherwise, whoever is full will give up so much for nothing.

Naruto shook his head again.

"Then tell me, what conditions do you need before you are willing to perform this task, as long as it is not too much, I can agree to you." Tsunade put the right to choose in Naruto's hands.

"Uh." Naruto said strangely: "I just want to ask, why does Grandma Tsunade want us to take on this task so much? What's the inside story?"

Tsunade was silent for a long time, and sent Sakura and Sasuke to wait outside the door. She lowered her voice and said to Naruto: "The landlord has offered a condition, as long as the ninja sent can teach his child well, and the result can be If he is satisfied, he will cancel my debt.”

"Debt? How much do you owe?"

"Five million."

Naruto widened his eyes and said in surprise, "[-] million? Really, this landlord is really rich."

"It's not that I borrowed so much from him, the main reason is that the interest rate has turned too high." Tsunade coughed dryly; "This is the situation, you see?"

Tsunade left the words here, you go to carry out the task, I can get rid of the [-] million debt, is there anything more cost-effective than this?

Similarly, being the seventh class to carry out missions is not a loss. In addition to mission commissions, it can also be promoted to Chunin, tax-free, and there are many benefits.

"Why do I feel that things are fraudulent? Is there a problem?" Naruto frowned and said, "There is no free lunch in the world. What if we encounter danger in the past?"

"Is there any danger? I received this task a week ago. I have already sent someone to investigate. There are no problems with people, things, and things." Tsunade couldn't wait: "Besides, I will secretly give you Arrange two Anbu, all Junin, safety can be guaranteed."

"Where's Jiraiya-sensei?" Naruto didn't let go.

"Don't mention that person to me." Tsunade's otherwise pretty face immediately blacked out when he heard about it; "According to Anbu's report, he said that he ran away with a woman. If he has the ability, don't come back. I can't beat him to death." .”

After hearing the cause and effect of the matter, Naruto fell into deep thought.

"How about it? Why are you hesitating? Like a man, I readily agreed." Tsunade urged; How did you do it?"

Naruto came back to his senses, glanced at Tsunade; "Oh, I won't go."

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