Under Tsunade's dazed gaze, Naruto bowed, went out without looking back, greeted Sakura and Sasuke, and left together.

Hugging the little pig, Jing Yin, who had been standing aside like a transparent person, said cautiously at this time: "Master Tsunade, Naruto refuses to go, what should we do? Just refuse?"

Tsunade's heavy face was full of thought-provoking thoughts; "This is [-] million yuan, and the interest will continue to increase. The debt will only increase. Well, let me think about it again."

Not long after, the three Anbu, who had reached the level of Zhongnin and was infinitely close to the special Jnin, appeared in the office.

After listening to Tsunade's instructions, they looked at each other in blank dismay, and using the transformation technique, they became the seventh class and Naruto three people respectively, and took over this task.

Without staying for a moment, he hurried out of the village and headed towards the country of tea.

"Naruto is too careful, isn't it just a C-level mission? What are you afraid of? Besides, there is no problem after investigation, and there are two Anbu secretly protecting." Tsunade said: "It sounds good to be cautious, but it is not good to say , This is cowardice."

"Actually, I also think this task is very problematic. The debt of [-] million yuan will be completely forgiven." Jing Yin said: "It's too exaggerated."

Tsunade remained silent, so she didn't doubt it, but she did send someone to investigate, and it was confirmed that there was no problem.

These were none of Naruto's business, he had completely forgotten about them as soon as he left Hokage's office.

"Naruto, is it okay to be a chunin all along?" Sakura said; "I think with our current level, we are fully qualified to be a chunin."

"I want to be you, but I'm not." Naruto said, "I'm going to be a ninja for the rest of my life."

Sakura slightly puffed up her face and lowered her head.

As a commoner ninja, she wants to have something that she can handle.

For Ninja Village, apart from the apex of shadow, there is no title with more gold content than Jonin.

Once she becomes a Jonin, not only will her parents have good looks, she will also have the capital to brag about, and she will be able to surpass Hinata to some extent, so she doesn't have to feel a little bit inferior like she is now.

"Sasuke, how is your Feilei theology? Tell me if there is anything you don't understand, I'll look for information and see if I can help you answer it." Naruto said.

Hearing this, Sasuke thought about it carefully and asked three questions that stumped him.

Naruto looked at Sakura, wanted to ask her if she remembered, but found that Sakura lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking, distracted.

He had no choice but to help remember first, and ask Sakura later.

Thinking of becoming stronger all the time, and the way to become stronger is in front of him, Sasuke didn't stay long, said goodbye first, and left alone.

Seeing that Sasuke's light bulb had finally left, Sakura cheered up, put down all the chaotic things about Jōnin, Hinata, how to chase Naruto, pointed at the ice cream shop not far ahead, and said: " The weather is hot, and we want to eat something cool, let's learn while eating."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Because of the promise of not being able to get along alone, Ino was recruited again.

The three of them entered the ice cream shop that Sakura mentioned, and picked a place near the corner.

After ordering the flavors I liked one after another, and waiting for the waiter to deliver the ice cream, and the surroundings quieted down, Naruto, who turned into a girl with blond hair and twin ponytails, asked, "Sakura, help me estimate, based on my Level, learning progress, how long will it take to learn to fly Thunder God?"

Sitting on Naruto's right hand side and Ino's left hand side, that is, Sakura in the middle, thought about it seriously, and said uncertainly: "Probably half a year to more than a year."

She didn't want Naruto to learn it too early, as long as it was delayed for one more day, it would be an excuse for another day to get along reasonably.

Half a year to more than a year, this is only a preliminary estimate, if possible, she will extend the time indefinitely, preferably until she enters the palace of marriage.

It would be even more amazing if Naruto could learn how to fly around the world on the day she gave birth to the child.

Naruto, who didn't know what was going on in Sakura's mind, frowned beautifully; "It's been so long, then I won't learn."

"Ah!" Sakura was taken aback.

"Fei Lei Shen, I don't have to learn. You and Sasuke are enough." Naruto said: "It doesn't matter if I know it or not."

"This..." Sakura said, "The reason why you don't study is because it's been too long?"

"One thing." Naruto said: "The main thing is that you don't allow me to use the shadow clone? I have other more important and indispensable cultivations to complete. Choose one of the two, and Fei Leishen can push it back. "

"That, that." Sakura racked her brains and said, "Actually, I can teach you how to fly Thunder God while you are practicing, without delaying the two."

"That won't work, I, Gu Xiuxing, or Gu Xuefei, Thunder God? I'm distracted by two things, and in the end, I may not be able to handle either of them." Naruto said, but rejected Sakura's proposal.

"What kind of practice is it, and it is more important than Flying Thunder God?" Seeing Sakura's eyes asking for help, Ino said, "It is impossible for you to find a better and more outstanding teacher than Sakura all over the world."

"I didn't say not to learn, but to delay learning later." Naruto said.

He wanted to increase the system value as soon as possible, and when it was difficult to improve, he would go back and learn Flying Thunder God.

Originally, using the shadow avatar can easily increase the system value, learn to fly Thor, and do these two things at the same time, but Sakura objected so much, and said that using the shadow avatar is disrespectful to her, so what's the point?

After eating his portion of ice cream, he settled the money again, asked Sakura for the answer to the three questions asked by Sasuke, Naruto got up and left.

He is going to the back mountain to continue hammering himself, and then go to Sasuke later.

Seeing this, Sakura lay down on the table limply, powerless.

Chakra's natural shortcoming restricts her combat power, and her durability is seriously insufficient.

Desire to go with Naruto, actual combat, sparring, sparring, but this body can't support it.

On the side, Ino was also listlessly lying on the table. Last night's mental exhaustion did not mean that she could recover after recovery. She couldn't do it even if she tried to pretend that nothing happened.

"I Yezhu, if you try harder, we will break up our friendship." Sakura said.

"Wide forehead, I think Naruto has a deep-rooted notion that you like Sasuke, which restricts his thinking change." Ino changed the subject and said: "See if you can break free from this bondage, and first let you know that you don't like Sasuke." Regarding Sasuke, confess to him, at least let him know that you are single, it is a choice."

"You think I haven't thought about it?" Sakura sighed, and said helplessly: "Of course I know the essence of this problem, but I can't say it. Once Naruto knows that I don't like Sasuke anymore, what will he think? Thinking of my attitude towards him and various details, it is very likely that he will know my intentions, even if he refuses a beautiful girl like you without hesitation, I will have no hope."

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