Her waist-length pink hair tied into a ponytail, red vest, black short skirt, and the length of the vest is not enough, often showing a standard and perfect vest line when Sakura punches and twists her waist.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

Sakura pretended to be handsome and calm, flicked her bangs, and greeted Naruto with a light smile. Seeing that Naruto's gaze was indeed different from usual, she was secretly happy.

Not far away is Ino who is dozing off on the wooden table.

In order for Naruto to have the conditions to get along with Sakura, she, the third party, must be present, which is better than other light bulbs getting in the way.

Without waiting for Sasuke, he wouldn't come until he cultivated into Flying Thunder God. The two first practiced separately for a while, and then fought together after warming up.

Hundredth Chapter 16 plan failed

Eat at noon and take a rest along the way.

Hearing Sakura talking about her future plans and plans, including the troubles she encountered, Naruto blinked.

To be honest, he is becoming more and more afraid to recognize this Sakura, why is she so powerful.

He has no bloodlines such as Sharingan, Baiyan, Shigumai, and no monster-level power like a tailed beast. He can make such great progress entirely by relying on his own mind and that incredible dual personality.

Bamen Dunjia, Linghuajutsu, Flying Thunder God, and then wait for Sakura to learn from Tsunade the Yin Seal, Baihao's Art, and Creation and Regeneration.

In the battle, the creation and regeneration of immortality can be guaranteed. I wonder if it will die if it explodes to death?

Naruto gathered his divergent thoughts, and looked at Sakura with a kind of god-like eyes.

"Chakra volume?" Naruto pondered, glanced at Ino who was drinking miso soup, lowered his voice, and said softly: "Don't say I said it, you find a way, ask Granny Tsunade to help you!" Teacher, from her, you can get the solution to your problem."

"Master Hokage?" Sakura was surprised: "No, no, how could such a powerful person accept me as his apprentice."

"Believe me, if you show your talent and prove that you love this village from the bottom of your heart, it will be fine."

It was still hard for Sakura to believe it, to be precise, she had no confidence in herself.

The legendary Sannin is also the current Fifth Hokage. Whether it is status, status, or strength, they are too far behind, and she has never had such an idea.

However, Naruto said so, go try?

After the meal, they sat and chatted for a while to digest food, and Sakura left for Hokage's office.

"You don't need to hide from me, I'm very sleepy and I need to sleep." Ino said, "I'm already very happy to be able to watch you from the side, and it won't delay your and Sakura's cultivation."

It was indeed Naruto who was going to change places. Hearing this, he saw Ino leaning against the shade of that tree, as if he was going to sleep like this. After thinking about it, he decided to leave.

"Why?" Ino asked.

"My practice is too noisy, it will be very noisy." Naruto said, but he had already walked away.

"I'm in a deep sleep, no matter what happens outside, I won't wake up, only if I want to wake up, I don't need to think about me." Ino shouted loudly.

She didn't lie, in order to restore her spirit earlier, help Sakura enter Naruto's spirit, let Naruto have dreams related to Sakura, Ino hypnotized herself, closed her consciousness, and fell into a deep sleep .

Doing so can greatly speed up the speed of mental recovery, but there is a certain danger.

It is easy to fall asleep and never wake up again. There must be a very important obsession, and only by grasping this can you be [-]% awake.

Naruto looked back.

Ino took a deep breath, closed his eyes, put his hands on his stomach naturally, his parents and Sakura's appearance flashed in his mind, he tilted his head, and fell asleep.

Seeing that Ino hadn't moved any more, Naruto frowned, walked up to him, picked up a piece of grass that could be seen everywhere, tapped it on Ino's nose, then tapped it on his neck, and then creaked his nest, but there was no response.

"So worry about me? Is it because I feel that I am still young and can't do much? No, it should be because I know that I am tired of beauty and I am not interested in women anymore, so that's why I thought." Naruto secretly said.

By the way, he is even less interested in men.

He used shadow avatars to transform beautiful women and handsome men. He had seen too many of them. He was already immune to beauty and so on. Now it is more about the spiritual aspect.

Now that Ino had slept so dead, it would be inconvenient for Naruto to leave.

If he is not interested in such a little beauty, it doesn't mean that others are not interested. If something happens, it will be a lot of fun.

The multiple shadow clones spread out in the usual way to prevent the existence of Anbu and root organization members, and the dozen or so shadow clones closest to him all entered the Nine-Tails mode.

"Come." Naruto put a shield on himself, and he was as immobile as a mountain. He first unbuttoned his shirt, and then opened his hands.

Using strange power, he grabbed the shadow clones of the Huoxing Helix Pill, went forward one after another, and greeted him frantically.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang.

At the same time, the country of tea.

Instead of changing into the appearance of the three members of the seventh squad, the three Anbu who came here to carry out the task quickly discussed the actual content with the landlord.

After confirming that there is no problem with each other, the task officially begins, teaching the son of the landlord's family to practice the way of ninja.

An attendant brought tea, but when he got up, his feet slipped, he almost fell, and bumped into Anbu who became Sasuke.

After apologizing, the attendant hurriedly left.

After going outside, the attendant hurriedly came to the main house, knocked on the door to identify himself, and opened the door to enter after getting permission.

"Master Orochimaru, I'm sure. That's not Sasuke. Although they are very similar in temperament, demeanor and movement, but there is no curse mark." The attendant was talking, and his body was restored to its original state in the light smoke. It was the pharmacist's pocket.

"Really? I thought it was a master who was good at the seal technique, who tampered with the curse seal so that I couldn't perceive it. It turned out to be a fake." Orochimaru laughed.

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