"The reason why Kidomaru and the others died has not yet been investigated clearly. The spies placed in Konoha, Anko, have been cleaned up a lot, and the remaining few are not high-ranking. It is difficult to expect to find any good news. "Doudou said: "There are two Sannin in Konoha who are as famous as Master Orochimaru, and there are many elite ninjas. It is basically impossible to rob people in the village. You still have to work hard on tasks. This time, the five If the [-] million is not enough, then increase the chips, anyway, Princess Tsunade has many creditors outside, and there are enough chess pieces to use."

"In my opinion, using Itachi's name is the most stimulating to Sasuke." Orochimaru said: "Pretend to show up as Itachi, lure Sasuke out of the village, and then catch him."

"Of course that's also a way, but before attracting Sasuke, it is likely to attract Akatsuki, or even Itachi himself." Dou said: "Master Orochimaru has just completed his reincarnation, and his physical condition is not very good. If you meet Itachi, It's troublesome."

"It was a waste of effort." Orochimaru sighed.

Find one of Tsunade's creditors, kill him, and replace him with a mission to Konoha, which requires two top students from the Ninja School period.

Because the level is set at C level, there is a high probability that it will be a ninja, which is almost the name of Sasuke and Sakura.

Orochimaru went to Konoha to lure Jiraiya away again, to prevent him from secretly protecting him, and even the countermeasures for Jiraiya to follow him have already been figured out.

With Junmaro still on his last breath, and with the cooperation of Kabuki, Orochimaru is confident that he can snatch Sasuke away under the protection of Jiraiya.

Unfortunately, things backfired. I don't know which link went wrong, which aroused Tsunade's suspicion. He actually only sent three fake products to make up the number.

"Hurry up, Sasuke is the container for my next reincarnation, I want to cultivate it myself." Orochimaru said.

"Understood." Tou said: "Then you have to be calm, Sasuke belongs to Master Orochimaru, and he can't escape."

Hundredth Chapter 17 So handsome

in the afternoon.

The outermost shadow clone disappeared, letting Naruto know that Sakura was coming.

He quickly stopped being beaten, put on his shirt, and pretended to exchange ideas with the shadow clones.

You shoot one, I shoot one, we play games together, you shoot two, I shoot two, we both have two brains.

It looked like the fight was fierce, but in fact, there was no pain, or in other words, under normal conditions, the shadow avatar using strange power couldn't hit him at all.

Naruto himself felt that it was more like playing a game, or the kind of house wine game.

"Naruto!" Sakura stretched out her right hand all the way.

Naruto was stunned for a moment, and raised his right hand subconsciously, and the two of them clapped their right hands together vigorously.


Using this as a fulcrum, Sakura hugged Naruto excitedly, and cheered happily.

Naruto was confused, and what made his scalp tingle even more was that, with a bang, Sakura kissed him hard, on the right side of his cheek.


"Naruto, it's really possible." Sakura smiled and said, "Master Hokage has accepted me as an apprentice, no, I should call her Master now, and do what you said, it's really possible, I'm so happy."

"Ah, oh." Naruto stared blankly at Sakura, wanting to see something.

No matter what, a girl would not casually kiss a boy, Sakura was a bit out of line.

On the other hand, Sakura didn't think there was anything unusual about her actions just now. The redness on her face could be regarded as a kind of shyness, but it could also be regarded as the result of excited, happy, excited emotions.

"Hey, what's wrong with Ino?" Noticing that Ino was motionless under the shade of the tree, Sakura calmed down a bit.

"She said it was a deep sleep. She couldn't wake it up outside. She had to wake up herself to wake up." Naruto said.

"Really?" Sakura nodded, let go of Naruto's hand, and walked towards the wooden stool first.

At an angle that Naruto could not see, she raised her right hand and lightly wiped the cherry lips, a blush appeared on her cheeks, but she suppressed it again.

Ino asked her to be herself, boyish, so she really tried to be herself.

For a long time, I wanted to do things, but I didn't dare to do things because of this and that.

I wanted to kiss Naruto for a long time, and now I got my wish.

Her heart was beating so hard, if Liying hadn't been reading her three generations of poems to distract her attention, she would be blushing now.

"Come here, let me tell you what happened just now." Sakura said.

"That, just now." Naruto hesitated.

"What?" Sakura was puzzled, and when she realized it, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at? I'm serious, you"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but it's just funny, I didn't expect you to care about this matter." Sakura smiled: "Look, we are good friends, right?"

Naruto nodded.

"Is it unacceptable to kiss the cheek between good friends? Ino and I often do this."

Xiao Sakura lied, it was the first time she could remember, the intimacy with her parents when she was a child was not counted.

I thought about taking away Naruto's first kiss, but I thought it would not end well after that, so I couldn't justify it, so I could only endure it, and it would not be too late to do it after the relationship was established or after marriage.

"You are one of my few good friends, and I don't hate you, of course this kind of behavior is fine." Sakura said.

"It's the first time I've heard of it." Naruto laughed dryly.

"Look at your expression, as a girl, I can let go so much, what can't you let go?" Xiao Sakura curled her lips, looking at Naruto with a look that you are really useless, I despise you.

"I think, the intimacy between girls is a manifestation of the deep feelings of girlfriends. The relationship between girls and boys, uh," Naruto organized the wording, uncertain: "Is it not so good?"

"But this is my style. I can do this to you, and you can do this to me. Come, here, come here." Xiao Ying leaned forward, pointed at her right cheek, and said generously: "Do you dare to do this?" ?”

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