To avoid making the same mistake as last time, Sakura and Satoko must decide whether to win or lose before they set off. Tonight, who will be the first to date Naruto in their dreams.

Naruto, who didn't know this, bought some toys on the way home.

The toy store in Ninja Village, the toys are naturally related to ninjas, masks, plastic kunai, shurikens.

Naruto didn't think these were any fun, but so many children in Konoha Village grew up playing with them, presumably it has something to do with water, soil and culture.

After such a delay, when I got home, it was already dark.

As soon as he reached the second floor, Naruto, who had already taken out the key, heard Hanabi's shout.

Looking back, I saw a petite figure, with a dexterous figure that did not match that age, easily leaping up the handrail of the stairs.

And he jumped up halfway, grabbed the guardrail of the second floor with both hands, made a big swing of his body, performed two perfect front flips, and landed on the corridor outside the second floor.

"Brother Naruto, you came back very late today. I thought you had eaten all your food by now, but I didn't expect that." As he spoke, the veins around Huahuo's eyes gradually appeared, bulging, and his eyes widened. Seeing through the bag Naruto held in his hand, what was in it; "I bought these for me? It's not fun, it's not fun. I have a lot of them at home, and I'm tired of playing with them. Come to the one from yesterday. Are you tired today? Not tired." Shall we play together?"

Hearing Hanabi chattering in his ears, Naruto sighed secretly, this toy was bought for nothing.

It seems to be very depressing at home, like a spring, going outside, not bound by the rules of the family, and in front of the person my sister likes, that is, my future brother-in-law.

Like her sister, Hanabi doesn't need to restrain herself at all, and can play and release to her heart's content.

From meeting to entering the door, and then Naruto entering the kitchen to prepare dinner for himself, Hanabi kept talking non-stop, either exclaiming or laughing.

Waiting for Naruto to bring dinner to the table to eat, in the living room, he played with the shadow clones of the twelve zodiac signs, and even directed the twelve zodiac signs to collide with each other and fight.

But the cartoon version, with a bloated body, where is it suitable for fighting?This fighting process is not thrilling at all, on the contrary, it is very joyful.

Naruto looked indifferent, but he didn't know which point of Hanabi's joke he had hit, he hugged his stomach and laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up.

Children are really happy, Naruto said with emotion.

Anyway, to make my sister-in-law so happy and happy, the result is still very good.

After dinner, hide in the bathroom and hit yourself with a spiral pill, increase your tolerance value, and play with your sister-in-law. Of these two options, I believe it is self-evident which one to choose?

Naruto stole the crystal ball and two packs of potato chips, and informed Hanabi, he went into the bathroom and locked the door.

Just in case, Naruto asked: "Hanabi, you don't look at other people going to the toilet, do you?"

"What are you talking about!" Huahuo was stunned at first, then blushed, and said with embarrassment and anger: "I wouldn't do that kind of thing, the white eyes don't just open when you say it, it's not a mission, a battle, generally no one I will open it casually, besides, if it is not on purpose, the white eyes can only see the chakra veins."

"Specially? What do you mean?"

"When the white eyes are open, you can only see the chakra veins. If you want to see other things, you need to use chakra to adjust and control them." Hanabi didn't want Naruto to misunderstand the family, white eyes, so she patiently explained : "Such as specific scenes, facial expressions, internal organs, and blood vessels, it must be skillfully controlled, and certain skills and talents can be achieved. It doesn't mean that once you open your eyes, you can see everything. The chakra veins are very monotonous and ugly. of."

Anyway, I didn't roll my eyes, it's not that you say what you say, Naruto seems to understand.

Without taking up this topic again, Naruto sat on the toilet and turned on the crystal ball.

First, he looked at Tsunade and found that she was eating snacks secretly.

Looking at Sasuke again, Sasuke is a complete maniac, jumping leapfrog while staring at Sharingan, drawing and pondering the symbol of flying thunder god.

Naruto tore open a bag of potato chips and watched while eating, as if watching a live broadcast, which was very interesting.

After watching it for a while, it was replaced by Sakura again, which made Naruto unable to understand, what was he doing?

Sakura's left and right hands seemed to have different thoughts, and they wrestled with each other, grabbing both sides of her face, and because of this, she didn't know what she was muttering, and she even fell to the ground, her legs kicking each other.

"Is this genius? I don't understand the world of genius." Naruto silently closed the crystal ball and replaced it with something else.

"Hey, could it be that it was a dual personality just now? Sakura was fighting with herself?" Naruto was dumbfounded trying to understand the reason.

This Sakura is getting more and more abnormal, is this the one he knows, the flower vase and nympho Sakura in the plot?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Almost an hour had passed since Naruto entered the bathroom.

Hanabi frequently turned her head to look at her watch, and then at the door of the bathroom, her little face was full of doubts.

She was curious about what kind of thing required squatting in the bathroom for so long.

Although it's wrong to peek at others, it's okay if people don't know, right?My sister has been peeking at Naruto too, there's nothing wrong with that.

Knowing that the zodiac signs around him are Naruto's shadow avatars, Hanabi pretended to be tired from playing, lying on his side on the tatami, and then opened his eyes at an angle that the shadow avatars couldn't see.

Just opened it, only the chakra veins can be seen, which can vaguely depict such a human shape.

Hanabi saw the bathroom, a person sitting on the toilet.

At the same time, in the bathroom, Naruto saw the small movements of Hanabi through the crystal ball, and Naruto immediately extinguished the spiral pills pressed on both sides of his stomach, and gently put the crystal ball into the bucket, pretending to be constipated.

Huahuo saw nothing strange, she was a little disappointed, before reading it, she was full of curiosity, after reading it, she found that it was just like that, she thought she could discover some big secret.

Since there was nothing to see, Hanabi closed her eyes and continued to get up to play with the shadow clones that had turned into twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.

Hearing the laughter of Hanabi outside, Naruto guessed that it was all right, took out the crystal ball from the bucket again, turned it on, watched Hanabi playing with the cartoon zodiac signs, and felt like watching a children's show.

Both hands were not idle, each holding a spiral pill added with wind attribute and Nine-Tails Chakra, pressing it against the sides of the stomach, feeling a slight pain, and continuously accumulating experience to increase the value of endurance.

The nine-tailed chakra extending from the shoulder turned into a chakra hand, picked up a bag of potato chips, and sent it to his mouth, clicking.

The time passed quickly, and at half past nine, Naruto finally left the bathroom, and it was time to send Hanabi home.

"Brother Naruto, three hours." Huahuo raised three fingers and looked at Naruto eagerly; "You have been squatting in the bathroom for too long, um, is it so hard?"

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