"En." Naruto nodded, with an indescribable expression, and said: "Before I met your sister, I often ate junk food, which ruined my stomach. If I could have so many nutritious foods like you since I was a child Food, eat a lot of tonic, my body will not be so bad."

"Is it stomach pain?" Huahuo said, "Sister Seko said that when you have stomach pain, you should rub it clockwise."

Who is Sister Seto?Naruto had a question mark on his head, guessing that it might be a passer-by who didn't appear in the plot, a housemaid.

"Really? Then next time I feel bad, I'll give it a try." Naruto said; "This is a living example of me, fully proving how important this nutrition is. What about you, if you don't want to become like me, don't Go picky eaters, whether at home or out."

"I want to be picky eaters, but my father won't let me." Huahuo said unhappily, "Brother Naruto is the same, I think, what I don't like to eat just proves that I don't lack that kind of food, and you insist on forcing me to eat it." Down."

Naruto was ashamed. The correct explanation should be that what he doesn't like to eat is exactly what he lacks.

I feel that if this person wants to quibble, there are countless reasons to find.

Watching Hanabi being carried into the house by the housemaid, Naruto walked back slowly with his arms folded behind his head.

When to learn fairy mode?

When are you going to open the seventh door of the eight-door dunjia, the startling door?

And how to open the Asura Chakra in the body, this ultimate cheat, gain the power of the six realms, and obtain the Taoist Jade.

All kinds of questions flashed in my heart.

There is another very important issue, which is related to making money.

Drawing on some ideas mentioned by some merchants who came to Konoha when Tsunade succeeded the Fifth Hokage to discuss business and cooperate, Naruto wanted to make the business bigger.

Shadow avatar plus transformation technique, this is the source of wealth, beauties and handsome men, as many as he wants.

Although there is a side effect of aesthetic fatigue, to be honest, Naruto actually likes this kind of thing, it's better than being unable to walk when seeing beautiful women.

After returning home from a place where there were few people, and doing some exercise before going to bed, Naruto used the multiple shadow clone again.

Thousands of Daoying clones scattered around, each finding a suitable place to practice strange power and chakra perception.

Of the remaining dozen or so, one was left lying on the bed, and the others were turned into puppet toys and potted plants.

All the rest is to study how to bury the fishy smell and taste of the ingredients, so that Huahuo can stop eating as a painful thing.

Taking the trouble to make these preparations, Naruto himself turned into a dog and left quietly, hiding in the night.

He didn't go to the trash can anymore, it was too smelly, and there were a lot of wild cats. The incident of being chased by a few female cats last night is still vivid in his memory, which is why he chose to become a dog today.

He doesn't know what the aesthetics of cats are like. The cat he has transformed looks very popular with those female cats. Dogs are more stable.

Ino family.


After finishing another sketch, Ino took a deep breath, covered the pen with the cap, and carefully picked up the drawing paper.

On the paper, it was a few hours ago, at dusk, when she was half awake and half dazed, the Sakura she saw, in the afterglow of the setting sun, was so handsome that it made one's heart skip a beat, so handsome.

Holding the painting, Ino looked at it carefully, looked at it, felt dissatisfied, tore it up, and threw it in the trash.

This is already the third painting she has drawn, and she is still not satisfied.

There is no way to perfectly imprint the beautiful moment in my mind on paper, the memory will always fade away, and Ino does not want to forget that moment.

"If only my drawing skills could be better." Ino sighed secretly.

Depressed and troubled, she inadvertently glanced at the alarm clock on the desk. Seeing that it was past ten o'clock, she was shocked, and did not continue to dwell on the painting. She set the alarm and fell asleep with the alarm clock in her arms.

There are still more than two hours until [-]:[-] in the evening. There is a tough battle to be fought tonight, and we must nourish our spirits.

At the same time, Sakura, who was sitting on the mat and looked down at her lower abdomen, touched her abdominal muscles, feeling a little worried.

Tonight, I went to the bathhouse with my mother. The women and girls I saw, whether they were ninjas or ordinary people, had flat stomachs or a little belly. I have never seen anyone with such abdominal muscles like her.

"Will it be ugly?" Xiaoying was troubled and worried: "But there is no way. To practice Bamen Dunjia, you must have a good body, otherwise you won't be able to open the inner door. Even if you can open it, your physical fitness is too poor. I can't stand it either."

Giving up Bamen Dunjia can certainly allow her to maintain a standard good figure among girls, but it is just a fancy dress, and it is impossible to defeat Hinata and catch up with Naruto.

"It might be ugly, maybe you won't like Naruto, but" Sakura clenched her fists; "If you have to do this to get power, when you need it, I can actually help you. .”

Thinking of this, Sakura put on the weight again and started exercising.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When the time is up, Sakura and Ino's spirits leave their bodies and gather at Naruto's house.

"Where is Sakura?" Ino said: "To enter Naruto's spirit, we need the three of us to mobilize and integrate our spiritual power. Without her, we would not be able to enter."

"I'm afraid it will be like the day before yesterday." Sakura said, "What if she wants to rob or fight? As for the mental power, she gave me half of it. Is this enough for the minimum?"

Hearing this, Ino once again thought that Sasakura and Sakura had the same temper, and that kind of thing might really happen. While expressing her understanding, she stepped forward and held Sakura's hand to feel it.

"Indeed, your mental strength is much stronger now." Ino said: "It should be possible."

Sakura smiled reassuringly.

The two girls ignored the barrier of the wall and entered Naruto's house.

Sakura looked at the soulless shadow clone on the bed, and the shadow clone who was busy doing something in the kitchen, and then went up to the roof, where the potted plants were also shadow clones.

"It seems that Naruto has changed places to live." Sakura thought thoughtfully.

"Then what should I do? Konoha is so big, it is too difficult to find someone who deliberately wants to hide." Ino was in trouble; "How about I go back and use perception to find him?"

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