"I have memorized Naruto's chakra and soul." Sakura said, "It's not difficult at all."

In terms of the high application of mental power, Sakura is not as good as Ino at present.

The secret of the Yamanaka family is specifically aimed at mental power, how to temporarily increase mental power, how to control the concentration of mental power, increase power and strength, these are the fields that Ino is good at.

And when it comes to the understanding of Spiritualization, Ino is no match for Sakura.

First of all, Sakura is smarter than Ino, and secondly, Sakura has a dual personality, which is equal to two people.

After discovering the magical effect of Spiritualization Technique's perception of the soul, it was quickly figured out by the two Yings.

Two cherry can get out of the body alternately, without delaying daily exercise and normal life, Ino can't do this, as soon as she gets out of the body, her body will lie down.

Although Ino read the notes given by Sakura, he knew that there is such a thing as soul perception, but knowing and being able to use it are completely different things and cannot be confused.

After Sakura finished speaking, she immediately took action, only to see her disappear in an instant, and quickly circle around Konoha at an extremely fast speed. Except for a few places where there are barriers, nothing can stop her.

For about five seconds, in Ino's eyes, it was just a trance, and Sakura appeared in front of her again, saying that she had found it.

The two women walked through the past one after the other, and finally stopped at the top of the small park. Usually, this place is mostly a place for children to play. There are a few simple things, such as swings, seesaws, and slides.

Under the leadership of Sakura, Ino followed. Here, she also felt the existence of a soul. She wondered what Naruto had become here. Last time it was a potted plant. What about this time?

"Uh, this is Naruto?" The corners of Ino's mouth twitched. Seeing Sakura's strange expression, she nodded to confirm as if holding back a smile. She hugged her head; "I can't believe it, what is he doing? This is a village, and Who would harm him? As for being so careful?"

In a corner under the slide, Naruto's dog was lying there, sleeping soundly.

This dog looks a bit like a wolf, and is of medium size. It is an authentic standard husky.

After being speechless for a while, Ino stretched out his hand; "Time is precious, so don't waste any more time, let's go."

Sakura shook Ino's hand and nodded vigorously.

Ino brewed for a moment, fused himself with Sakura's spirit, and performed a temporary boost, then rushed towards Naruto.

Competing against Naruto's self-contained rebound force, wrestling for a while, with a slightly stronger force, successfully entered without hurting Naruto's spirit or triggering the anti-injury effect.

"It's up to you what kind of dream you want." Ino said, and shared his spiritual power with Sakura, so that Sakura can influence Naruto's spirit and build a dream.

After getting this power, Sakura started working immediately without any nonsense.

The first step is dating.

The second step is to get married.

The third step is to have children and form a complete family.

The fourth step is to grow old together.

Sakura divides dreams into four stages, and implements them methodically.


In the feasting night market, there were people coming and going, among them, the faces were blurred, only the pink-haired Sakura holding hands with Naruto.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked.

"What are you talking about, I'm your girlfriend, didn't you agree to the confession before?" Sakura said.

"Confession? Girlfriend?" Naruto was stunned, unable to recall such a thing happening.

"Really, I don't know what you are doing in a daze?" Sakura said angrily, "The fireworks are about to start, let's go and see."

"Why can't I see your face clearly, and this pink hair, Sakura?" Naruto asked.

Sakura didn't answer.

The dream itself is not solid. Once the person concerned has a strong resistance, or has the idea that he is dreaming and wants to wake up, the dream may be shattered.

He didn't admit who he was, but he showed enough intimacy in words, actions, etc. that Naruto realized that the two were indeed lovers.

The time in the dream is very abstract, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but under Sakura's suggestion, this time has been extended a lot.

Because it was in a dream, she could boldly do things that she would not dare to do in reality without worrying about arousing Naruto's suspicion.

"It's Sakura, that's right, among the people I know, she is the only one with such pink hair, why, isn't my girlfriend..." Naruto thought to himself, and found that he couldn't remember, but could vaguely remember a little.

That is a girl who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, weak and strong.

Feeling, and seeing that a person was about to appear in this dream, Sakura recognized who it was, gritted her teeth, the princess picked up Naruto, and ran away with her.

"I like you! Naruto! I like you! I like you so much! I like you the most! What about you? I want to hear you say you like me!" In order to interrupt Naruto's thoughts and prevent him from thinking about Hinata, Sakura shouted loudly.

"Like it? But, you are Sakura." Naruto's thoughts were interrupted, and Hinata, who made up half of it, slowly dispersed and faded away.

"Can't it be me?" Sakura said, "I like you too!"

"No, Sakura likes Sasuke and will never leave him." Naruto said.

"Then listen carefully, I, Haruno Sakura, now, only like Uzumaki Naruto, and I won't change."

After Sakura confessed, seeing that Hinata didn't show up, she felt relieved and pressed Naruto against the tree, and wanted to kiss him, but she didn't. At the critical moment, Naruto blocked it with his hand.

"This is fake, Sakura, it's impossible to like me." Naruto said.

"Give me... enough is enough!" Sakura burst out uncontrollably, grabbed Naruto's hand, spread it to both sides, pressed it hard against the tree, leaned her head forward, and...

Still not kissing, Naruto turned his head to the right and avoided it.

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