"Well, when I sleep, I will let my personality take over the body and continue to exercise. It's like this when I wake up in the morning." Sakura said: "It's normal."

May I ask if you have misunderstood the definition of normal?Where is this normal?

Which normal person has a dual personality?And this dual personality is too independent, too easy to use.

Even exercise for you while you sleep.

Naruto raised his forehead, he had a lot to say, but it felt like it would be endless, so forget it.

"I'm fine, just a little insomnia." Ino said.

Naruto glanced at her, but said nothing.

Sakura looked at Ino worriedly, and asked what was going on with her eyes, Ino smiled and shook his head, expressing that it was fine.

"Have you had lunch yet?" Naruto asked.

"No." Xiao Sakura said, she was just running to eat with Naruto, so why would she eat at home.

"No." Ino said, in a bad mood and lost his appetite.

"I've been eating fish and wild vegetables here, don't you feel bored? Why don't you eat at my house?" Naruto said.

Sakura froze for a moment, then nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Ino has no opinion, or her opinion is dispensable.

It can be seen that Naruto has something to ask them.

It is impossible to ask her, Naruto has no time to hide from her, how could he owe her a favor, that is to ask Sakura.

Since it was Sakura who was specially asked, the so-called rules of getting along alone, I believe its role is no longer important, and Sakura would go there with her or without her.

Ino wanted to think about it, she didn't want to see Sakura approaching Naruto in front of her again, but she was also worried that Sakura would encounter difficulties and be alone.

In the end, amid hesitation and entanglement, they had already arrived at Naruto's house together without knowing it.

Ino didn't think about it any more, it didn't matter if he was a little bit uncomfortable, and she must not let this situation happen when Sakura needed her and she wasn't by Sakura's side.

Ask the two girls to wait in the living room for a while, while Naruto cooks himself, using the ingredients that Hinata prepared yesterday, cooks a few nutritious and delicious dishes, divides them into three portions, and puts them in small dishes. in a small bowl.

Sakura couldn't sit still, and would frequently go to the kitchen door, and poke her head over her head to take a look.

Ino lay on his side on the tatami, staring at his own palm prints with listless eyes.

What fate will she have in the future?

Is it to find a man who is not particularly annoying and let him marry?

Still single, or, can be with Sakura?

When the thought came here, Ino quickly choked it out.

When will you be naive, unrealistic fantasy, no matter how much you think about it, it is just a delusion.

But how can the idea be that it can be stopped if it is said to stop?As Ino Yue didn't want to think about it, the picture in his mind appeared more positive and violent.

"Naruto, what's the matter?" Xiao Sakura was used to putting her hands behind her back, stirring her fingers subconsciously, and she was also guessing what would happen to Naruto in her heart, it is impossible to invite her to dinner for no reason?

"Hmm." Naruto thought for a while and said, "We'll talk about it after dinner."

With short hands and a soft mouth to eat people, reward Sakura's stomach first, then the probability of success will be greater.

Sakura narrowed her eyes thoughtfully.

The dinner table.

Nothing special happened, the three of them were eating the food on their plates and bowls very quietly, but their minds were not on it and they were thinking wildly.

Naruto couldn't help thinking about the dream last night, and was thinking about how to persuade Sakura to teach Hinata.

Sakura guessed what kind of things Naruto would ask her, and what benefits she could get from this matter.

Ino rested his chin on one hand and poked the pork chops in the bowl with his chopsticks, but still lost his appetite.

Sakura is right next to her, so close that they can be close to each other just a little bit over there, but at the same time, this is also the furthest distance in the world.

In the end, Naruto and Sakura had finished eating, and Ino only barely ate half a bowl of rice, and the pork chop was missing a bit.

"Ino, what's wrong with you? Are you really all right?" Sakura asked.

Ino came back to his senses, saw Sakura looking at her worriedly, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I just don't have much appetite, I'm not hungry."

Sakura looked at her suspiciously, stretched out her hand to caress Ino's lower abdomen, through the clothes, Chakra penetrated slowly.

"Liar, your stomach is obviously empty, you haven't eaten anything, how can you not be hungry?" Sakura thought that Ino used the family secrets to cause some side effects.

"Really not hungry."

Sakura stared fixedly at Ino, but looking back at Ino, her eyes were a little dodgy, not daring to look at Sakura.

After a while, Sakura borrowed the kitchen from Naruto, and used the ingredients in the refrigerator to cook two stir-fries that Ino liked to eat.

"If you force yourself, I won't forgive you, do you hear me clearly?" Sakura said, "You didn't force yourself, did you?"

Ino was silent.

"I hate you, you only care about me and don't think about yourself, that's what I hate the most." Sakura said, picked up the bowl, picked up two chopsticks and stirred it with the rice near the bowl, handed it To Ino's mouth.

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