Did not speak, the meaning is obvious.

"I'll do it myself." Ino said.

"Stop talking, eat quickly." Sakura didn't let it go. If Ino could eat it, he would have eaten it long ago, so there's no need to wait until now.

Unable to bear Sakura's insistence, Ino had no choice but to open his mouth and accept Sakura's feeding.

Sakura was very patient. She pulled the rice without any impatience, served it with fried rice, and fed it to Ino bite by bite.

Seeing that Ino was about to choke, she picked up the miso soup again, noticing that the miso soup had cooled down, she went to the kitchen to change another bowl of warm one for Ino to drink.

How should I put it, Ino's mood at this time is quite subtle, a little embarrassed, a little embarrassed, a little shy and blushing, and more warm.

Feeling so complicated, Ino lightly covered his heart with his right hand, and secretly said: "Is this the feeling of liking someone? There are sour, bitter, and sweet."

When facing Sasuke, he never had such thoughts, just looking at Sasuke handsome, he has an instinctive liking, which is very different from his feelings for Sakura at this time.

Ino was obsessed with this feeling, although the sourness and bitterness made her uncomfortable, but this sweetness was enough to bury all other discomforts.

It feels good to be cared for and cared for.

And being cared and cared for by the one you like is even better, no, it's not liking, this is, love.

Naruto sat on the other side, seeing Ino's changing expression, he sincerely sighed, this girl is really a changeable person.

The mood is bad for a while, and good for a while, and it is so inexplicable, I don't know why I am angry?Depressed for what?And why are you happy?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Feed Ino and finish the meal, re-confirmed that Ino is okay, seeing that his face is much rosier than before, Xiao Sakura temporarily let go of her worries.

Regardless of Naruto's stop, he took the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash, and wiped the table clean.

Either don't give me a chance, once there is a chance, even if it is a little bit, I will desperately seize it, this is Sakura's philosophy.

After that, the three of them knelt on the tatami mats around the low table.

Naruto tapped the table lightly with his fingers, pondered and said firstly: "Sakura, can I trouble you to teach Hinata how to fly Raijin?"

"!?" Sakura.

Ino could not help but sit up straighter, looked at Naruto, and then at Sakura.

To teach rivals in love, which century joke is this?

Not smearing, not stumbling, not attacking is already very rare, but he even took the initiative to teach the other party.

Xiao Sakura was stunned, and pinched her leg with her hand, so that she could calm down and not get stuck in her thinking.

"Hinata? Flying Thunder God? What's going on?"

"Hinata is also practicing Flying Thunder God, but not as smart as you." Naruto said: "The day before yesterday, I showed her the notes you gave her, and she said she was confident that she could learn it, but she came yesterday and said she couldn't, I don't know What went wrong?"

"That's why you want me to teach her?" Sakura understood.

"No, it was Hinata who made this request, and she asked me to ask you, can you teach her." Naruto said.

Sakura couldn't help being stunned again.

Why?What is Hinata thinking?

It's impossible not to know her intentions for Naruto, why is she still like this, isn't she afraid that she will open her mouth and ask some excessive conditions?

Or is it that Hinata is already mentally prepared to give up some things in order to fly Thor?

Sakura doesn't know Hinata well and has too little information, so the guesses she can make are very one-sided and unrealistic.

Putting aside this question that cannot be verified in a short time, Sakura thought, should she teach Hinata?

If you don't teach Hinata, will it give Naruto a bad impression that she is a stingy girl?

Teaching, but also very unwilling.

Being able to learn how to fly Thunder God depends on her hard work day and night. When she was still in the ninja school, she has been studying theoretical knowledge attentively, which is a solid foundation.

After graduating, she forgot to eat and sleep, stayed up all night to study hard, and only she knew how much she had suffered.

Now, Hinata wants to take a shortcut directly from her to get this achievement.

To teach Naruto, Sakura is willing, but to teach Hinata, Sakura is a billion times unwilling.

Originally, everyone likes the same person, and they are rivals in love. Who will help you? It's already very polite to step on your feet hard if you don't add insult to injury.

Knocking herself on the head, Sakura changed her mind.

According to her true thoughts, she is definitely not willing to teach Hinata, but here Naruto's mood must also be taken into consideration, so as not to destroy her good impression in Naruto's mind.

Impressions are such a thing, once they are bad once, it will be extremely difficult to turn them around for the better.

With countless thoughts in her mind, Sakura said: "It's not impossible to teach Hinata how to fly Thunder God, I have one condition."

"Say." Naruto said.

"Give Ino a chance to compete fairly." Sakura said, "She likes you. There is nothing false about this intention. You don't want you to accept her right away, you just need to give her the qualifications to compete."

What she was talking about was Ino, but she was actually talking about Sakura herself. She wanted to test out Naruto's bottom line, his acceptance of other girls, including his loyalty to Hinata.

Hearing Sakura mentioning herself, Ino knew that her shield should come in handy. She sat up straight, stared at Naruto unblinkingly with eyes full of love, and made up a small picture in her heart. Sakura's men's clothing looks so handsome.

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