Hinata nodded; "I believe in you, I accept Sakura's conditions."

Thinking about it carefully, it might be a good thing to do this. With Ino standing in front of her, Sakura, as a good sister, will not attack Naruto again.

As for Ino, Naruto has already made a promise that he will not like Ino.

Instead of refusing, completely cutting off the possibility of Ino, Ino withdrew and replaced Sakura, Hinata did not have the confidence to compare with Sakura.

It will undoubtedly be safer to treat Ino as a rival in love and exclude Sakura from the outside.

After figuring out the joints inside, Hinata relaxed all over, and the smile on his face grew a little bit.

At the same time, the Haruno family.

Sakura dug out the materials and prepared to continue making ninja gloves.

Ino, who followed, sat on the mat where Sakura usually exercised, did push-ups, sit-ups, ate ice cream, looked around beautifully, and from the corner of her eye, she always glanced at Sakura.

After eating an ice cream, Ino took a deep breath silently and said, "Sakura, I want to see you in men's clothing."

"Now?" Sakura was stunned.

"Well, there's no one else here, is that okay?" Ino said.

"It's okay, but why?" Sakura was puzzled.

"No reason, I want to see it." Ino said.

Seeing that Ino wasn't joking, Sakura scratched her cheek nervously and sighed; "There's nothing I can do about you."

Putting down the needle and thread in her hand, Sakura left the chair, took out the men's suit that Ino had bought for her a few days ago from the closet, and started changing right here in front of Ino.

Sakura, who turned her back to Ino, didn't notice, Ino's face was slightly red, and she didn't know where to put her eyes.

Once the mentality is changed, the whole concept will be turned upside down.

I have liked Sakura since I was a child, just because we are both girls, I didn't realize this instinctively.

And now that he really realized it, Ino couldn't face Sakura with a normal heart.

Handsome, good-looking, super-good skin, nice voice, without any shortcomings, all of them are advantages.

"Okay." Sakura said; "No way, it's awkward no matter how you look at it."

Looking in the mirror, Sakura frowned, dissatisfied with her image.

Although he is indeed handsome, what she wants is beauty, beauty, and the temperament that girls should have.

"I think it's okay, it suits you very well." Ino said.

Sakura dryly smiled and didn't answer this sentence. Seeing that Ino had no other requests, she sat back at the desk again and concentrated on making ninja gloves.

The room suddenly became quiet, only occasionally I could hear Sakura talking to herself.

Not daring to look at Sakura, Sakura is very smart, afraid that Sakura will see through her subtle movements, small details, Ino is lying on his back, staring at the ceiling, thinking about things.

"Sakura, I have someone I like." Ino said suddenly.

"Yes, yes, it's Sasuke, I know." Sakura said without raising her head.

As a good sister, how could she not understand Ino's thoughts?Absolute beauty control, other factors can be ignored, this beauty is enough.

"No." Ino said: "Sasuke is very handsome, I do have a good impression of him, but I have this affection for every handsome guy, I can't call it liking, uh, or love."

Hearing this, Sakura paused, she thought of a terrible possibility, turned her head stiffly to look at Ino, and stammered: "You, you really, really, fell in love with Naruto?"

If this is the case, no kidding, Sakura will faint.

In the past, the two sisters liked Sasuke at the same time, but now they have become Naruto, it is still like this, don't want it.

"Oh, that bumpkin." Ino curled his lips; "You and Hinata are the only ones who like it. Don't worry, I don't like him."

"Really?" Sakura looked at Ino suspiciously, seeing that it wasn't a lie, she was completely relieved; "It's good if it's not, who is it, tell me and I'll help you as a consultant, and see which handsome guy can surpass Sasuke .”

"Who can't tell you." Ino said: "However, she definitely meets my aesthetic requirements the most, and she makes me like it so much that I can't sleep at night, to that extent."

"Hey, so exaggerated?" Sakura paused what she was doing, and said more curiously: "Then why can't you tell me? I want to see it too."

Ino smiled without saying a word.

Sakura's heart was itching like that cat's paws were scratching, and she didn't have the heart to make gloves any more. She came to Ino and sat down next to him, and asked who that person was, did she recognize it, and how did she fall in love with it? , since when.

Seeing that Ino didn't say anything, Sakura used her trump card to scratch her itch.

I believe that people who are not too dull in senses are very ticklish.

Laughing so hard, Ino, who kept begging for mercy, said something under the threat of Sakura's eyes that continued without saying anything, and this sentence completely stunned Sakura.

"It's me who is secretly in love with the other party. It's impossible for her to like me."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Sakura's mind, Ino is a princess, a peacock with its tail open, the most dazzling flower in the sea of ​​flowers under the sun.

Excellent is not enough to describe it.

It has been deeply rooted in Sakura's heart since she was a child.

When she was the weakest and most helpless, when she was bullied and ridiculed by other classmates, Ino stood up to protect her, and said that her wide forehead was an advantage and she was beautiful.

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