I can't describe the feeling at that time.

Ino is the best woman in the world, Sakura thinks so from the bottom of her heart.

And it was Ino who said that he had a crush on someone, and that person couldn't possibly like Ino.

An unknown fire rose, and Sakura frowned and said, "Who is it? Don't you have eyes? Why can't I like you? Ino is so nice, beautiful, and gentle. Let me know who it is, and I must beat him up." Meal!"

Ino burst out laughing, but couldn't help it.

"What's wrong?" Sakura asked confused.

Ino shook his head, leaned on Sakura's shoulder, and said softly: "I have decided to give up, there is no way there will be a result."

"Why did you give up?" Sakura said, "Go for it if you like it. How do you know it won't work until the end?"

"It's impossible, it's impossible until we die." Ino said, "There is no hope between me and her since birth, and there is a gap between us."

Is the status gap too big?Sakura thought to herself, raised her hands, and hugged Ino.

"You know? At the beginning, I was going to confess to Sasuke. What he said at that time hurt me very much. Who are you? You are a classmate in the same class, but he doesn't even know me. It can be seen that he doesn't know me at all. He didn’t take me seriously.” Sakura said softly: “Later, I met Naruto, at first, I didn’t like him very much, he slept in class, his grades were poor, and he was beaten by teachers, other classmates, and others. There's a whole village, so many people hate it."

Ino did not interrupt, but listened attentively.

She didn't know what Sakura meant by saying this, but it didn't hinder her thoughts.

She decided to give up her feelings for Sakura, and they are still good sisters, and she will carry this feeling in the coffin until she dies.

Because, as she said, it was fruitless, impossible, hopeless love.

"As for me, I think so, the person who can be liked by most people is the best, and the person who is hated and rejected by most people is the worst garbage." Sakura's tone has a hint of reminiscence; "Naruto, he has changed my concept. The fact is, no matter what others say, you must first ask yourself, what do you think? There is no contact at all, just because other people reject it, so they also reject it. If other people hate it, they hate it too."

"It was through getting along with Naruto that I really got to know him, understand him, and, like, fell in love with him. He is not the monster that other people say, the demon fox, he is a very good, optimistic, He will not be defeated by the cruel reality, he is the strongest person I have ever seen, I want to support him, I want to give him comfort and strength." Sakura said: "Maybe in your opinion, the current situation is very difficult for me. Unfavorable, Naruto didn't realize my feelings, and the relationship with Hinata has grown by leaps and bounds, I also had the idea of ​​shrinking back, wondering if it would be better and easier to give up, but no, I can't be reconciled, I can't let go. "

Previously, I came together with Shikamaru to ask Sakura about information related to Naruto. At that time, Sakura talked about it, but it was definitely not as deep as this time. Ino could feel Sakura's mood.

"Ino, how much do you like that person?" Sakura asked.

How should I answer this question, Ino thought for a while and said, "I like it very much."

"Liar." Sakura said: "You can casually and easily let go of liking, what kind of liking is that? Compared with my feelings for Naruto, it's far behind. You don't like him at all."

"No, I" Ino wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Sakura.

"Don't tell me sophistry, ask yourself, do you like that person?"

Ino was silent; "I like it, but"

"Don't say but, just like it." Sakura said: "You said you are secretly in love with the other party, so that person doesn't know yet? Go confess, get close, whatever, find a way to get closer, You don't want to see him with other women, do you? Then grab it, everyone has the right to pursue happiness, don't forget, you and me, I will do my best to support you and give you help, no matter what No matter how difficult it is, I will not refuse."

Liar, if you know that the person I like is you, can you still say this sentence?Ino thought to himself.

"Sakura, stop talking, you don't know how complicated the situation is, and I can't explain it to you clearly. If possible, do you think I will choose to give up? It is because it is absolutely impossible, so"

It was so difficult, Sakura frowned.

She went through it in her mind. She basically knew everyone Ino knew. Which boy would it be?

Shikamaru?Choji?tooth?Shino?Or the member of the third class who is rarely seen, Xiao Li?Neji?

If you are qualified, you can enter Ino's eyes, and you have to be better than Sasuke, no, Sakura can't figure it out, according to her idea, if you can be better than Sasuke, then only Naruto, but Ino said it's not Naruto .

"Can't you really say that?" Sakura asked.

"Well, I can't say it." Ino said.

Saying that, the relationship is completely over. Sakura likes Naruto so much, it is impossible for her to give up Naruto and choose her.

What's even more frightening is that Sakura thought she was disgusting, so she stayed away from her and severed the relationship.

To avoid such a fate, Ino must stick to this secret, stop at being a sister with Sakura, just as a sister, silently support Sakura, help Sakura, and let Sakura get happiness.

She, as long as Sakura can be happy, she is content.

Thinking about it this way, Ino's reluctance was unreconciled, and she couldn't hide her utterance. The reason why she said it was a little bit of luck. If Sakura noticed her intentions and accepted her, then

Just like knowing it is one thing, but doing it is another.

Rationally, Ino knew that giving up was the best choice, but emotionally, she couldn't let go of Sakura no matter what.

It was hard to recognize my true heart, but I had to give up.

I don't know if I can meet another person who I like and fall in love with even more than Sakura in the future, but Ino only knows that if she misses Sakura, she will regret it for a long, long time, maybe for a lifetime.

"Damn it, don't let me know who that guy is, kill him." Sakura said angrily angrily.

Seeing that Ino was crying for a boy who would not like her, she was very sad, and she felt very distressed, and even more helpless.

Ino didn't say anything, she had nothing to do, and she couldn't read minds, so how could she know what Ino was thinking?

Ino only now understands Sakura's mood, and if Sakura gives up on Naruto, it will probably be as painful and uncomfortable as she is at this time.

She is already like this, should Sakura be like her?No, you can't.

"No matter what price you have to pay, you must let Sakura and Naruto be together as you wish." Ino secretly said, hugging Sakura tightly with both hands, very hard, as if wanting to rub it into his body .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At night, half past nine.

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