Turning into a dog outside, he would always dream of Sakura, he wanted to change the way to improve it, as for sharing the same bed, uh, isn’t it normal for good brothers to do this?Don't be surprised, just out-of-the-ordinary feelings are fine.

Sasuke looked conflicted, the bed was not big, it was just right for one person, but it was very crowded for two people.

In the end, there was really no way to convince himself, Sasuke hit the floor.

Tonight, I didn't dream of Sakura, and Naruto slept soundly, but this snoring was too loud, noisy and preoccupied, and Sasuke, who was already a shallow sleeper, was restless and kicked the bed frequently.

Not even earplugs work.

I don't know if it's sleepwalking or the instinctive reaction of the body, Naruto's head and legs will twitch a few times from time to time, and when he twitches, the whole bed will shake, and when the bed shakes, Sasuke, who is not far away, will immediately become alert and wake up.

Before, Sujiraiya also went out to look for Tsunade. At that time, Sasuke was very tired from a day's exercise and slept deeply, so he didn't feel it.

Now, giving up physical training for the time being, and focusing on Flying Thunder God, Sasuke is not particularly tired, this sleep is shallow, naturally he has discovered all the problems.

"Is this guy here to disturb me?" Sasuke's bloodshot eyes looked at Naruto who was stretching on the balcony, refreshed, and stared blankly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Saying goodbye to Sasuke, Naruto slipped home, finished his simple yet nutritious breakfast, and looked around.

Hinata has taken care of this house very clean and tidy, and it is easy to see at a glance. There is no eye-catching place, and the air is very fresh, and there will be no strange smell.

Finding that there was nothing to tidy up, Naruto scratched his head, seeing that it was still early, he turned and went into the kitchen to prepare fruit, tea, including freshly squeezed juice.

Regardless of whether the guests drink or eat, it is necessary to prepare these things. It is a basic polite question.

Eight in the morning.

Naruto saw through the crystal ball that Sakura was already changing clothes and getting ready to go out. It seemed that last night, Sato had to control her body to exercise all night. Her body was sore and painful.

Seeing this, Naruto sent a shadow clone to inform Sakura, told her to make an appointment, and then used the crystal ball to look at Hinata.

Hinata also got up very early and was practicing Rouquan in the yard in front of the stake.

Every blow is full force, the speed does not decrease at all, the slender palm, because it contains chakra, slaps it out, and the trembling stake makes an overwhelmed sound.

Seeing that the two parties were awake and the appointment time was getting closer, Naruto rubbed his cheeks, thinking about what else needs to be prepared.

In the end, it was found that there was no, everything was ready, so Naruto felt relieved.

I used to squat in the bathroom, hit myself with spiral pills, and seize any opportunity and time available to improve my defense.

Nine thirty in the morning.

Hinata, who came over before the appointed time, carefully tidied up the house, changed the shoes, and the low table that will be used later, even the corners.

Hinata can easily find the details that ordinary people can't find.

Cockroaches, spiders, and reptiles have no room to live in this house. No matter where they hide, they will be seen by Hinata and cleaned up.

And after ten o'clock in the morning passed, Sakura and Ino came together.

Long before this, Hinata had already prepared psychologically and mentally. The first time she heard the knock on the door, she rushed to open the door before Naruto.

It was the first time for the three girls to meet each other in such a unique way, their eyes widened.

Hinata observed Ino indiscriminately, thinking, is that her?Let Sakura quit willingly and give up Naruto's good sister.

Sakura looked at Hinata pretending to be natural, and thought to herself, she was at Naruto's house so early, could this young lady already live with Naruto?

Ino looked generously at Hinata's white eyes, and looked at Hinata, thinking to himself, for the sake of Sakura, he must focus all his firepower and attention on himself.

For a few seconds, the three women had different thoughts.

"Welcome." Hinata said in a waxy voice, "Please come in."

Sakura and Ino said "excuse me" one after another, followed them in, and changed their shoes at the entrance.

Hinata seems to be the hostess of this house. She regards Sakura and Ino as outsiders, guests. She put the slippers specially prepared for the two girls as a landlord, put them in front of them, and then replaced them. Shoes, neatly arranged.

These may be seen by unimportant people as trivial matters, but in the eyes of caring people, they are completely different, especially Sakura.

She has always been by Naruto's side all along, but Hinata, a latecomer, can get ahead of her time and easily get everything she wants but can't get.

This kind of daily life of living with Naruto and taking care of Naruto is like the behavior of a hostess when receiving guests. Sakura is grinding her teeth in pain, or in other words, gnashing her teeth.

Envy, jealousy, hatred, these feelings are really accurate.

Li Ying was also so angry that she kept beating the air with her fist.

"You don't need to bother, we can do it ourselves." Ino said, noticing Sakura's strangeness, and after thinking about it for a while, he could understand why.

"No, it should." Hinata said.

When the three daughters came out of the hallway and walked into the living room, Naruto, who was sitting at the dining table conceiving a series of sealing techniques left to him by his father, from easy to difficult, took the initiative to say hello.

Sakura walked over familiarly, pulled the chair beside her and sat down, Ino reacted quickly, and sat on the other side of Naruto.

Now it was Hinata's turn to be silly.

She feels a lot of pressure.

There is Ino, a girl who is blatantly pursuing Naruto, and Sakura, who is obviously not giving up and quits temporarily, but is not sure when she will get up again.

Both are very beautiful girls, and each has its own advantages. Can you keep Naruto on your own?

With such uneasiness, Hinata paused, moved her fingers twice, and walked into the kitchen with her head down.

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