Because apples have the characteristic that peeling will change the color, if it is done too early, it will affect the appearance of the table.

Although there will be no problem with the taste, it will give people a feeling that this is old, so Hinata will wait for Sakura and the others to come over before dealing with it.

Listening to Sakura and Ino chatting and laughing outside the kitchen, and occasionally talking to Naruto, Hinata's head lowered, and her heart also tightened.

"If you don't concentrate, you will cut yourself." Naruto said, snatched the fruit knife from Hinata, quickly peeled the apple, and cut it into pieces;

"Naruto" Hinata was stunned, staring blankly at Naruto who came over at some time.

Naruto didn't speak. In many cases, words are not as real as actual actions. If you say a hundred thousand beautiful words, it is better to do one thing in a down-to-earth manner.

Hinata sniffed, stood beside him silently, took the apples that Naruto had processed, cleaned them, put them in the fruit bowl, and placed them carefully so that the appearance could look better.

Meanwhile, outside the kitchen, on the dining table.

The smile on Sakura's face slowly disappeared, she lowered her head, covered her face with her hands, comforted herself in her heart, and cheered herself up.

After a while, she took her hand away again, and a smile appeared on her face again. She took a deep breath, got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, I have prepared a lot of fruit, so there is no need to spend such money."

As Sakura said, she came to Naruto's left hand side, her body was naturally close together, she pointed at Naruto's freshly peeled apple, and asked, can I eat it now?Seeing Naruto nod his head, she ate it directly.

Although Naruto knew that Sakura loved Sasuke wholeheartedly, he was just a close friend to him, a good friend who died, and to put it bluntly, he was a buddy, a brother.

For this kind of physical contact, he has long been used to it, and he is no stranger to it, but considering Hinata's mood, he still deliberately puts a distance between him and Sakura.

And recently, I can often dream of Sakura, Naruto feels that he is seriously ill, and he should pay attention to it.

If hiding can be useful, Sakura is no longer Brother Sakura. She has a boyish side of initiative and courage, which is fundamentally different from ordinary girls.

"Can you stop being so considerate and close to Hinata in front of Ino?" Sakura twisted the soft flesh around Naruto's waist, leaned close to his ear, and whispered, "You are holding a knife. Cut her heart."

Naruto was silent for a moment, and then replied in a low voice; "If it can make her give up, it's not impossible."

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . biquge98.:n

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing Naruto's words, Sakura's mouth twitched, and seeing Naruto leaning towards Hinata, she was quick to wit, grabbed the fruit knife from Naruto's hand, and pushed him out of the kitchen.

"Let me do this kind of thing, you can go and accompany Ino." Sakura smiled, and then closed and locked the door with a bang.

Hearing what Sakura said, Ino knew it was time for her to appear.

"Naruto, leave them alone, I have a question to ask you, come, come here." Ino smiled brightly and rushed towards Naruto.

"Don't come over!" Naruto shouted; "Stop, just stand there and ask, I'm listening!"

Ino didn't stop, and still rushed towards Naruto.

What's wrong with her, it's pure nonsense, but if you don't talk about the problem, how can you hold Naruto back?

Although I don't know what Sakura was thinking just now, what happened in the kitchen, what could happen in such a short time?

Sakura pushed Naruto out, and closed and locked the kitchen door, all Ino needed to know was this.

Chasing can make Naruto forget about the kitchen more than talking.

Sure enough, under Ino's swoop, Naruto quickly dodged, tossing and turning in this not-so-large living room.

Running in front, avoiding Ino's Naruto, chasing behind, opening his arms to hug Naruto's Ino, the two of them seemed to be playing a game of eagle and chicken.

No matter what Naruto said, Ino just didn't stop, but she didn't stop, Naruto would be hugged when he stopped.

Not to mention that Hinata is in the kitchen, across a door, even if Hinata is not here, Naruto will not let this happen.


It was very quiet, and this quietness does not mean that there was no sound at all.

The sounds of moving feet, fruit peeling, apples being cut into small pieces, and breathing are still there.

Quiet means talking.

Neither Sakura nor Hinata said anything, just doing their own thing.

Long before graduating and becoming a ninja, when they were still in the ninja school, they understood each other's intentions.

To judge others by oneself, this liking and love for Naruto will not change.

give up?

Let the other side quit?

It's impossible.

Then there is nothing to say.

If it wasn't for Flying Thunder God this time, the two of them wouldn't even meet face to face.

Hinata would feel uneasy seeing Sakura, because Sakura is better than her.

Sakura would feel uncomfortable seeing Hinata, especially when she saw Naruto caring about Hinata, the discomfort was no less than stabbing her in the heart with a knife, and the knife saw blood.

The two girls just mechanically completed the task at hand, Sakura peeled, cut apples, and Hinata put together a platter. At the same time, they secretly looked at each other and compared each other in the process.

The height is almost the same, and Hinata's figure has a slight advantage.

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