"This, no." Ino said.

"That's it." Xiaoying continued to do sit-ups, began to think about Naruto, and said: "Use the spiritualization technique to go back and tell auntie, so that uncle and auntie know that you are with me, and you will not something wrong."

Sakura said so, can Ino still refuse?Is she willing to refuse?

Knowing that Ino will be staying overnight, Sakura's mother took out a brand new, unused toothbrush and towel for her.

When was the last time you stayed at Sakura's house?Ino thought about it carefully.

That was when I was in ninja school, about seven years old.

When she was a child, Sakura was really clingy to her, just like her biological sister. Ever since she fell in love with Sasuke, she has changed.

Sakura began to become independent and strong, saying that she would fight for Sasuke fairly.

You idiot, how can an older sister steal something that a younger sister likes.

Thinking of something, Ino smiled at the mirror, twitched the corners of his mouth, and soon fell down sadly.

He lowered his head, ready to squeeze toothpaste to brush his teeth, and noticed the two large and small mouthwash cups beside the sink.

The two big ones are blue and red, and the small one is light pink. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the toothbrush placed in the mouthwash cup makes Ino unable to take his eyes off it.

In order to prevent mistakes, she went back to the bedroom and asked Sakura to make sure that the light pink mouthwash cup and the toothbrush inside belonged to Sakura.

"No, this kind of thing, no matter what, is too much, it's disgusting." Ino secretly said: "But, Sakura doesn't know, if I don't let her know, I"

Standing in front of the sink for about twenty minutes, Ino stretched out his trembling right hand towards Sakura's mouthwash cup and toothbrush

"You've been in the bathroom for too long." Sakura said, "What are you doing? Wow, why is your face so red!"

"Well, just, just, soaked in the bath for too long, almost fell asleep, very hot, hehe, hehehe." Ino smiled awkwardly, not daring to look at Sakura, and flung himself on the bed, facing the wall, with his back To Sakura.

Xiao Sakura tilted her head in doubt, thought for a while and said, "Pay attention to rest, and never force yourself."

Almost fell asleep, that is very sleepy, very tired, Sakura worried that Ino practiced family secrets, such as spiritual skills, if she overdid it, and then damaged her body, the loss outweighed the gain.

Ino curled up motionless and responded in a low voice.

Seeing this, Xiao Sakura crawled over worriedly, put her hand on Ino's forehead, touched her neck, wrist and other parts, and made sure that she didn't have a fever or heatstroke, then returned to the mat with confidence and continued to exercise.

Ino didn't dare to make any big moves, she just slowly pressed her hands on her heart, unable to restrain the beating heart, trying to control her breathing, blushing to the extreme.

By now, Ino realized that his poisoning was serious, and he couldn't avoid it at all.

No matter how determined she is, every act of care and intimacy by Sakura will tug at her heart, make her heart beat faster, and make her face blush.

The sweetness of secret love lies in the little care and care that the person you like occasionally gives.

Ino thinks that he is already very happy. Although it is impossible for Sakura to like her, it is impossible to have feelings for her like love, but Sakura regards her as one of the closest people, that's good.

Of course, it would be better if it could go further.

"Good night."

"Good night."

Ino closed his eyes and fell asleep.

She knew that Xiao Ying would not rest all night, and she didn't even think about sleeping with Xiao Ying in her arms.

And Sakura was still exercising profusely with sweat.

In addition to her extraordinary intelligence and dual personality, Sakura's physique is just average.

If she wants to be useful and become an existence that can help Naruto, or even shelter Naruto from the wind and rain, she must put in several times, dozens of times of effort.

Persisted until two o'clock in the middle of the night, when Sakura fell asleep, Risakura took over her body and continued to practice.

In the second half of the night, Ino woke up, still dazed at first, but when he came back, he was much more awake.

Seeing Sakura slowing down her breathing rhythm, standing upside down with one hand and two fingers on the mat, under the reflection of the moonlight outside the window, she could see sweat dripping from her hair, and the mat was always wet.

"Another personality?" Ino said softly.

Sakura, no, it's Liying, and Liying gave a grace, which was regarded as a response.

Usually, I have always been in contact with Sakura, and I met Sato once before, and I was still entering Naruto's spirit, trying to make Naruto dream.

At that time, at the critical moment, the scene of Sato and Sakura vying for Naruto was still fresh in Ino's memory.

"What kind of existence are you, would you compete with Sakura for control of your body?" Ino asked.

This worry is not without, she is not Sakura, and she doesn't understand what is going on with this dual personality. What if Li Sakura becomes stronger, and one day in the future, she overwhelms Sakura and takes away the control of her body, then

"I Yezhu, what are you thinking?" Li Ying said angrily, "I am Sakura, and Sakura is me, who would kill himself?"

"Won't it?" Ino said; "You don't want independence, freedom, including Naruto?"

"I don't want to." Li Ying said: "I will fight for Naruto, I'm not interested in others, I can feel it in my body."

Ino nodded half understanding.

Seeing that Sakura's body was sweating profusely, giving people a feeling of dehydration, Ino quickly went to pour a glass of water, but Li Sakura didn't say thank you, but took a mouthful of boredom.

The relationship between each other is so good that saying thank you is equivalent to seeing outsiders. Saying thank you will make the other party uncomfortable.

"Sakura has two. Naruto, I envy him so much. If I marry Sakura in the future, it will be like marrying two." Ino thought to himself.

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