Her mind was clear and she couldn't fall asleep for a while, so she squatted aside, staring at Sakura without blinking her beautiful eyes. It would be great if she could share a Sakura with her.

Thinking of the agreement with Naruto, Ino was very troubled at this moment.

Should she insist on helping Sakura chase Naruto?Or compromise, follow your heart, and with Naruto's help, chase Sakura?

The former is for Sakura, while the latter is for herself.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

the next day.

Before dawn, Naruto woke up, and a beautiful and standard carp straightened up, jumping directly from the bed.

Grabbed the handle of Ino, and using it as a threat, made an agreement with Ino.

As long as you help her catch up with Sakura, you will give up pestering yourself, and before that, you will keep a relatively safe distance.

This allowed Naruto to see a bright future, and he finally didn't have to be chased by Ino anymore.

Naruto is still very confident about his concentration, but he can't really let Ino continue to consume himself.

Since you don't plan to marry someone, then don't provoke her, and even more decisively, try your best to refuse.

Ordinary rejection is obviously useless to Ino, so use Ino's favorite to make Ino change his mind.

"Sakura's affection for Ino should be full. After all, it was cultivated from a young age. It depends on how to unfold it. Confession directly? I feel that it will scare Sakura. Besides, Sakura likes Sasuke so much, how can she change at will? Before that, let Sakura no longer like Sasuke, eh." Naruto thought to himself.

Instead of leaving directly, he slipped into the kitchen and made breakfast for Sasuke with the ingredients in the refrigerator.

The next step is to pry away his wife and bend it off. Why should I make up for Sasuke? It's decided. From now on, Sasuke's breakfast will be all covered by him.

Because of Naruto's snoring, his legs and feet twitched, and he didn't sleep well last night, Sasuke, who was very restless, followed the kitchen with his eyes wide open.

Seeing Naruto skillfully making poached eggs and boiling water in another pot, as if to cook noodles, Sasuke frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Just wait for a while, you go to brush your teeth, you can eat it soon." Naruto gave Sasuke a thumbs up, lifted the lid of the pot, and carefully lifted the poached eggs with a spatula.

"Mind your own business." Sasuke snorted coldly.

Ten minutes later, Naruto brought the tomato char siu and egg noodles to the table.

Sasuke, who had brushed his teeth and washed his hands a long time ago, sat there, grabbed the chopsticks and spoon Naruto brought with a cold face, and drank two mouthfuls of soup first.

The taste is okay, a little worse than what he made himself.

Take another bite of tomato, the sweet and sour taste is not bad, not as good as him.

have another bite of noodles

Sasuke lowered his head and remained silent, only the sound of sucking noodles echoed in the house.

"Well, how does it taste?" Naruto asked.

"Unpalatable." Sasuke said.

"Hey, I'm quite confident in my noodle cooking skills. How can it be unpalatable? Could it be that I put too much salt?" Naruto said.

Putting up his chopsticks to stop Naruto who was about to take a sip of the soup, Sasuke said coldly: "This is mine, you go to the pot and pour another bowl."

"I just made your portion, it's gone in the pot." Naruto said.

Sasuke was surprised, his lowered gaze was raised to glance at Naruto at this moment: "Why, do you want to do such a thing?"

You are going to pry away your future wife, this is beyond words.

Naruto thought for a while and said with a smile: "I have been an orphan since I was a child. You, a little later than me, also became an orphan. I think our experience is quite similar. Of course, you are better than me. At least, you are still I have had the experience of being accompanied by my family, and I have been alone since the day I was born."

Sasuke was silent, and passed for a long time; "You are wrong, because you have family members, and you have experienced the beauty of family members. After this beauty is destroyed, the pain will be more intense."

"Maybe, but what you can't deny is that you once had it, but I never did." Naruto said.

Sasuke was speechless.

Can't tell who is more painful, than miserable?Both of them are miserable, okay?

Naruto untied his apron, went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, and was ready to go home when he was done. He came here to spend the night, and at other times he still had to stay at his own home or go to Konoha Houshan to exercise.


Hearing Sasuke's voice, Naruto stepped back and looked at the dining table. There was a pair of chopsticks on the table at some point, and there was half a bowl of noodles in the bowl, half of which were tomatoes, barbecued pork, and poached eggs.

Sasuke didn't raise his head, and just ate his half bowl of noodles without saying a word.

Naruto couldn't help laughing, why did he have a sense of déjà vu when he was facing the Kurama? Speaking of which, did Sasuke feel a little duplicity?

Hearing Naruto's laughter, Sasuke looked over coldly, his expression was indeed cruel, but if he didn't blush, there would be no flaws at all.

Sasuke's skin was very fair, and even a little red on his face could be clearly seen, and there was no way to hide it.

"I'm starting." Naruto kicked off his shoes, sat at the dining table, opposite to Sasuke, picked up the bowl and devoured it, and finished it quickly.

After washing his own bowl and chopsticks, he said goodbye to Sasuke and left.

Sasuke ate very slowly. There was nothing left of noodles and soup. After eating, he clasped his hands together, whispered to himself thank you for the hospitality, and washed it in the kitchen sink.

What kind of feeling is this?Sasuke couldn't tell, as if he had been alone all this time, and suddenly found that there was another person beside him, someone who understood him.

"Naruto?" Sasuke shook his head and continued with today's practice.

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