On the other hand, Naruto returned home, hid the crystal ball, followed him to the back mountain, and thought about how to chase Sakura for Ino, create opportunities, and match them up.

No matter what the result is, it is still necessary to put on a show, otherwise Ino may not admit it.

He conceived a few prototypes, but felt unsatisfied. Naruto temporarily suppressed it, ready to discuss it with Ino, and turned to devote himself to beating the shadow clone and improving the system value.

"Character; Naruto Uzumaki

Forbearance; 50257

body; 50273

phantom; 50132"

That's all the catch these days.

Forbearance value, [-]% damage avoidance, [-]% base defense increase, of which, the latter is doubled, which becomes [-]% base resistance increase.

The body value is the same as the ninja value, the magic value is a little bit worse, and the basic defense is only doubled.

This is also related to the fact that Sakura's Spiritualization Technique can't last too long, otherwise the promotion will be faster.

Of course the changes don't stop there.

Ninja, Body, Magic, the extra multiplication sign behind the three values ​​means doubling, and every time you level up, you will get a skill point, and you can use this skill point to upgrade the skills you have already acquired.

Provocation, shield, blood recovery, rampage, these four are primary skills, one skill point can be upgraded to intermediate level, and like intermediate anti-injury, when the number of skill points increases to five, the plus sign displayed behind means that it can be upgraded .

Of course Naruto chose it without hesitation.

The primary anti-injury is to rebound [-]% of the damage, the intermediate level is [-]%, and the advanced anti-injury is [-]% without accident, which is nearly half.

And Naruto discovered that this is not the limit, there is a higher level of anti-injury, it is estimated that it should rebound [-]% of the damage.

It's scary enough to think about it. Any force that hits the body, as long as the anti-injury is turned on, no matter how big or small, it will directly return half of the damage.

And this is real damage that cannot be defended against.

I don't know if I can kill her by insisting on Kaguya Otsutsuki's set of Yashigami empty strike?

Anti-death is impossible, and serious injuries should not be a problem.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sakura and Ino came earlier today, after nine o'clock, almost ten o'clock.

As soon as Sakura came, she did a simple warm-up exercise, and then she couldn't wait to fight with Naruto.

Taking advantage of Sakura's full attention here and no time to look at others, the shadow clones all around are also helping to cover, and a shadow clone is crawling forward, quietly approaching Ino.

Ino's expression was not very natural. She glanced at Sakura, who was invisible among the crowd of shadows, and slipped to the back of the tree, out of sight.

"doing what?"

"Of course I was discussing how to chase after Sakura. Did you forget what I said yesterday?" the shadow clone, that is, Naruto said.

"Oh." Ino looked back with a guilty conscience, and said in a small voice, "What do you think? I'm completely hopeless."

"If you want to succeed, first of all you must not give up hope." Naruto said: "Even you are bent like this, Sakura, you can still bend if you want to."

It was the first time Ino heard of the word bend, but he also knew what Naruto was referring to, and his face turned red, feeling very embarrassed.

"Do you spend a lot of time alone together?" Naruto said: "Emotions can be cultivated slowly. After the test of courage, you left early. Sakura told me at the time that you are a princess and she is an ugly duckling. And in her heart, you occupy a very important position, so I don't think you have no chance at all."

"Really? Did Sakura say that?" Ino was taken aback, not looking very happy.

"What's wrong?" Naruto wondered.

"Sakura, she was ridiculed by other classmates because of her wide forehead since she was a child, and she has feelings of inferiority. Although I think her wide forehead is beautiful, I also said the same thing. The words of those classmates still caused it in her heart. Some injuries and shadows." Ino whispered: "Sakura has always worked hard and paid silently, but even so, the influence she had when she was a child still exists. She has more or less inferiority complex in her heart. I I don't want her to be like this, she is already very amazing, better than me, Hinata, and many girls, even boys will be dumbfounded by the effort she puts in, she shouldn't feel inferior at all, she, She is no longer an ugly duckling, but a real princess."

"Whether it belongs to the ugly duckling or the princess, it doesn't matter, what matters is how you take her down." Naruto said: "I thought of a way, I went to book a shop at noon, direct a scene, and make a lucky draw." The event, through a secret operation, allows you and Sakura to be drawn, and it is stated that it is a couple event, and you can get the corresponding prizes after completing the challenge, the challenge is to kiss here, here, and here."

Seeing Naruto pointing at his forehead, cheeks, and mouth, Ino fantasized for a while, and had to say, it moved her heart. However, thinking of Sakura's liking, love, and devotion to Naruto, she dispelled her selfish thoughts.

"Well, just do as you said. Before that, I need to know the detailed process of the black box operation."

Naruto didn't doubt that he was there, but it was purely because Ino was afraid of his hands and feet, so he didn't trust him, so he wanted to make sure and come in person.

After discussing the plan, this shadow clone will be released on its own initiative.

Over there, after digesting the memories of Naruto's main body, he created more than a dozen shadow clones to specialize in this matter.


At Naruto's invitation, the three of them went to a vegetarian cafeteria in the east of the village.

Naruto turned into a girl with blond hair and twin ponytails.

Ino followed the waiter transformed by the shadow avatar to the next door, learned the steps of the whole black-box operation, and under the guidance of the shadow avatar, he quickly understood how to control the nodes of the lottery machine.

Wave your hand to let the shadow clone go away, don't disturb her.

After the shadow clone left, Ino stood there for a long time.

Thinking of the little things with Sakura, Sakura's laugh, Sakura's cry, and Sakura's support, finally, with trembling hands, she grabbed the control lever.

"Guests, please be quiet and give us a little time. There will be a lucky draw next. Two people, that is, a couple, will be randomly selected to participate in our happiness challenge." The owner of the cafeteria and The manager enthusiastically appeared in the middle of the restaurant, holding a loudspeaker and said, "There are three kinds of challenges in total, one is to kiss the forehead, the other is to kiss the cheek, and the third is to kiss the mouth. The rewards are [-], [-], And the final prize, [-]."

"No way, isn't this a free gift?" Sakura, who was eating steamed glutinous rice cakes, said in surprise and almost choked.

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