It's impossible to break into it. This is the home of the woman. You try to break into it. It's too disrespectful to the other party.

Since Hinata didn't come out to see him, Naruto can basically be sure that what happened at noon has already spread in Konoha.

The only thing to blame is that he is too famous. The entire Konoha, perhaps Hokage, is more famous than him. The other Junin, in terms of popularity, are not even worthy of carrying his shoes.

Naruto also noticed that the two guards looked at him more indifferently than before, as if they were looking at a heartless person, a liar, or trash.

Naruto squatted down and began to grind his fingernails and toenails out of habit. Because the toenails were not as fast as his hands, he didn't grind them often, and he only went after them when they were longer.

Time passed, about four hours passed, and it was half past six in the evening, at dusk.

Naruto, who heard movement at the door, turned his head to look.

I saw Hinata walking out slowly with a vegetable basket full of ingredients under the greeting of the guard, and Huahuo following behind, hugging the shadow clone that turned into Pikachu, walking in step.

"Hinata." Naruto immediately stood up and greeted him.

Hinata glanced at Naruto, pursed her lips, walked through Naruto and left without saying a word.

When Naruto catches up, Hinata will speed up. When Naruto speaks, Hinata simply becomes a runner, without giving Naruto a chance to explain, which is troublesome.

After walking for a while, Hanabi, who was on par with Naruto, poked Naruto's arm.

"Brother Naruto, my sister cried, my father was very angry, and my favorite tea set was broken. Of course, I was also very angry. Why did I do such a thing? I will not forgive those who hurt my sister."

Whilst speaking in a low voice, at the same time, Hanabi raised her small pink fist and greeted Naruto vigorously.

Naruto was silent.

When he got home, Hinata took the key to open the door, went into the kitchen alone, and before Naruto could enter, he closed and locked the door behind his back.

Hanabi puffed up her face, she didn't want to look at Naruto, and went to play in the living room by herself.

Naruto held his forehead and rubbed his eyebrows, he couldn't delay any longer, if he continued to procrastinate, it would only make the relationship and the atmosphere more rigid, and it would make Hinata even more uncomfortable.

Making up his mind, Naruto went out through the window, walked close to the wall, walked around from the south-facing balcony, and came to the north-facing kitchen.

Chakra emerged, making the nails cut like iron, and easily smashed the wire of the kitchen window, and then drilled through the small window.

Hinata, who was washing vegetables in front of the sink, lost her mind, was startled when she heard the sound, and turned her head to look; "Naru! Naruto!"

"Can you listen to my explanation?" Naruto asked.

Hinata shook her head silently.

"You don't want to hear my explanation?"

Hinata lowered her head, her wet hands were nervously and tangled together.

"I, I believe you. No, I saw it with my own eyes. I believe you." Hinata whispered; "Those are just rumors. I was scared at first, but I believe you."

"It's true. It may be exaggerated because of the rumors. I did kiss Sakura, um."

Hearing Naruto's confession, Hinata's legs were so weak that she couldn't stand up, and she held on to the sink beside her to stabilize herself. Now she couldn't control herself and cried, and the tears stained her makeup.

It was only then that Naruto discovered that in order to hide the red corners of his eyes from crying, Hinata specially put on makeup on the corners of the eyes, showing that he had never cried, but now, this cover-up is meaningless.

Due to her personality, even if Hinata cried, she sobbed softly, standing there motionless.

"The fact happened like this, and I have no excuse to argue." Naruto said: "Why did it happen, I'm sorry, I made an agreement with one person to help her keep the secret and not let the third person know, but please believe me. Absolutely no idea of ​​betraying you, not a single bit, I, love you, you, in my loneliest time, appeared in my life, helped me, supported me, I want to marry you, live with you Children, then, grow old together."

Hinata was stunned, her delicate face froze, and she stared blankly at Naruto.

When such a thing happened, Hinata's mind froze and she couldn't react for a while without saying the specific reason, but directly making such a confession.

Normally, if Naruto said these words, she would be so happy that she would faint, but now, some are just confused and complicated.

After an unknown period of time, Hinata calmed down a little, and she washed her face to make herself more conscious.

"Keeping a secret, for whom?"


"What kind of secret?"

"I helped her finish one thing, and she kept a distance from me, and after that thing was done, she gave up on me."

At this time, Hinata completely let go of her shyness. She looked at Naruto seriously, to make sure that the person she liked since she was a child was not lying to her.

Naruto looked at her calmly, not guilty at all.

Originally, he had no intention of betraying Hinata, so why should he feel guilty?

What happened this time was purely accidental. That fellow Ino got confused and got the serial number wrong.

This also made Naruto deeply realize a truth, he is not afraid of a god opponent, but a pig teammate, and it just so happens that Ino is a pig, and a proper pig teammate does not explain.

Any plans in the future, he must personally check, and never let the accident happen again.

Looking at each other for about twelve minutes, Naruto didn't look left or right, and his eyes didn't dodge. Gradually, Hinata couldn't stand it anymore. She looked away, and her heartbeat gradually accelerated.

"I, I believe in you."

With sincerity, Naruto gained Hinata's trust, and Hinata also believed in her own eyesight, she did not misjudge the person, Naruto, is worth entrusting her life to someone.

Living together in the future, there will definitely be many misunderstandings and difficulties. If there is a lack of trust, then this relationship must be difficult to last for a long time.

Although there are still many questions, such as why go to that restaurant?Why would it be like Sakura?What's the secret with Ino?

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