Here Hinata chooses to trust her intuition.

Naruto did not lie to her, did not apologize to her, did not betray her.

Putting down the many thoughts in her heart, Hinata stepped back, leaning her back against the door panel, raised her head, and closed her eyes.

Knowing what this meant, Naruto stepped forward, gently pinched Hinata's chin with his right hand, leaned forward, and pressed it against it.

living room.

With her eyes open, Hanabi was seeing everything in her eyes, her small face was flushed with shyness, knowing that she shouldn't look too much, she hurriedly closed her eyes, and continued to play the chase game with the shadow clone that turned into Pikachu.

"Brother Naruto is so powerful, I, my father can't do anything to comfort her, but he brought my sister back to normal with just a few words, this is the power of love?" Huahuo thought to himself.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At the dining table, Hinata quietly peeled lobsters for Naruto, removed crabs, and picked fish bones, blushing.

A very important point.

The two no longer sat face to face, but sat side by side.

The last time I learned Flying Thunder God, there were Sakura and Ino present. Hinata could only sit beside Naruto. Normally, Hinata would not dare to get so close to Naruto because of her shyness.

Now that she is sitting here, the meaning is self-evident.

On the one hand, Hinata's shyness is no longer an obstacle for her to get close to Naruto, on the other hand, it is also the most intuitive expression of her heart getting closer to Naruto.

Sitting alone opposite, with his chin resting on the table, he looked at Naruto, then at his sister Hanabi, and suddenly said: "Sister, I also want to have someone I like, like Naruto-sama."

Naruto's stomach was full from eating, but seeing Hinata peeling the lobster happily and happily, he still insisted on continuing to eat.

Isn't it just a stomach?It's not bad, at most it's a little uncomfortable.

Hearing what Huahuo said, his eyes lit up, and he took the opportunity to put down his chopsticks.

"If you want someone you like, it's easy to do. Go to the ninja school. There are many excellent seedlings there. You may not be able to find someone as good as me, but it's okay to find someone who is less good."

After Hanabi, it seems to be a pair with Konoha Maru?Wouldn't it be wonderful to let her go to school, have a relationship with Konoha Maru in advance, and cultivate a relationship since childhood?

"Brother Naruto, isn't he the tail of the crane?" Huahuo said, "The second to last in the class should be stronger than you, right?"

"Naruto just spent all his time on his own training and practice, ignoring the knowledge in school, Naruto is very powerful." Hinata said; "I, Neji brother, are far from Naruto's opponent , Do you understand? You can no longer say that Naruto is the tail of the crane."

Hanabi pouted, and as soon as Naruto was involved, the elder sister was very biased. Who is the family after all? The elder sister's arms turned outward, which was too much.

"Then if you are so good, why did you do so poorly in school? It doesn't matter if you get a high score in the written test, and you won't be the tail of the crane." Pretending not to see the restraint in her sister's eyes, Hanabi asked curiously.

She often competes with her elder sister in actual combat. In her eyes, her elder sister is an insurmountable mountain. With her current strength, no matter how hard she tries, she cannot win.

But Naruto was able to defeat his sister, possessed such great strength, and deliberately pretended to be the tail of a crane, what was he thinking?

"Really, you go to the living room to play, don't disturb Naruto's dinner." Hinata said.

After finally getting closer to Naruto, she sweetly wants to be alone with Naruto for a while now. This sister has no eyesight at all, so she would not have brought her if she had known.

"Cough cough, don't bother me." Naruto said quickly, he wanted to rest his stomach now, and felt like he would throw up if he ate any more.

"Why do I deliberately pretend to be the tail of a crane even though I am very powerful?" Naruto said, "The reason is actually very simple. Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, you think I am weak and stupid, and you despise me and don't put me on the top of the list." In my eyes, when a battle breaks out, I may suddenly fight back. Of course, if you meet those who are cautious and never underestimate people, or who are much stronger than you and are not in the same dimension, then pretend It doesn’t make sense for a pig to eat a tiger, not only does the tiger not eat it, but you really become a pig yourself.”

Huahuo was taken aback when he heard that.

Hinata thought about it.

The education I received since I was a child is to be the first, to be the strongest, and to strive for fame and fortune.

Hinata doesn't have that ability, otherwise, under the request of her father, she will definitely strive to be the first in the class, the first in the whole grade, and even the first in the school.

"Speaking of which, my father seems to have said that I will go to ninja school this year." Huahuo said, "I am like this too, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, is it okay?"

In the plot, Hanabi did not go to school, because Hinata was abandoned, and Hanabi inherited the family instead.

Now, because of Naruto's sparring partner, Hinata wants to perform better and better in front of Naruto, that is to redouble his efforts and act decisively. In the sparring with Hanabi, he never holds back and is better than Hanabi .

Therefore, it is still Hinata who inherits the main family, and Hanabi, of course, no longer needs to stay at home to receive education, and can go to ninja school, just like other children of the same age.

"Uh, then I think your father will be so depressed that he wants to hit the wall." Naruto said awkwardly.

The eldest daughter Hinata is at the end of the crane at school, and the younger daughter goes to the end of the crane. This is a dignified Hinata family, the strongest family in Konoha, and the two daughters of the clan?

"Naruto is because of a special situation, so don't imitate him." Hinata said: "Just perform according to your best standards."

Seeing that Hanabi still wanted to say something, Hinata glared at her, not forgetting to cover it with her hand, for fear of being seen by Naruto.

Huahuo wilted and slipped into the living room dejectedly.

When the sparks were blown away, Hinata coughed dryly, her face was reddish, and she handed the freshly peeled big lobster to Naruto's mouth.


Did Hinata have a misunderstanding?Could it be that she thought that other people could eat like her?

Seeing Hinata's hopeful expression, the corners of Naruto's mouth twitched, he pressed down on his stomach without a trace, and opened his mouth to eat.

"Eat more, you will be healthy if you are full." Hinata Nuo said.

"My body is actually pretty good." Naruto said.

"It can be better." Hinata said: "The body needs to be repaired from a young age, otherwise it may be too late to make up in the future."

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