Standing by the side, Sakura, who was puzzled throughout the whole process, heard the words, and said understandingly: "Ah, I suddenly remembered something, you two talk slowly."

After all, Sakura exited the ward and closed the door, feeling extremely puzzled, Naruto whispered to Ino, this time Hinata asked Ino to talk alone.

In the ward.

Hinata didn't stand still, she moved a stool and sat down, thinking about it.

Ino's curiosity, suspicion, and many thoughts emerged, and he said, "Come to me if you have any difficulties, and I will help you solve them. Please don't pester Naruto anymore."

The opening sentence made Ino confused; "What do you mean?"

"The agreement between you and Naruto, if he helps you achieve it, you will give up on him, which proves that your love for him is at best like this." Hinata said: "Don't continue to trouble Naruto, I will help you, In this village, I believe that the Hyuga clan can solve most difficult problems."

Ino frowned.

Not seeing Ino's answer, Hinata continued: "I, for Naruto, can give up inheriting the clan. I don't want anything in the family. I just stay with him. Do you understand what I mean? Without Naruto, I will be abandoned sooner or later." , everything now is obtained with Naruto’s encouragement and support, for him, I don’t feel bad at all if I lose it again.”

The implication is that no matter what the difficulty is, as long as you bring it up, in order to make Ino stop pestering Naruto, and to let Ino, who can give up Naruto because of other things, give up Naruto in advance, Hinata will go all out to help her at all costs achieved.

Naruto abided by the agreement and kept the secret for Ino, and Hinata started directly from the source of this secret, Ino.

"Naruto, didn't I confess to you?" Ino's expression was very strange.

"No, he said this is an agreement with you, and told me part of the conditions for the termination of this agreement." Hinata said: "Don't let the third person know, help you achieve a difficult task, you give up Naruto, and , You are not allowed to get close to him until it is achieved, keep a safe distance."

Carefully observe Ino's expression.

Although Hinata is willing to believe in Naruto, she is not stupid, not stupid, or blindly believing.

It is the master who came to Ino to resolve this agreement, but it is a little bit to determine whether Naruto has lied to deceive her.

Naruto didn't lie, of course Hinata would be happy and happy.

In case Naruto lied about this matter, Hinata would first look for problems in herself, is there something wrong with her?I failed to keep Naruto's heart, and tried to improve and become better, and then silently observed Naruto.

Judgment, determine whether Naruto likes her, loves her, and then, based on observations, decide on countermeasures.

"I didn't expect him to be so trustworthy." Ino said with complicated eyes.

She suffered from insomnia last night, on the one hand because she was misunderstood by Sakura for falling in love with Naruto, on the other hand, she was just thinking about this, Naruto would confess to Hinata.

Naruto said that Hinata is not a person with a big mouth and can't hide secrets, but they are rivals in love, and there is no need to be surprised at what they will do.

Hinata can pretend to be talking in her sleep, or she can accidentally say something, and she wants to reveal this secret, there are not too many ways.

If the target is Sakura, Ino will not worry about it, but for Hinata, it is not certain, because she and Hinata are not familiar with each other, and they have nothing to do with each other, so they don't understand at all.

Ino was thinking all night, the secret of her liking for Sakura was revealed, how should she explain it to Sakura?How to remedy?Can you still maintain the current sister relationship with Sakura?

Thinking of the pain in the head, I couldn't think of a way.

After learning about this matter, three outcomes may occur.

The first is that Sakura felt disgusted, refused without hesitation, and said that she would sever the relationship and never see each other again.

In the second case, Sakura expresses her understanding, and we will still be good sisters in the future, and the relationship will not go further, but it will not deteriorate.

The third type is that Sakura confessed that she also likes Ino, and she has been yearning and admiring since she was a child, and the two have been together since then, living a happy life.

Well, Ino admits that the third type is her too optimistic and delusional.

Sakura loves Naruto so much, how could she suddenly change her mind?

She was terrified all night, but unexpectedly, Naruto was willing to keep the secret for her.

At the moment when Hinata misunderstood him, he still insisted on not saying anything.

For the first time, Ino changed his mind about Naruto.

"That rascal"

Why is there a feeling of being saved?Ino held his heart.

She had been worried all night, and had already imagined the worst outcome, but the twists and turns turned out to be like this.

Because of the prejudice he had in the ninja school, Ino has always looked down on Naruto, even after learning that Naruto's strength is far more than what he showed, this mentality has not changed.

It's like looking at people through glasses.

On the one hand, she hinted in her heart that she likes Naruto, and on the other hand, she instinctively rejected Naruto, a sense of contradiction emerged.

At this moment, when the worst situation did not arise, and with the sense of déjà vu that Naruto had saved his life, Ino took this as an opportunity to let go of the prejudice against Naruto that had always existed and was rooted in his heart for the first time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Still a ward.

"What do you think?" Hinata said.

Ino came back to his senses, looked at Hinata suspiciously, and then remembered that there was someone beside him.

Putting aside all the thoughts in her heart for the time being, she shook her head and said, "Sorry, I originally planned to keep this secret until I die. If it wasn't for Naruto who found out, I wouldn't let the second person know. I already have him. The second, then there will be no third party."

Obviously dissatisfied with this answer, Hinata said: "Don't you believe in my family's ability? Financial resources, material resources, manpower, everything, as long as you bring it up, I promise to help you complete it. Anyway, you didn't like Naruto very much. "

In Hinata's view, since Ino is willing to give up Naruto after the matter is done for such an unknown difficulty, it means that this matter is more important to Ino than Naruto.

Can easily give up, let go of love, what kind of love is that?

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