According to what she thought, the conditions she gave would be sure to impress Ino, and she couldn't figure out why Ino would choose to refuse.

"It has nothing to do with financial resources or manpower." Ino said: "No matter how much money you have, you can't help me. Please don't talk about it anymore. I won't agree. Besides, my family is not as good as yours. , but there will be no shortage of money, so don't think too simple."

The conversation ended here, and Hinata left with a heavy heart.

After Hinata left, Sakura sneaked back and asked what Ino was talking about just now, Ino smiled without saying a word, and pointed to the oranges on the bedside table.

"Can't you tell me?" Sakura was puzzled, but she couldn't do anything with Ino.

He took a few oranges to wash, then sat sideways on the side of the hospital bed, peeled them and fed them to Ino.

On the other side, Hinata, who was walking home, was full of thoughts about this matter.

What would be the secret that could make Ino, the eldest lady of the mountain clan, feel embarrassed and decide to die?What could it be?

What made Hinata even more confused was how did Naruto know such an important secret?

"The way of Ino is not going to work, then" Hinata thought to herself, looking intently, the place she was looking at was

The time came to around nine forty in the morning.

Hinata came to the back mountain of Konoha with her big and small bags on her back.

As early as the moment he saw Hinata coming to the foot of the mountain, a shadow clone disappeared, letting Naruto know this.

After Hinata went up the mountain, Naruto stopped being unilaterally beaten by shadow clones and changed to a real battle.

The shadow clone, which inherited part of his defensive power, is particularly resistant to blows. Ordinary punches and kicks are not painful, but they need to use strange strength to blow them up. The battle is extremely fierce.

"Hinata, why do you want to come to my side today?" Naruto asked curiously when he came to Hinata's side to fight on their own and increase their combat experience to a certain extent.

Hinata came to him to train and practice together, before graduation.

After becoming Genin, everyone belongs to different classes. Hinata has to perform tasks with his teammates and complete the daily practice at home. There is no time during the day, and he will cook for Naruto at night.

"Hanabi is preparing to go to the ninja school. Brother Neji is on a mission, and I practice alone at home. Well, just, come over here." Hinata said, with a somewhat embarrassed expression.


When going out, Hanabi was still pestering her to practice together, and Neji didn't go on a mission, and he and his teammate Xiao Li were practicing desperately every day.

Anyway, this is an excuse, an excuse to stay with Naruto during the day.

"Really? Then let's work hard together." Naruto clenched his fists and smiled without doubting him.

Hinata lowered her head guiltily and pointed her fingers together.

"What are these?" Naruto looked at the large and small bags that Hinata brought.

Hearing this, Hinata squatted down and opened one of them, which contained vegetables wrapped in fresh-keeping bags, and opened the others one after another.

There are fruits, seafood, beef and mutton, all of which are the freshest, brought by Hinata from the kitchen at home.

"Not only dinner, lunch is also very important." Hinata said.

"That's it." Naruto suddenly said: "Of course I can feast on my mouth, but you?"

"I like this." Hinata said; "And that breakfast, if possible, let me come too."

Naruto was silent as he looked down at sorting out these ingredients, taking them out, and sorting them neatly.

He upset Hinata.

Hinata suddenly proposed to do so many things, there must be a reason, and the root of all this, in the final analysis, lies in him.

While muttering, Naruto bent down, and the princess picked up Hinata.

Not expecting this to happen at all, Hinata was stunned, and blushed at an extremely fast speed; "Ming, ming, ming, Naruto!"

"How can I reassure you? I don't quite understand. I can roughly guess what you are worried about. Don't worry." Naruto laughed and said, "I don't like Ino, absolutely, Naruto, I like Hinata ,is this OK?"

The sound that rang right next to her ear, and the heat, made Hinata flush.

Any worries, any troubles, any worries, were all buried by shyness and joy, and washed away in a mess.

The shyness was too high, Hinata's eyes darkened, and she fell into a coma.


He also said that just holding Hinata in his arms to go around Konoha, unexpectedly Hinata fell into a coma first.

Put down Hinata and pinch him.

Hinata wakes up Yoyo, looking at the things in front of her in confusion, recalling what happened just now, her fair face flushed again, and covered her face with her hands, not daring to look at Naruto.

Knowing that it is not suitable to speak now, to prevent Hinata from fainting again, Naruto let him know, and walked to the other side to practice his practice.

Hinata separated her fingers, observed carefully through the gaps between her fingers, and made sure that Naruto didn't pay attention to this side anymore. She slowed down her breathing and calmed her heartbeat.

"The more I think, the more I do. Isn't it just the performance of doubting Naruto? If you believe in him, if you really believe in him, you shouldn't think about it at all."

Calm down a little bit, Hinata thought to herself, and couldn't help but blame herself.

But it was also because she cared too much about Naruto, thinking that Naruto had a secret agreement with Ino that she didn't know about, it felt like a thorn in her heart, and she was even more afraid that Naruto would fall in love with Ino.

You know, Si Ino is so lively, cheerful, beautiful and generous, and his family conditions are very good, you can't find a reason to reject the other party.

"Naruto already knew the reason why I came here, and even said that, I" Hinata clenched her fists.

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