Trust, she wants to give Naruto trust, there should be no suspicion, even more so, trust is needed to maintain relationships.

At noon, Hinata picked up vegetables, meat, seafood, shrimps and crabs for Naruto, and whispered her decision.

As long as it remains the same, she will work harder, work harder to improve and strengthen herself.

"You can do whatever you think is good, no matter what you think, I will support you." Naruto said.

Hinata blushed and smiled brightly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Two days later.

Ino was discharged from the hospital.

As early as the day Tsunade treated her, she could actually be discharged from the hospital and chose to raise her at home, but her parents were worried and asked her to spend a few days in the hospital on a bottle.

When she got home, her mother made her a big and delicious lunch.

Ino couldn't wait to wash his hands, picked up the chopsticks and prepared to eat. Before eating, he said "I like Uzumaki Naruto" to himself ten times before moving the chopsticks.

After moving a few times, Ino froze, his expression somewhat unnatural.

After the meal, I moved my body a little bit, read a handsome man's magazine for a while, and saw that the time was just right, so I wanted to take a nap.

For the past few days, Sakura has been with her in the hospital, and she didn't go to see Naruto. There are a lot of things to do next, and she needs to recharge her energy so that she can help Sakura with all her strength.

Close your eyes, before going to sleep, silently say "I like Uzumaki Naruto" a hundred times in your heart.

There was a slight snoring, and Ino's breathing slowed down.

Not long after, she woke up suddenly, got up suddenly, and sat on the bed blankly.

"What's wrong with me? Something's wrong, something's wrong, why is Naruto all over my head?" Ino held his head, changed his sleeping position from lying on his back to lying on his stomach, and kept bumping his head against the soft pillow.

"I like Uzumaki Naruto, no, I like handsome guys, huh? Isn't Naruto handsome?" Ino thought for a while.

She promised Sakura, pretending to like Naruto, and when she confessed to Naruto, Naruto had a bald head and dirty clothes, so the initial image was terrible.

But now, Naruto's hair has grown a little, and it has become a flat head. Coupled with eating and drinking every day, Naruto's stature is also growing very fast. Sunshine loves to laugh and is loyal to his feelings.

For the advantages of Naruto, because of the prejudice that has always existed, Ino did not discover it, or discovered it, but automatically ignored it, and chose to forget it.

And a few days ago, I learned from Hinata that Naruto did not tell the third person the agreement with her, and he kept the agreement very well.

In fact, there is nothing to do with this matter, isn't it just keeping promises?This is one of the most basic requirements of being a human being.

Normally, Ino would at most just smile, give a thumbs up and say a few words of praise, and it's over.

But this time is different.

The night before learning that Naruto kept his promise, Ino worried and worried about it all night, apprehensive, scared, and prepared for the worst, but was told that Naruto kept his promise.

Even if she was misunderstood by Hinata, she still guarded the agreement for her, which was related to the sisterhood between her and Sakura.

Indescribable, unspeakable subtle thoughts quietly emerged in the bottom of my heart, and they exploded like a volcanic eruption out of control.

Ino, she let go of the prejudice against Naruto from the ninja school.

Without the barrier of this prejudice, the advantages and characteristics that were subconsciously ignored in the past, including the hints these days, all burst out violently.

It was only then that Ino discovered that Naruto had been deeply involved in her life since she agreed to Sakura to pretend to like Naruto, bit by bit, it became a habit, an instinct.

"No, Sakura likes Naruto very much, I, I can't." Ino covered his face, closed his eyes, all he was thinking about was Naruto, when he opened his eyes, Naruto was on his mind again.

Oops, the fake has come true.

"Why did this happen to me?" Ino sighed, lying on his side.

During the two days in the hospital, she consciously chose to get rid of the habit of missing Naruto and meditating on my liking for Uzumaki Naruto.

Often when I relax, I can't help but subconsciously recite silently.

As soon as she could think about anything else, Naruto's figure would jump out and occupy her.

Really unable to fall asleep, Ino turned his head and looked out the window, and found that the sky was very blue, and there were white clouds in the blue sky.

What made Ino dumbfounded and dumbfounded was that she actually regarded Yun Duo as Naruto, but it was indeed very similar, with a round face, six beards, and a good-looking smile.

"No no no, it's not good-looking at all, it's super ugly, it's super ugly." Ino slapped himself on the forehead, quickly withdrew his thoughts of looking at clouds and delusions, and turned to look back into the room.

His eyes fell on a poster of a handsome man on the wall.

It was a limited-edition poster launched by the magazine, not for sale, it was randomly selected among the many readers who replied to the letter, and the number of copies was ten.

Ino is one of these ten lucky readers.

On this poster stood twelve of the magazine's most popular handsome men, each more handsome than the other, making all the girls and women including Ino coveted.

But Ino knew that these beautiful men were all Naruto, and that guy, who somehow thought of it, actually used this method to make money.

"If you get Naruto, does that mean you get these handsome men?" Ino murmured.

When it was over, I was taken aback by my own thoughts, why did I miss Naruto again, and there was no end to it.

Get out of bed, tear off this beloved poster, fold it carefully and put it away, then put all the handsome men's magazines that have been collected all the time into the cardboard box, and push it under the bed.

"Okay, seal up everything related to Naruto, so that he won't be everywhere." Ino clapped his hands and smiled with satisfaction.

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