"Do you like places with many people or places with few people?" Naruto asked.

"How?" Ino asked suspiciously.

"If you like a lot of people, go to the store, a lively place, if you like few people, go to the alley with no one."

Knowing what Naruto meant, Ino thought that when Naruto went to crowded places, he would use the transformation technique to turn into a girl. How troublesome would that be?And I know roughly what Naruto is going to talk about, so it's not appropriate to go to a crowded place.

Ino chooses few people.

After getting the answer, Naruto took the lead and walked to the place where there were few people.

Because there are few people, it is not cleaned often, it is dark, and there is an unspeakable smell of stinky sewers. Ino holds his nose, feeling that the place is very dirty and there is nowhere to go.

"Never been to such a place?" Naruto asked.

Ino En.

"I quite like it." Naruto said: "Because no one comes to this kind of place, when I pass by, no one will look at me with cold and disgusting eyes, and no one will point, scold me, take me Throw things at me, hit me."

I also want to say that Naruto's hobbies are really special. Hearing this afterword, Ino felt like a stick in his throat.

How Naruto came here since he was a child, the whole Konoha, I believe that the three generations of Hokage know best, including the secret surveillance, protecting Naruto's Anbu.

Across the road, to the inside, a drafty corner, the smell is better here.

"You've just been discharged from the hospital, so don't force yourself to continue to connect with your spirit." Naruto said straight to the point: "In order to get rid of these troublesome things as soon as possible, next, I will try my best to create as much solitude as possible for you and Sakura. Opportunities, opportunities for intimacy, and some small accidents, or small surprises, you just cooperate with me, don’t think about anything if you don’t cooperate well, and listen to my arrangements.”

"Sorry." Ino said, "I've caused you trouble, thank you for continuing to help me."

"I don't want to help either. If you are willing to give up on me now, stay away from me, and don't let Sakura take this as a condition in exchange for teaching Hinata Fei Leishen, I will never come to see you." Naruto said: "You Can you give up on me?"

Ino shook his head.

Naruto held his forehead, and said with a headache: "So, helping me is also helping myself. Hurry up and complete this agreement. You go and talk to Sakura, and I can also explain to Hinata."

Once Ino is really with Sakura, there is no need to keep this matter a secret, and he can tell Hinata completely.

"Thank you." Ino said; "I didn't tell Hinata this secret, I thought you would confess to me in order to clear up Hinata's misunderstanding."

Seeing Ino looking at him gratefully, Naruto realized something was wrong, and quickly said: "How do you know? No, I think you misunderstood something."

Now it's not about how Ino knew, but how to reduce Ino's favorability towards him, it is best to make Ino hate him and be disappointed in himself.

It would be perfect if Ino could give up on himself in advance.

Thinking of this, Naruto said coldly: "At the beginning, I thought of two explanations. If the first Hinata can't accept it, I will confess you. I didn't expect Hinata to be so innocent and easy to deceive, so she believed me so easily. , and cook for me with a happy and sweet face, and feed me."

Should I hate it now?

Not only am I going to confess you, but I also describe Hinata as a simple and easy-to-deceive girl, a scumbag like me, give up on me, and be disappointed in me.


That's it?Naruto was stunned, how could Ino's reaction be so flat.

Seeing Naruto's surprised expression with a bit of a dumbfounded expression, Ino's face was normal, and he felt happy.

If she still can't see that Naruto is deliberately smearing herself and wanting to disappoint her, then she is really too stupid.

No matter how Naruto smeared himself with so many routines, Ino just listened to it, and he was right.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A deserted alley.

Naruto rubbed his eyebrows and walked back and forth.

Ino was standing not far away, pretending to be looking at other places, secretly looking at Naruto with beautiful eyes.

This person, once he has a prejudice in his heart, no matter how he looks at it, it is not pleasing to the eye, and his advantages can also be regarded as disadvantages.

And if this prejudice is gone, and before that, a lot of hints have been made, which means that you like the other party, then the advantages will be multiplied, and the shortcomings in the past will be transformed into advantages.

It's like having a beauty camera.

After watching for a while, Ino, who realized what he was doing, slapped his forehead, rubbed the center of his brows in distress, and unconsciously began to imitate Naruto, walking back and forth.

"There are too many people in the village, and there are ninjas everywhere, and there is a time limit. If you have to go home, no matter how good the atmosphere is, it will be ruined." Naruto didn't pay attention to Ino's weird behavior, he said while thinking : "First of all, you have to leave this big environment, you go to pick up a task suitable for the two of you to complete, and then ask Sakura."

"For this task, no one else is there. Just the two of you, uh, let's set it as a collection, collection task. In this way, there will be a lot of time to use on the way to go, on the way to perform the task, and on the way back."

"Didn't Sakura get into the habit of kissing you often? This time, if you kiss her, it will be more intimate. Intimacy will make her blush and shy, and the probability of you succeeding in taking her will be greater. What do you think?"

When Naruto didn't get an answer, Naruto turned his head and saw Ino walking up and down with him, with a sad face after he finished.

Raising his hand, he wanted to blow Ino's head, and then thought that such an action was inappropriate, so Naruto stretched out his hand and shook Ino's eyes.

"I, I didn't like Naruto! Really!" Ino, who was out of his mind, subconsciously said while being startled.

"What are you thinking?" Naruto's face was black; "And what you just said, really?"

If this is the case, then it would be great, just get rid of Ino and hurry up to practice.

"No, I" Ino was silent for a moment, twitching his face, and said with a stiff smile: "I like you the most, and I can't live without you. Every day when I sleep and wake up, the first thing I think of is you, even brushing my teeth, eating , thinking of you too."

Naruto got goosebumps all over his body, and quickly stopped; "Stop talking!"

Ino was embarrassed, shy, distressed, mixed with various emotions.

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