"Did you hear what I just said?" Naruto asked, seeing Ino's bewildered face, he already knew the answer, turned his head and hit the wall more than a dozen times, his head was fine, and the wall was knocked half a meter deep potholes.

"I'll say it again, listen to me, you pig, don't be distracted, I'm here wholeheartedly trying to find a way for you, to give you advice, you're fine, you don't know what you're thinking at all?"

Hearing this, Ino muttered twice indistinctly, but he didn't get distracted anymore, and listened carefully to Naruto's words with his ears up.

After Naruto recounted what he just said, thoughts, plans, Ino couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

This seems to be a good way, a good way to bring Naruto and Sakura together.

But from what Sakura said, Naruto is very against going out of the village to perform the mission, no, it has nothing to do with the mission, Naruto is against leaving the village, how can Naruto go?

"I might screw things up or miss opportunities by myself, can you go together and help me?" Ino said.

"No." Naruto said: "Until my strength rises to my satisfaction, I will not step out of the village."

"But, this is not only helping me, but also helping you. Since you want me to catch up with Sakura quickly, then you should try your best to make this matter more likely to succeed." Ino said: "To be honest Alright, ever since I realized my feelings for Sakura, it is very difficult for me to approach her calmly like before, with such a state of mind, the chances of making things go bad are greater than success.”

"" Naruto; "Then I will send a shadow clone to go with you."

"What's the shadow clone? You come here. Sakura and I are girls, and we are naturally timid. What should we do if we are in danger?"

Ino didn't accept shadow clones or anything like that.

"Uh, I think that danger should be killed by Sakura."

Naruto thought of Sakura's current configuration, Flying Thunder God, and the foul-level spiritual transformation, the possibility of encountering danger is very small, and even if she does, the opponent will be unlucky in front of the spiritual transformation.

The two held their own opinions, and neither could persuade the other.

In the end, Ino resolutely quit. He stomped his feet hard, stepped on a brick covered with moss in the corner, and said angrily: "I don't know what you are worried about. Sakura will fly to Thor. If it is true It's dangerous, you can take us back to the village in a moment, you are too careful."

Naruto pondered.

Ino's words, it's not that he hasn't thought about it. The problem is that Sakura's chakra and his own resistance to ninjutsu may not be able to have an effect on him.

Sakura and Ino may be safe and sound, but he may not be. In case of unlucky encounters with Orochimaru, Akatsuki, or other Gao Zhan from Da Ninja Village, wouldn't he kneel as a helpless Jinchuriki?

"Huh!" Suddenly, Naruto thought of something.

He has Nine-Tails, this Nine-Tails Chakra can still be given to others, Sakura’s Chakra is not enough, so he can give it to Sakura Nine-Tails Chakra, isn’t it all right?

Thinking about it this way, the danger of going out of the village will be greatly reduced, but it still cannot be taken lightly.

Sometimes, you can stand up again after falling down, but sometimes you really fall down, and you can’t get up again, so Naruto needs to plan well to avoid the accident of overturning on him.

"It's not impossible to go out with you. You have to be prepared. You should go and find out with Xiaoying first to see if she is willing. If she refuses, you should ask the reason for the refusal. If you can't solve it, come again." Find me, let's find a way together and try to convince her." Naruto said.

Ino covered his mouth and snickered, would Sakura refuse?Impossible, okay?If Sakura knew about this plan, she would be very happy.

After finishing their business, the two parted ways.

Naruto changed his appearance to buy detonating charms, smoke bombs and other necessities for going out.

Ino rushed to Sakura's house, and found Sakura who had not been separated for a long time. At this time, she was making the pair of ninja gloves for Naruto in the room, while not forgetting to exercise.

"Ino?" Sakura said unexpectedly, "Didn't you just get out of the hospital, do you want to rest at home? Why did you run out again?"

Ino chuckled, put his index finger up in front of his mouth, hissed, and said hello to Sakura's mother who came over, and hurriedly pulled Sakura back to the bedroom.

Here, with a low voice, he said exactly what he had just negotiated with Naruto.

"Really!" Sakura's startled face changed; "No, why? Isn't Naruto unwilling to stay with you? Why is he willing to go on a mission together again?"

"I caught him, how dare he be disobedient?" Ino lied.

Naruto was chasing Sakura for her, this truth, only, must not let Sakura know.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ino, you can go with Naruto by yourself, but you still miss me, I" Sakura lowered her head and grabbed the corner of her clothes; "Stop doing this, you like Naruto too, so you don't have to sacrifice yourself to take care of me." yourself."

The truth is that Naruto agreed to go out because he wanted to help Ino chase Sakura.

Sakura didn't know this, and at the same time, it was impossible for Ino to tell Sakura about this. Misunderstandings occurred, and that was a matter of course.

"Ahem, that, I don't like him." Ino said.

"Say that again." Sakura raised her face, stared at Ino angrily, stepped forward, cupped Ino's face with both hands, put her forehead against her forehead, and looked at each other; "Look into my eyes, can you say that you don't like me?" Like Naruto, but don't have a good impression of Naruto? Look, when you talk about Naruto, your face turns red like this, and you still want to argue? Still don't admit it?"

Being so close to Xiao Ying, the breaths exhaled by each other are entangled, Ino blushed, she said bravely: "I, I, I don't like him, at most, I just have a little liking for him, really just a little bit. "

Not very confident.

Now Ino realized what it meant to shoot himself in the foot.

She was the one who chose to help Sakura.

She also chose to use hints to hint that she likes Naruto.

It was she who chose to spare no effort and tried her best to open up the situation for Sakura.

Now, with this result, she has to eat it or not.

"Ino, thank you for everything you have done for me. We do what we say. We compete fairly. Whoever Naruto chooses will not affect our relationship." Sakura said seriously.

The opportunity is in front of her eyes, Sakura is not willing to give it up, and she is even more unwilling to give it up, and this is what Ino won for her, so she can't afford to hate this rival in love.

Since you can't hate it, let's work hard together.

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